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Die, Alien Scum!

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Everything posted by Die, Alien Scum!

  1. Each show has its own production budget, so it's not a matter of one show taking money from another. I'm sure BSG is just doing the same thing SG-1 has done for years: limiting the amount of money spent on CG and other special effects in the early episodes so that later ones can have some really kick-ass (i.e. expensive) stuff.
  2. Kind of inflated pricing for a used and stickered 1/60, don't ya think? Link
  3. I had a package shipped to me via UPS recently. I checked their website and found that they had marked it as being received. There was no notice on the door and the package was nowhere to be found, so I called my local UPS branch to inquire as to where the driver left it. It was supposed to be on the back porch. My house has no back porch. I told the supervisor that I believed the driver must have either delivered it to the wrong address or mistakenly marked it as delivered. She said that was unlikely and it must be around somewhere, but she would speak about it with the driver when he returned from his deliveries. The next morning, the package is at my front door. As I'm walking it up the stairs, I hear a vehicle pull into the driveway. It's the UPS guy. I'm expecting him to ask if I got the package and apologize for his mistake. Instead, he's pissed that I told his boss I thought he screwed up. I asked him to show me where he put it on my nonexistent back porch. He mumbled something obscene and said he was already behind schedule and he left. Apparently he came out of his way that day simply to berate me. I immediately called the supervisor again and told her what happened. But I didn't tell her I had received the package, since it was obvious the driver didn't deliver it and thus, must be punished for his insolence. The next day, the UPS guy knocked on the door. I didn't answer it. He left a note on the door that said he needed me to sign off on the package as being received. The UPS supervisor called later and left a message on my machine. She said it was very important I sign off on the package. Well, it wasn't important to me, so I didn't reply. Two more days followed this pattern. I finally called the supervisor and told her I had received the package from a kindly neighbor and recommended the driver be fired. In addition, I stated that I would never use UPS again. And I haven't.
  4. At least their not Harmony Gold Veritechs! LOL!
  5. Not trying to flame you man, just thinking that SG1 and SG Atlantis have some huge plotholes. I mean BSG plotholes are alot less glaring than some of the things SG1 has done ( in all fairness, SG1 has been on the air longer with more episodes per season so far, so they had more room to catapult over that giant sharky) Richard Dean Anderson was great for the first half of the series, then you see him clearly want to be off the show in how he portray the character. He's pulled a classic "Mulder" , where the creators have to bend over backwards to accomodate his character arc at the cost of the shows overrall story ( If RDA would have kept up with the show, Don S Davis would probably still be around and he wouldn't have upset the chemistry of the four main castmembers. Then again that might have been a good thing) I mean at least the BSG main cast looks like they want to be on the show. Heck I would have loved it if they closed off the Replicator storyline without making them 'human' instead of the classic Robotix style insects. Or explained how Daniel Jackson 'ascended' and returned without missing a beat. Or why all the aliens look pretty much human and all magically speak English. Or Teal'c losing his gut alien (probably because hes gained like 40 pounds since the start of the show) and now needs regular doses of Jaffa AZT. Guess the Jaffa Jamba Juice does wonders for the hairline too. And soap opera wise, the Carter/O'Neil romance arc is like a train wreck on that show. Or how realistic is sending your A) Overall Base Second in Command from season 1 to season 7 B) Best Scientific Mind C) Only Alien and D) Best Cultural Mind all on the same team on the same dangerous missions show after show after show? I'm not criticizing your enjoyment of SG1, I've watched alot of episodes and like the show myself from time to time, I just can't resolve how SG1 cheese is a different better kind of edible realistic sci fi cheese than Galactica cheese. 321910[/snapback] Believe me, I'm not trying to start a flame war here either. I'm not going to argue very hard in defense of the shows I watch, because well, I watch a lot of cheesy crap. I've seen "SG-1" and "Atlantis" from their respective beginnings and can pick out plot holes left and right, and do so on a regular basis. But the shows have much more fun, dynamic, and interesting stories and characters than BSG. As I stated before, the characters in BSG are unlikeable, mainly due to their utter stupidity. Anyone that ignorant should have been killed in the first wave of the Cylon attack. The only one who seems to have any brains is Gaius, and he's with the bad-guys! One of the main reasons why "SG-1" has so many plot holes is that the show has had so many different writers over the years, it's difficult to keep the plot lines straight. And now, most of the writers and crew members who made "SG-1" a hit work only on "Atlantis". I've already seen a few episodes of "Atlantis" were I say, "I remember when they did that on the other show!" Part of the... charm, for lack of a better word... is that we're taken on a fun ride while the world is going to end for forty minutes, and the team, regardless of show, manages to save the day in the last four minutes of many episodes. And I root for them to save the day because the characters are likeable. You've got the brave hero-type leading the group, the pretty smart girl, the witty smart guy, and the badass alien warrior fighting injustice across the galaxy. In BSG you've got the dumbass soldiers following the dumbass captain's orders while the dumbass president is leading a bunch of dumbass religious followers toward a fate their enemy has already told them about. That's more dumbasses than a Red Foreman rant on "That '70s Show." It's one thing to have a few stupid characters, but when everyone in the cast is an obvious moron, it's hard to have any sympathy for them.
  6. haha... I meant as in other shows. Which other show would you say is better or less annoying as BSG? 321881[/snapback] Well, if it's science fiction, I'll usually give it a try. There are many shows that I just could never get into, like "Star Trek Deep Space Nine", "Star Trek Voyager", "Cleopatra 2525", "Andromeda", "Babylon 5", and even the much-loved "Farscape". The list goes on and on, and I'm sure that I probably missed a lot of good TV by tuning out, but they never really did it for me. But, of course, for all the shows I didn't watch, there were some that were really great. First on the list is "Firefly". That was the best, most-original sci-fi show in a long time and I'm eagerly awaiting "Serenity". As I stated earlier, I'm a fan of the two "Stargate" shows despite their flaws. But it's tough to stop watching when I've been a fan for so many years. I just accept the cheese and go with the flow. I found "Star Trek: The Next Generation" pretty good even though I was never a big "Trek" fan. Another show I liked was cobywan's "Lexx", at least for a while. It got a little too weird and I stopped watching. And I can't leave out the best science fiction cartoon ever created: "Futurama". That show was just plain genius. I never really meant to slam the new BSG, but I just don't see what others find so great about it. All the CG stuff is really good; right up there with "Firefly". Of course, both shows used the same company for this, so I would expect nothing less. But the shows shortcomings far outnumber its good points and I fear things will get even worse as the series progresses. Believe me, I hope I'm wrong. The show has great potential, but there's just not enough science fiction in it for me. To me, the show is just your plain jane soap opera set in outer space. If someone gets possessed by the devil, I'm gone!
  7. Uhhh... Number Six! LOL!
  8. I expect I'll catch hell for this, but I have to speak my mind. I don't understand why so many people rave about this show, especially TV Guide's senior critic, Matt Roush. He seems to think this is the absolute best thing ever put on the small screen and I can't see any justification for his frequently glowing comments. I've seen the mini-series, all of season one, and all of season two up to last night's episode and it's an okay show, but I don't think it's anything special. Here's my breakdown so far: The plots are standard fare for any drama, regardless of genre and the writing is fair at best. So far, nothing has occured that's made me say, "Wow, I never expected that to happen" or "My, what an interesting plot twist." It's more like, "Yawn, more of the same old stuff." An example of this is when Callie shoots the Sharen that shot Adama. You could see that coming a mile away. Not to mention the fact that Sharen would have been moved through secure corridors with the bare minimum of security personnel, not right through the middle of everyone like some kind of damned parade. The characters are uninteresting and unlikeable. Each week I find myself rooting for the Cylons to kill off the humans because they are too dull and ignorant to deserve to live. One example is keeping Helo's Sharen alive simply because she's pregnant and willing to help them find Earth. So what! That doesn't make her a good "person" and it certainly doesn't make her trustworthy. Helo should have killed her when he first discovered her true identity. As a soldier he has failed miserably in his duties. Of course, he's not the only one. Another example is the humans' blindness to the fact that the Cylons already know what will happen and are always one step ahead. It's obvious to anyone with the mental faculties of a turnip that the best course of action is to not follow the path written in their past, but to try something new. One of the things that bothers me most about the Cylons is that the Centurions are still shiny metal machines. Sure, they look cool, but come on, they're able to make perfect "human" copies, but haven't been able to figure out how to make paint? They're an easy target in the lush green environments of Kobol, Caprica, and all the other worlds that aren't composed of shiny silver grass, weeds, and trees. They are soldiers, but use no camouflage. That is just plain stupid. There's a reason why our boys in Iraq wear tans and browns, you know. So they don't stick out like a sore thumb! The only thing that really holds my interest are the CG scenes, which are too few and too far between for my tastes. Let's face it, most of the CG work is the short, one or two-second shots of the various ships in the fleet during scene changes. There really haven't been a lot of CG battle scenes, but the ones they've had are top notch. I realize these are the most expensive shots to get, but I'd rather see the Vipers and Raiders going at it than watch a bunch of idiots follow a religious zealot through the bush. Overall, this series is better than the old BSG, but that's not really saying much. At least we don't have to put up with whiney little kids and their annoying robotic dogs this time around. I will continue to watch it because I record the whole Friday night block on Sci-Fi and have nothing better to do with my time, but I still prefer the two "Stargate" lead-ins. That is my opinion. Let the bitching begin.
  9. I think kensei is right; it is a repainted Roy. After closer inspection, there are actually a a couple of other spots where you can still see yellow at the edge of the red. Also, the pilot's helmet shows up pretty well in the fighter mode and it's definitely Roy's.
  10. Here's an old Yamato stock shot I found. I doesn't look too bad, except the pic is a bit fuzzy.
  11. His first order of business when elected... more cowbell, baby!
  12. Rohby recast heads and if the panel only fell off I would think you should be able to glue it back. 320089[/snapback] And fulcy also made hollow head lasers. He may still have some if you're interested. Here's the link to his thread about them.
  13. It must be the parties... remember "Tailhook"? Now that was a party!
  14. Dude they do REPEAT after the first showing there is an encore presentation right after the first run of BSg and dont fool any one here into think you go out Firday nights we know better 318265[/snapback] I've heard stories about this ancient technological device called a "Video Cassette Recorder" that lets you record TV shows onto an analog tape so you can watch them after they have originally aired! Absolutely fascinating! Ah, the wonders of modern science! These dinosaurs can still be found in stores, but their niche is quickly being filled by some crazy new thing called a "Digital Video Disc Recorder". I'm not completely sure, but I think these new devices were created using something called "Robotechnology" and powered by some virtually unknown substance commonly called "Protoculture". LOL! Sorry for the bad joke!
  15. What, no one has said "Clash of the Bionoids" yet!? LOL! Anyway, I watch and enjoy all the cheesy "gigantic/mutated/totally f***ed-up, pissed-off, and hungry creature" movies. They're always good for several laughs. "Eight-legged Freaks", "Deep Rising", "Lake Placid", even "Anaconda" are all my kind of crap. Basically, if some kind of monster is eating people, I'll give it a look.
  16. Apologies to dr vandermeer for "borrowing" his pic, but it fits this thread too well!
  17. "I imagine the accessory kits would not cost much being that@1/60 scale, though the fighters would undoubtedly be big, the missles and such would not be as big at all. So I see them at roughly 20-30$." Of course since it's Yamato we can expect oversized packaging so we all pay through the nose for shipping, anyway! LOL!
  18. Well, it's not a 1/55, but it's my only Takatoku valk.
  19. While the auction itself is not so absurd, the winning bid is really over the top. But this is probably just because the title states "VERY RARE". Oh yeah, very rare indeed! Especially since Yamato is releasing even more! Way to do your research! Link The real kicker is that there are pre-orders on eBay for the same item for like $135! This guy's gonna punch himself in the nuts when he realizes that he paid over twice what he had to! Welcome to the wonderful world of eBay! I've seen Low-Viz go for less!
  20. If "Mystery Science Theater 3000" was still around, this film would be perfect for the 'bots to rip apart.
  21. You've got to love all the haunted and possessed items that pop up on eBay. It really makes you wonder what kind of person bids on them.
  22. I told you guys just to wait... 312326[/snapback] I know, I know... but my valks were nekkid! LOL!
  23. It figures that Yamato is releasing more FAST Packs... I paid almost $100 each for two sets three months ago! Damn my impatience!
  24. Wow! Nice rack! Thanks for the pic, >EXO<! I may need to start typing one-handed! LOL!
  25. God, it just keeps getting funnier. I left, came back, and that sentence has lost none of its power! It's just brimming with witty satire and possibly a bit of Don Knotts-esque ribaldry. This is why I come here! These little spats are hilarious! Now we just need MGREXX to start a "Why Robotech Kicks Batman's Ass" thread and the real fun can begin!
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