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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. Thats the only reason that they dont make diecast robots anymore, the cost is to much for toy companys. So they just keep making stuff out of craplastic.
  2. How about we take a diecast cd case vs. a cardbaord cd case. heat: Diecast will block out heat ----- cardboard will let heat transfer and melt cd drop test: diecast will not break or shatter ---- cardboard will not break or shatter being ran over by car: diecast will not break if flat cd case style ----card board survival(not a chance in hell) moisture: diecast will block out moisture ---- cardboard will absorb it and be limp transportablilty: diecast has limited amount you can transport in a back pack due to weight. ---- you can carry more in with cardboard case. if you get shot: diecast case will block the bullet ---- cardboard will not as a weapon: diecast case can be throw at someones head like a ninja star. ---- carboard case can be thrown also, but will not be effective. stranded on island: diecast case can be polished, then can use the reflection of the sun to signal aircraft flying overhead ---- cardboard does not reflect the sun well enough. This is fact, and not an opinion: Winner - Diecast!
  3. By that rationale, we should all be playing with some of the old, outdated and sometimes ugly diecast toys of the past. Sure, if I grabbed one of those and started whacking the crap out of my plastic toys, the diecast would still be in one piece and my plastic toys would be so much junk. Still.. diecast, no matter what it gives to the toy, does not necessarily make it better than its plastic counterpart. "Better" is always going to be a matter of opinion, which we all have. Rong! Thats as rong as my spelling of rong......with this issue, its a matter of aspect and purpose, and not opinion. Certain aspects would make something better for there purpose. Like, a plastic frisbee would be better than a diecast frisbee. A plastic jumbo machinder is better than a diecast jumbo. Could you imagine some kids playing with a diecast jumbo, that thing would be heavy. And with rocket punch too! There would be a lot of blind adults now if that existed. DIECAST VS. PLASTIC suntlight: diecast does not yellow ---- plastic may yellow heat: diecast does not melt or deform -----plastic may melt or deform strength: diecast is strong, but may still break ----plastic is flexable, but does break easier. detail: diecast has good detail -----plastic can be moled with more detail weaponry: diecast can bash 10 peoples heads -----plastic can only bash 1 head before breaking. emergencyy use: diecast will break a window for escape in case of fire ----plastic will not customizing: diecast can be stripped and repainted several times ---too many chemicals will ruin plastic conductivity: diecast will shock you if inserted in socket ----plastic will not These are actual facts and not my opinions. So as far as a toy aspect, diecast is the clear winner making diecast "BETTER".
  4. Mo durable, Mo better!
  5. No. Diecast makes the toys more durable, but not necessarily better. You're entitled to your opinion. No matter how strongly you state it, it remains as such. Exactly, so you tellimg me that when you make somthing more durable, that does not make it better?
  6. IM not saying anything die cast is better than anything plastic, im saying that a diecast item is better than its plastic counterpart. ever notice that all the nice expensive car models are diecast. When you can just make them out of plastic. I mean, they are just display pieces, so why make them out of diecast. They dont need to be heavy duty, they are not meant to be played with, just have nice detail. But they make them out of metal, because its better. Diecast does have its place. I wouldnt put a diecast body on an R/C car. I find that toys with a nice balance between metal and high quality plastic is nice.
  7. NO! Diecast does make the toys better. So my preference for them is better. Example: 1) all plastic yamato vs. nice diecast metal car - winner = Yamato 2) all plastic yamato vs. diecast yamato - winner = diecast yamato
  8. IF your buying these for display, or adult play, you dont have to worry about chipping. Ulness you still like to roll your Binaltechs up and down the driveway, or launch them off a ramp of stacked books.
  9. Kids today dont care about the die cast, because they never had the option between diecast and plastic. They get everything in plastic, so they dont know what they are missing. Thats why all the new transformers suck. They all plastic. The only way to know, and simply get any 2 items that are exactly the same, one all plastic, and one with diecast, and proof is in the pudding. Yamato 1/48 are great,, but would be ggggggreater, with die cast. New transformers, suck, but would be cool with die cast, like the generation 1 Transformers.
  10. Die Cast Bebey.........just the simple weight of a die cast toy in your hands is like butter, baby, butter. Thats why all the vintage godaikins are worth so much money. I dont know how many times somebody looked at my collection, picked up my voltes v or even the golion, and was like, damn, thats heavy. So of course, the more they wanted to look at it. With all my collection, some in fancy poses and a lot of detail, people are still drawn to the godaikins(chogokin). I cant say why. Shiny chrome maybe? SHeer size? Keep in mind, im talking about people who have no interest in toys......... Especially bare diecast, with out paint, damn its bright and shiney. Die cast is art in metal, hence the new soc line. Just like the chuncky monkey vs. yamato. The chuncky monkey is less poseable, less detailed, but damn, I love it, with its die cast pieces all shiny and stuff. Even tuff too. Even the die cast landing gear puts a hurtin on your finger when released. You couldnt put a strong spring like that some plasticrap. Like power rangers megazord for example. Like the TF binaltechs, you can get Hasbo plastic, or Takara metal. I have many megazords, in the American plastic version, and Japanese Diecast version. Die cast versions are way better, even just a few diecast pieces, just totally makes it better. Yes, there are some drawback, like to much weight on the joints will make them week or break. But then you should just make the joint metal, or make the whole toy metal. Man if they did that, I would buy the sh*t out of them. Oh yeah, and if somebody breaks into your house, you can just grab one of your chogokin and bash them in the head.
  11. oooohhhhh! Snap!
  12. ohh, if we develope anti matter, than we can make earth into the death star.........Im yo father....Im yo father.....im yo father....Im yo father.....knock em out the box luke, knock em out.....knock em out the box luke,...knock em out.....
  13. Hey Haterist, that may be old, but I aint never seen it. Thanks for posting it.
  14. Milli Vanilli and Vanilla Ice probably thought the same thing. yeah, but you only hear about milli vanilli and vanilla ice on tv. There are probably thousands of others who made tons of money by being a so called"sell out" and are happy as hell. But nobody wants to know that, so they wont show it. Also, milli vanilli were fakers. If you good at skateboarding or what ever, and you get a large sponsor, aint nothing wrong with that. IF you got the skills, get paid. If Yamato offer W M Cheng a buch of money to represent Yamoto, would he be a sell out if he took the offer, or just somebody that had the talent, and Yamato saw that. Hmmmmm.....
  15. hell yeah, me too. Id dance around like a fruit cake naked. Having a million dollars to act a fool for a little..shoot, in a hearbeat..........beats having a dead end job and fighting L.A. traffic.
  16. you mean you haven't seen these nike skate kicks at all? they started making skate shoes again for 3-4 years or so. most of them were really small production runs and got savaged by kids from japan for $500+ a pair. oh and theres no such thing as selling out. when nike comes to you and throw hundreds of thousands of dollars, then you can talk about selling out. sorry if i'm taking this personally, but 2 of my really good friends ride for nike and they get bashed for selling out all the time. like they never wore nikes when they were growing up. i never wore nikes when I was growing up. I had prowings. I didnt buy nikes, cuz i was spending all my money on Takatoku valks. BTW, I could still ollie higher than anybody on my block with my Gemco ninja skateboard and Prowings. I was one of those kids, you could have the air jordans, but Id still dunk on your ass. Word!
  17. damn son, for $1500 smackers, I will custome make you a helmet right now. Just send $1500 to my paypal account, and I will get started.
  18. your best option is this: 1) go and buy the most rare(expensive) 1/55 vintage takatoku you can find. Then customize it by painting it like transformers jetfire. 2) try to sell it on ebay after totally screwing it up 3) dont hunt me down and kill me after taking this advice.
  19. Kool!
  20. Presto! Queer eye for the straight guy! Yup!
  21. Screamed like a lil fan-girl and humped him? Yelled in fright and covered the part of the screen he filled with my hands. Thats it!
  22. fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads...........fish heads.....fish heads.....eat them up......yuumm.... anybody remember that song. On Dr. Demento...yeah, back in the 80s. Cool video too, with dancing fish heads and stuff.
  23. considering how had the japanise bust their asses to make those tiny walking robots (wich don't move at all like real people) and they BARELY work.. i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say... we don't have the technology to make transforming anything. atleast nothing that transforms into something that walks. the rest of your post i agreewith :-) big robots will always be useless. there is just, quite literally, no reason to build on. right, right. Im not saying that the technology totally exists. But, you dont know what you dont know. So there may be groups, or countries that may have certain technologies that we are unaware of. The thing with the Japanese robots that dont walk like exactly like a human, is that they are autonimus. But a VF would have a pilot controlling it. Also, the Japanese are a leader in technology today, but they like to showcase there technology. Other countries that were on the forefront of our modern techno driven world were Europe, Russia, USA...ect.....these countries dont usually show everybody there developments or secret prodjects. So what may lie out there is yet to be know. Like stealth technology was developed by a Russian scientists, but working for Nasa or somethin. Necessity is the mother of invention(usually). So if we were to be invaded by 50 foot tall aliens, I dont think that a VF would be out of the realm of possibility. If we can launch stuff out in space and to mars, buliding a transforming aircraft is not so far fetched. But would still be useless against 50 foot aliens, because we would not be doing hand to hand combat with them, we would just shoot them with missles or what ever.
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