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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
Low viz, I understand your argument. But, im also going with you on the fact lets say it is possible for the mech to move like humans or better. Im not saying that it will never be possible. Its just is not better in a war time situation or even it a macross situation. Humans get shot easily, so a mech jumping around will still get shot easily too. That walker is really neato too, but a tank would roll over those logs like pencils, and I dont see that walker being able to do anything more than a tank, exccept not destroy the ground that it walks on as bad as a tank. So, it would be more enviromentally freindly, which is cool too. I just saw alien vs. predator today, and it made me think about snow and ice. What the hell is a walker going to do on snow and ice. They always use treades vehicles for snow and ice. Even with millions of years of evelution behind making us what we are today, or what ever believe you may have of our existance, we as humans still can not walk on ice, with out help from special tools. Also, another thought, why didnt the zentradi make really large vehicles. Could you imagine the size of a zentradi tank or car. They could have just squashed us like ants. Low viz, I am not saying the macross or sci fi has to make sense. Its pretty obiouse that the creators think up things for entertainment value. And thats my whole point, is that becuase the creators design things a certain way, not because it would be better for a certain purpose or situation, but would be better for the show. So, a jet that tranformed into a robot would really not be better, even if real life was just like in macross. There would be much better ways to get the job done with out transforming jets or walking vehicles. Even if giants were our opposition. On a side note....why didnt they make tanks that transformed, or anything else, like cars.....ect..... -
Guide to the Differences Between Macross & Robotech
LORD KUNGFU replied to lebhead's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Your all wrong. Gobots was the biggest influence on anime in the entire world.- 72 replies
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
LOL! Yeah, an rc car, or even a $10 sling shot with a good sized rock would take it out. lIke I said before, check out battle bots. The legged bots never win. In fact, they usually loose in a matter of seconds. But that dino bot is super cool though. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
wow, that robot looks a lot like the godaikin Laserion. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
Hey low viz, if we did have the robots that mimicked human movement with a pilot doing the movement too, then the mecha would be very limited due to the fact that it has a human pilot. The pilot would still suffer from fatigue. Also, a lot of our technology today already superseeds what a human body can handle. I dont really see a human pilot in a walker bouncing up and down for every step without suffer brain damage, doing flips and if fighting a giant alien, could you imagine the shock of fighting, falling, and what ever else may happen. If you were to fall in a somewhat tall mecha, the human would be very at risk to death. Just driving my car up a curve at 10 mph is rough enough. So what ever kind of mecha design, it doesn't matter, the human factor will always limit it. Like I said before, if we had that technology, we would not even being using humans anyway, it would all be AI OR remote controlled. Yeah, if you think about it, there is no way the human body could handle a walking, fighting, mecha. -
I would have to totally agree with that statement. Nostalgia is the only reason that any toy has value at all, to be honest. I mean, a couple years back when I paid about $1,200 for a super ostrich,(back when this ish was super hot) im pretty sure a lot of people thought I was on crack. Even though we still pay high prices for newer stuff because its better, but it still for an old show, so it stills boils down to nastagia.
why even have this poll. We all know robotech will be the clear winner.
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
pshhhhhhhh! -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
ok, let put it this way. Let say you just heard that a hundred people are coming over to your house to try and kill you. You have a few hours to prepare. And you just happen to have a mech sittin in your garage. Not a large mech, but one a little bigger than a human that you can fit into. Would you go bouncing around in your mech trying to fist fight those people, or would you rather have a bunch of guns, or even just one gun, like an m-60. If you simply had the m-60 with enough ammo, you could simply mow the enemy down in a matter of minutes. Or at the very least, due some major damage. They do things a certain way in macross for showiness, and not realistic combat strategy. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
once again, a zent would not get close enough to a tank to grab it and throw it, becuase he would have been shot down. Its like, if you saw a really small person with a gun pointing at you, even though you are much bigger than the person holding the gun, and much bigger than the gun itself, your not going to approach the person and just slap him around and grab him and throw. By that time, he would have shot you. You are much bigger than a bullet, but the bullet will take you down faster than a punch from mike tyson. So, the same goes for the zentradi. WHile your busy trying to go toe to toe with the zen, I would have already shot down 10 of them. You said it yourself, you would mess with a scorpion, though a scorpion is super small, you dont touch it. Like a zentradi wouldnt tough a tank after being bit. Your also making it sound like a mech would be indestructable. It would actually be more prone to malfunction due to its complicatedness. And it doesnt matter how much it can bounce around on its legs, doing karate chop with its arms, and summersaults over the mountain tops, it can still be shot down by zetradi weapons. And if q rau is close enough to see you, why is it going to dive at you and fight you and let you throw a punch at it. Wouldnt it just shoot you if you were that close and visible. Why would you want to bounce around in a mech with 2 legs or arms. When the zendradi are on the ground, say ground soldiers. Just fly around in aircraft and pick them off. dont even use any ground vehicles. Adding limbs for combat purposes is not feasible. Weapon tech has already made it that way. Im not saying that a robot would not be feasible at all. It could be used as a scout vehicle, and use the limbs to pick up stuff or what ever. Like the robot arm on the space shuttle. But in combat, it would just be more stuff to break. YOu also mention that the vf can go underwater, but say a tank cant. Well, why would they have the tech to a make a jet transform into a robot, and go underwater, but for some reason cant figure out how to make a tank work in water. You trying to compare a super futuristic mech to a wwII tank tech. So by then, tanks would have evolved tremendously, and probably could right themselves if flipped. Of course a tank has its limitations. Im not saying thats tanks are the most perfect vehcles ever. THere are much better options like aircraft, smart missles, lazer guided missles. chemical weapons, in this case, loud speaker to hear singing is a good weapon. Just human like mech is not really a good option. A tank would have many defenses against zentradi. A tank could have a force field. If a zentradi did happen to grab a tank, it could have saw blades or similar items to turn on and saw the flesh of the zen. It can shoot acid in the zentradis eye. Were just making up stuff anyway, I would have the tank simply have an impenatrable force field. Or I can just have claymores go off the sides of the tank if a zentradi gets near. I dont even like tanks. Never even been in one. Im an aviator myself. But I have flown over tank formations, and no matter how fast my aircraft is or well armored, when you have a tanks barrell pointing at you, your just thankful that they are on your side. ******* You ever watch battle bots, or robot wars, or any robot fighting shows. When ever somebody brings a robot that walks, it just gets whopped on. They never win. Its always the simplest robot. The one with 4 wheels or tank treads with no weapons, just a simple wedge design. They always seem to win.**** That means that a walking robot is not a good idea. At least for combat. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
I get your point. I think legs are cool too. I just dont see the advantages. YOu saying to many what ifs, and you bring the negatives that can happen to a tank, but can also happen to a legged vehicle. For one, if the terrain is rough, a walking vehicle will stumble, trip, when climbing a steep hill, it will fall, and roll down the hill. Even humans have a hard time climbing some things. So you like, what if the technology was so great, that the walker would have super balance and never fall. Well, to that, I say, what if they did the same thing for a tank, so it wouldnt fall, flip over, and it can sprount wings for instant flight for emergency get aways. What if the tank has super armor that could never be destroyed. What if the tank could hover so it could manuver in any direction in an instand making 90 degree turns and that would make any terrain a non obstacle. You said that a walking vehicle can creep low, as not to be seen by the zentradi, but you pointed out the aliens have this great technology, so why couldn't they come up with a way to find you while you creep below the trees in the dark, like thermal detection. We have that technology today. It can be dark, cant see a thing, but the thermo display will show you out like were glow in the dark. Also, why would the super advanced aliens be hunting us down one by one, would they just use a bomb or something like a smart bomb to bomb us. Why the hell would they try to catch us to fight us like hand to hand combat. Its like me trying to chase down ants one by one to fight them hand to 6 hands. I just spray them with chemicals. We could kill the aliens with chemical warfare. we dont need hand to hand combat vehicles with legs. If we had the technology to build what you are suggesting, then we would just make an unmanned walking vehicle or something like that as not to risk human life. So when we fought wars, we could just send out the super robots, while we sat back in the barracks and played nintendo. We have unmanned jets fighters, and even unmanned passenger commercial jets. There even predicting that the job of a pilot will soon be extict and replaced by tech engineers to monitor the planes as they fly themselves. Shoot, we would just have self thinking teminators by then. Even hand to hand combat is dead today. Most modern warfare is all missles, rockets, and bombs. Nobody goes out there and wrestles with the enemy and stabs them with there bayonette. Oh yeah, you said that a zentradi could jump on my tank and leave me helpless. Well, with all the modern technology, wouldnt I be able to see him coming before he got to me. Shoot him down before he got to me. A tank isnt just a metal box. They have as much techno crap in them as modern jets, they just dont fly. Plus, any smart leader would not send a tank on its own if that were the case. So if my tank was jumped by a zentradi, then the other nearby tank would shoot him off like a fly. Or my tank could have instant heat armor, so when a zentradi touch it he would fry. I could even electracute him. That would be a lot simpler than hand to hand combat. THere are a lot of better ways to overcome the obstacles you mention beside running around like a chicken with its head cut off in a giant 2 legged mech. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
havent u learned anything from watching godzilla? bullets may have effects on 400lb guys but not 400,000lb creatures! yeah, true, godzilla is one tough mofo. But what would I do with a mech with legs. Step on godzillas toes, or jump him and bite him like a mosquito. Lol.... -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
Your actually going to prove my point. Lets say what if.... and that giant walking mecha with human or bioligical like movement is possible. Over really tough terrain, and the ability to move like o. j. simpson, then a bipedal mech would be very effeftive. More neato than anything else. But, would be best used if playing giant mech football. When we have that technology, we by then may be able to just teleport where we wanted to go and not need vehicles ever again. Then we would evolve into big fleshy brains with no limbs cuz we wouldnt need them. Im not saying that it would not be possible to do giant legged mech, but by then, we would have more effective or efficiant means of transportation. If to say that we have that technology, why would we be in giant mech with legs anyway. If there were very rough terrain, we would just use helicopters, or just hop on our futuristic hover scooters and hove over the terrain. Its like technology will preceed the use of giant legged mech. Just like there is not any airplane dog fighting anymore. Simpley because you can already kill the enemy with a missle before you even see the enemy. WE got bombs. Why would I go chasing you with giant mech, when I can just blow your planet up with the push of a button. We got death star, we got death star, we got death star.....lol JUst like if we went to africa, there would be a lot of animals that could kill us. They weigh more, have more legs, are faster, much stronger. Yet we can wipe them out because we got guns. Same with zentradi, you can just shoot them. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
yeah, but building giant tranforming mech or human like mech is overkill. If I went to go fight a guy that weighed 400 lbs, (of course assuming that I didnt have my kung fu skills), I would not go out and build a giant exoskeleton so I can weigh 400 lbs. to fight the guy. I would just shoot him. -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
..and don't forget to watch the episode after kamjin stole the zentradi resizing machine and gets taken down by (mutant) monsters standing on hills. He actually runs using the monster. So like I was saying, it's not just a siege weapon after all. I can think of a few reasons: -with regards to the transformable monster the feet would distribute the weight evenly on the ground and might help keep the robot steady when landing by absorbing the shock. Giant legs with knees that bend are better than wheels that might get squashed here. The same principle I assume would apply with regults with the grasshopper-like legs. When they land from a hop, they absorb the shock by bending the knees. And these were designed for fighing in any environment. -because robots are tall, they have an advantage over tanks when walking on uneven terrain. Check star wars for an example. I would much rather be in a giant robot than a tank on the ground. Tanks would topple over if forced to travel over ground that isn't flat enough and be too unsteady to be able to target anything. In extreme conditions it risks getting bogged down. A big boulder for a 4wd car is an obstacle for that car, but merely a small rock to a robot whose feet could step onto it without losing any balance. And would there be much speed in some environments where there isn't much flat surface, or good for vehcles that use wheels, like snow? A robot that just runs is going to be quicker in this instance, but this depends on the size of the wheels and speed of the robot legs. I remember there were some strange looking vehicles ion episode 2 of starwars with gigantic wheels. But these don't look that practical because they would be unsteady. -In some instances, legs allow for things that wheels can't allow for. With legs you could say, climb a ladder, (not the monster but a spartan might) leap from one surface to another (like the tops of buildings or a gap on the ground that leads to a large pit) or even prevent losing balance. (a tank landing on its side is useless, imagine ifthey brought tanks on sdf1?) Add arms and you can lift yourself up from the ground if the machine fell over. If a robot lifted a tank and placed it upside down, could the tank do anything to keep fighting? Keep in mind that in the macross world they do have tanks (there is one in the episode where the world get blasted by the 4 million ships) but they probably aren't OT enhanced or anything to make them special. These robots aren't just conventional robots you see, they are OT ones enhanced by the knowledge of alien race. I assume normal robots would have existed but would have been the typical kind in factories and stuff. If you want to do an experiment: bring a remote control car to a hilly bike track with uneven terrain. (lots of rocks, bumby surfaces, and natural obstacles like tree branches) Now get your friend to race you with his RC, while you use your feet to run. See who wins the race. A giant robot or giant zentradi would easily beat a tank or vehicle with wheels imo. I would be surprised if the car didn't get stuck onto something, topple over, or be forced to go around obstacles (as opposed to just jumping over them) before finishing. Redo the experiment in a variety of surfaces: grass, areas with steep inclines, in a creek, flat surface on a rainy day with puddles. Given that the monster isn't designed to be all environment like the VF, it would at least trade off lack of speed for firepower or other things. (ie the fact that it could shoot at stuff from afar) In real life there are some robots that can jog so who knows what cold be achieved in future when they experiment with true running robots. (like robot dogs) Hmmm, I like a guy that gets into the details. But in this case, your arguments are some of the worst Ive seen so far. Im not sure how to quote each of your paragraphs, but Ill must make one big response. 1) you can distribute weight evenly without feet. I see large truck carrying large tractors or super large airplanes. They have wheels, not feet. 2) giant legs with knees to absorb shock is totally unessassary. I see trucks flying over the desert at 160 mph, landing from high altittudes, and none of them have legs to absorb the shock impact. Even jumbo jets that weigh hundreds of thousands of pounds dont have legs. Even with the tremendous weight, the wheels dont get sqaushed like you say. They do have shock aborbers, wich pivots and maybe works somewhat like a knee, but is not bipedal. I never seen a large aircraft preparing to land by having legs sprout out of it, usuall wheels will come out. Just something I have ovserved. 3)Ha Ha Ha. Ho Ho Ho. He He He......a giant robot with 2 lets does not have an advantage over a tank in uneven terrain. THe exact opposite holds true. Yeah, they had the chicken walker in star wars, but same as macross, strichtly for the cool factor. I think the hover speeder bikes had a better advantage to the chicken walker. A tall top heavy robot will topple over much esier that a tank with a low center of gravity. A tall legged robot would topple over also in rough terrain. You say a vehicle with super large wheels is more unsteady and less practical than a super tall robot with 2 skinny legs. Thats just too funny...... 4) you say that legs will help it climb a ladder. When the last time you saw the super heavy monster try and climb a ladder on the sdf-1. Also, you dont need ladders, just use an elevator. Like the one they use when lifting the jets from below the carrier to the surface of the carrier for take off. The dont have the jet transform into robot mode, then climb a ladder to the upper deck, then transform back into a jet for take off.......ha ha ha ha .....LOl....Lol....Lol.....or even why use a ladder. Just build a ramp.....lol...lol..... 5)Even nasa used wheels on its rover they send to other planets. Not legs. Have you ever seen the robot called the shrimp...it has wheels, and nothing can stop it, it will go up steg like butter. 6) you say a robot will grab the tank and place it upside down, so it would be like a turtle, but the tank would have shot the robot before it had a chance to grap it. 7) yeah, there were tanks in macross, but the didnt emphasize it, because that would have made a boring show. Not because mecha with legs is for feasable. 8)Instead of me racing against an r/c car, how about racing against a dirt bike, I think I would lose. And there are r/c cars that would whoop butt on a person in the dirt. Unless your thinking of Nikko crap. My r/c car does about 70mph. I dont think even carl lewis runs close to that speed. Also, even with running robots, cars can easily run hundreds of miles per hour speeds, I dont think anything with legs could run those speeds with out its legs transforming into wheels. Hell, even beast machines rattrap had to transform his legs into wheels to make a quick get away from the motorcycle drones. Its all cool factor with macross. How long would you watch the show with tanks shooting at each other. Not very long. But throw in some tranforming mech, even non transforming, just cool looking, and you got a hit. Hyhuh! -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
i really really get pissed at thiese comments... nessessity is the mother of invention, the military NEEDED transforming planes, so it makes sence that the resorces went into the valkyries to FORCE them to work. Transforming planes are totally usless. Laziness and greed are sister and brother to (nessssity)the mother of invention. the valkyries are a very well thought out design that fill a plot driven purpose, stuff like the claws on the MONSTER1 and the "less" advanced valks pulling more advanced manuvers is simple gawdy showyness to make the show "cool" and have no clear cut reason to be there. Yeah, its called anime. DUh! no amount of tie down straps would make a plane viable for hand to hand combat. given anime magic it makes sence to have transforming valks. there are a dozen things that make more sence than big robotic claws to help brace the monster: straps were mentioned, recoiling barrols would work, simply designing the center of gravity so the thing could fire properly, built in tripod legs (much simpler). i'm confident the only reason the monster has claws was so it would look neat, and then someone thought up.."i guess it could use them to brace itself" wow.. i went on a tirade.. back to sleep for me.. ZZzzzz .g -
HWR-00-Mk. I Monster Destroid Intial Prototype
LORD KUNGFU replied to Aurel Tristen's topic in Movies and TV Series
IF the claws have funtion or not, it was added for asthetics and to look cool. LIke any design, some like it, some dont. They added it to make it look cool then thought of some ish to have it there. So they came up with the anchoring it down idea. Maybe the claws have some other function, just cuz it was not shown in the anime doesnt mean that it doesnt have other uses. Why does the monster have feet? Just put wheels on the damn thing. WHy even have it look like a robot. Just use a simple tank design. Because a robot looks cooler. Simple. -
well, I know the first guy is godbird raideen. I dont know the value though.
......and I'll form the HEAD!
LORD KUNGFU replied to Feyd-Rautha's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
1)Voltes V. 2)Lion Voltron 3)JRX rail racer 4)Predaking 5)Mighty ORbots 6)POwer Ranger wild force predazord 7)Daltanias 8)Godmarz 9) shoot.......All the damn godaikins.......... 10)Power Ranger lightspeed rescue super train megazord...Hell yeah! I hated the combiners that you had to add the extra pieces to form the robot like devastator or any of the tranformers. -
I agree with your opinion too.
I guess that the sky is blue being a fact isn't anymore since my opinion is that its blue?
Thats right. He hit the nail right on the head.
I never said that plastic was not good. Or that diecast was indistructable. or even worth a price increase. A lot of the items are great in plastic, and toys are great in plastic too. I never said diecast was a nessecity. Just better in diecast. You people are comparing modern day plastic technology to old diecast tech. Your missing the boat. You saying that plasitc now a days is better than diecast 20 30 years ago. DUh! but modern diecast has also improved tremendously with modern plastic. Yeah, the old diecast was chunky, and to heavy for joints. So, there could a lot of improvements made. I consider the metal robots a work of art. Diecast isnt a nessecity, but its better. YEah, so the paint scrapes on the joints where it swivels. So, put a plastic shim there, powder coat the metal, anodize the metal, it could be made to work. The reality is, a toy company will not do it because there is no profit in it. You ever see that scratch built VF that was completely machined from metal? IF youve seen that , and you tell me that you think plastic is better, then you have not seen it. Im not a plastic hater. In fact, an all diecast toy would not be the greatest. But a good balance of plastic and metal is the best. I think takatoku had it nailed and lot of the toys in the 80s, just good quality plastic, with metal in the right spots.
Wow, I can't believe you're willing to waste multiple just to make people digest your biased opinion. Whats multiple? Is that forum jargon? The need for die-cast should be taken in a case by case basis. As for transformable toys, I think I would rather stick with plastic... all those pieces rubbing together is a sure fire way to peel or sratch the paint. I love the Takara BTs but I'm more impressed by the quality of the Alternators. The paint looks great on the plastic as well. And there's no way to mold diecast to the color desired... it has to be painted on. Metal can be anodized nowadays. Not only painted. Would you prefer all your action figures in diecast? Yes, I have diecast gi joes, and they are BETTER. Diecast is clearly not the the right material for figures, so obviously plastic is better there.... unless it's robocop or the termonator endo, then I'd have to wish for die cast. The Toynami Alpha is another good example... why the hell would you make the forearm boosters die-cast? Thats true, they should have made it all diecast. It served no purpose and it made the arm to heavy to pose effectively. PLastic was clearly the better material in that case. IF the diecast is to heavy for the joint to pose, then make the joint better. The only toy I would love in die-cast right now is a 12" robocop, if they ever made one. Or a vanship from Last Exile... that would kick ass... Yup! I'm glad the Konig will be mostly plastic, I can imagine all the parts that is moved in transformation would be in danger of scrathes.