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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. super neato!
  2. Me too.
  3. Ohhhh man. THat thing(matchbox valk) is super cool. Almost looks like a yamato 1/48 with that fat bubbly nose. AWWWW man, I got to get one of those. Just add some panel lines and lights in the thrusters, and yippeeee. It will put any yammy to shame. I can't wait to get one now. Especially since everybody hates it, that means I can get them cheap. All right..........Christmas is coming, Im genna ask Santa for one right now!
  4. Notice that they have treads and not legs. Hmph!!
  5. hmmmmm....I think my VW Rabbit can take your car. I love the jolly roger symbol,but it is a little redneckish unless your in the macross circle. The only other people I see with the jolly rogers are the hicks with monster trucks like in florida or tennessee. Or the hick parts of So. Cal. NOt that Im againt hicks or anything, Im just saying thats what it reminds me of. OR I would have had that on my car faster than........
  6. I actually thought of this a few years back. I have made optimus primes head and a vf 1j out of the antenna balls. Funny, but I did the exact same thang as you. I bought foam from the craft store and just cut out the pieces to make the heads. I dont have pictures though, because I ended up selling them to fellow nerds. Damn, I should have taken pics. I can try and make them again. Mine didnt have any resemblance to Jack at all. I just used the foam ball as a base to start.
  7. LOL! man, that was funny. I love engrish. Let Rock! All Warrior! They will have to make that a motto for somebody like a football team or something.
  8. That silhouet is nice looking and a great idea. But Id like to see a shirt with the mospeada cyclone silhouet. That would be dope.
  9. I suggest that someone just buys a shirt and bootlegs it. These would be easy to copy and everyone in here can get one at a decent price. Ill go do it right now. I may have to take the Nike logo off though, to avoid the bullsh*t. THen again, I may just leave it on.
  10. WHats wrong with the picture?
  11. Im not much of a gundam fan, but Damn! THose gundam heads are sweet. SCHWIIIINGGGG!!
  12. Optimus prime does have those classic good looks. I am quite fond of the red legioss head too. Theres just something about it.
  13. Zoids....Gojulas Giga
  14. HOw about some pics please!
  15. SO how many companies out there are trying to show their goods so that they can try and pick up some of the CG shots for the Transformers movie? I think this is a good example. I don't think it will work, bot is too skinny This is a major rip-off of smokescreen's transformation and robot design. I wonder if they did not get in trouble with copyrighted over there... You could smell the lawsuits from miles away if this was a US commercial... thats still pretty sweet. Gives a glimpse of hope for the movie coming out.
  16. anybody have any idea of the price. I couldnt find it on the site.
  17. I to am conservative, as far as spending for my collections goes, but not the volume. I usually buy in volume just to save money on shipping or to get reduced prices. I don,t buy so much stuff just so I can have more boxes to pile where ever I can fit it or bragging rights. But, I have learned not to pass up a deal. I would rather find a good lot, and even though I dont need it, I will buy it, than to not buy it, and regret not buying it later. But I dont pay retail, or pay high auction prices. But I do buy off auctions a lot because the deals are just to good. But if I ever have to sell my stuff, my 1/55 Takatoku in there texured boxes will be the last to go. Well, of course next to last. My legioss I am more fond of. And if my Voltes V is being sold, I better be on my death bed, or put on your ice skates, because hell has frozen over. And yes, I do make swooshing sounds with my 1/55s while flying them through my house, and rocking out to the theme song from Battle of the planets.
  18. Over the years, I have amassed a huge collection, and no way in hell am I selling out. I have totally outgrown the 2 houses I own, with just toys. One house is basically a storage house. I am constantly bringing large lots of toys to my new house and my neighbors too, always wonder what the hell I do with all my toys. When ever I have to open my garage door, my neighbors are always amazed of all the glorious diecast robots in my garage. I literally have to spider walk or crab walk through my garage and my new house is not far behind. My wifey dont like it, but she already new i was crazy before she married me, so now she got to deal with it. I really dont care what my neighbors think. I have enough spendable income every month, I can buy what ever the hell I want. It aint my fault my neighbors are broke and dumb. Its funny, the human mind. I often wonder why some of my associates will ask me why I would spend a over 1K or so $$$ on a toy. While, at the same time, I am wondering why the hell they would spend $14k or so on a stupid rolex watch. Was it the free leather case it came with? Most people are selling out, because they need the cash, or macross collecting was a faze, and now they are over it. But for me, I will keep collecting. I will have doubles, triples, what ever the hell. I do have my priorties straight, and I would never steal from anybody or doing anything wrong for my collecting sickness. We as anime, macross, chogokin collectors are really a small breed. There was a certain time and age to get into this stuff, and we were part of it. People before us and after us will not understand, just like we will not understand other of different generations. Side note: one of my future plans are to get one my volkswagens GTI's, paint all dark blue and chrome, and put yellow T-28 stickers all over it. Maybe, I may sacrafice one of my T-28s, and stick it on the hood as a hood ornament. And when I take it to the race track, everybody will wonder what a T-28 is. And if they dont know, they can suck it.
  19. well, it all boils down to economics. People with money control everything, and the people in fossil fuel have all the money. yeah, it would be hard to switch over, like you said, haveing to add this and that. But that what it takes sometimes. As long we are heading in the right direction. The fact is we are comfortable paying the higher gas prices now. But if gas were to shoot up to $10.00 a gallon tomorrow, you would see some drastic changes. And probably for the better.
  20. There is no 20 inch die cast vehicle voltron. There is the smaller not transforming one, but not the 20 inch size. The 20 inch voltron is plastic, may have some die cast parts, but mostly plastic. That seller is full of it. And if it was "ALL" diecast, it would have went for a hell of a lot more than $53.00. Its still a cool piece, just not all diecast like the seller stating.
  21. Im not suggesting wind or solar energy would be enough to power a full electric population. Even if coal or oil burning plants make the electricty, its still easier to contain the pollution from one source, or more than one source. So the coal plant would burn a lot more and pollute a lot more, but its all centralized. While, each of our gas cars is a mini polluter. So by everybody having electric or other power vehicles, we would be getting rid of all the wide spread mini polluters, and just making the coal plant thats producing our electricity one big polluter and making the pollution a little easier to handle. And India and China may have more pollution. Doesn't give us an excuse to join them. Just shows that India and CHina should go electric. We still need fossil fuels, like in long distance driving, hauling super heavy loads ect.......But for the most part, people go to work and the grocery store, and a smaller electric vehicle would work fine for that. But still have a gas car for other reasons for the meantime. Its just funny to sea people driving these SUVs just to go to the store and get ice cream, or go to the gas station for a fountain drink, when the gas station is only 2 blocks away. Ever been to Catalina Island. Everybody just drives around in golf carts. Literally, about 90% of the people just use golf carts. It just boils down to the fact that people are just spoiled now a days and just dont give a crap.
  22. YOur right, you are no expert on how generators work. We have solar generators, wind powered generators, and dams, water power generators. Plus other ways to make electricty. But for the most part, nuclear power is the main stable for producing electricity. I think the main argument against what your saying is this: We do consume oil or cause other hazardous waist when producing electricity if we to have an all electric vehicle population. The rebuttle against what you state is that it is easier to monitor or filter out the few stations that would produce most of the electricity than to try and filter out millions of cars tail pipes with catalytic converters ect........so even if the generators produced enough emissons equivalant to millions of cars. Its still better to have those emissions coming from one source, than to have millions of cars smogging up our city. And we can put those generators far away from most of the population. NOt to mention the tens of thousands of people who dont give a crap and drive cars that produce more smog than a school bus. Besides, electric cars are just better. ONce they can get any decent milage out of an eletric, the will sell quick. Electric motors are way simpler and more efficienct. Internal combustion engines are technological dinosaurs and need to be put to death. To much crap to go wrong in a gas engine. K.I.S.S, keep it simple stupid.
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