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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. damn, those bootleggers done wait to pounce. Just by judging from the pictures in the auction, the bootleg looks better than the original. You really think that looks better? The details on the original are much sharper. It looks like the boot is a sloppy re-cast. It looks good for it's price but the original looks better to me. upon closer inspection, the bootleg still looks better to me. The details are sharper on the original, but i think the bootleg has shinier black parts with make it look better. Just in those pictures. But of course, if I actually had them in my hands, im sure the knock off would not be as good as the Takara.
  2. damn, those bootleggers done wait to pounce. Just by judging from the pictures in the auction, the bootleg looks better than the original.
  3. buy it now does not cost extra, if you are offering the item at a fixed price. Like say $4.99. Its only extra if you have an auction price and a seperate buy it now price, like if your starting your auction at $4.99, with a seperate buy it now for $9.99. Its like 5 cents more to add a buy it now, or maybe 10 cents more now because of the price change. As for this guy making money off the shipping. I dont think its worth my time to go through all the trouble of taking the picture, typing up my description, and packing the item, just to get $2 out of the deal. I mean, think about it. Its .35 cents just to list your item, and maybe 1 cent of the end of auction fees. So if it sells, your -.36 cents right off the bat. Then, hes going to ship for $4.99, if he goes priority, thats at least $3.85. So $3.85 + .36 cents = $4.21. If hes getting $5 for the item, that means that when its all said and done, he will profit, .79 cents. I think I could find .79 cents in my couch or in my car much faster, then to go through all the trouble that he did to launch that auction. Unless hes going to ship it first class instead of priority, then he will make a few dollars of the shipping, but still not worth the time. An if you really think about it, he had to have paid for the item at one time, so even if he only paid a dollar, that means that in the long run, he is losing money on this auciton. So why even do the auction. It would be better to throw the figure in the trash, or even shoot it up with your bb gun. Maybe let your dog chew it or glue some fur to it so your cat can play with it.
  4. looks ok, but it does have that plastikie look to it. I think once its fully weathered, it will look better. The only problem that stands out is the metal mesh. I have worked on aircraft for years, and when the skin is pulled or punctured, there is no metal mesh at all. Its usaully hollow. This being a robot leg, it would have more rods or push pull tubes, hydraulic actuators lookng parts like gundams. Put some metal rods or something of that matter in there. Try finding pictures of damaged aircraft on the net, and mimic those. Yeah, the metal mesh make me think of a car grill or like your going to put plaster on it or something. Doing good looking battle damage is tricky. Ill see if I can find some samples of what I have doen on a 1/55.
  5. Macross toy design and production will be taken over by Kenner and Applause.
  6. heres a side by side legioss and cyclone pic.
  7. Ill post a pic of a legioss and cyclone side by side later. You lazy bastads.
  8. I would think those micro man would count. I can get those too, if anybody wants them. I can only get the reissue 2002, not the original 1984.
  9. Man, forget that noise. The wifey already knew ahead of time how you are. Its not like you had a dark dorky secret. It wasnt like you got married and then, its like........( Oh! Honey bunch, by the way, I have 3 storage room full of toys that I am going to display around the house and play with and make swooshing sounds when ever we have guests over to our house, especially your co workers..... oh, and going to run around in my underoos and play sega, and eat captain cruch.....everyday will be a saturday for me, weeeeeee..........) I display my toys all over my damn house if I please, and I do. I aint limiting myself to no damn 1 room or office. And when my garage door opens, theres about 1000 robots peering out of my garage. I got RC helicopters hanging from the ceiling. Shoot man, I might as well be an FAO Shwarz or how ever you spell it. I mean really, who says how a normal house is supposed to look like. Personally, I like my house looking like disnelyland. As long as its clean and not messy looking. I really dont care what anybody thinks, because my house is worth a million $$$, and everybody with there stupid opinions live in shacks. There is no reason to be shackled. By a wife or so called normality. It is ok to compromise, as long as you are willing to do so, and not forced or threatened. This case needs a quote from MEGATRON "I ANSWER TO NO ONE".
  10. Power Rangers has tons of variable motorcycle. And some of them not too cheesy either.
  11. Ill be there....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
  12. well, things have to start somewhere. This is not a prodject that you can build and have functional in 1 day. Especially with alaskas climate. Im noticing that since the guy is not Japanese or European, everybody wants to bash his prodject, but you got to give the guy props, thumbs up, a hand, for trying to do something different.
  13. they did make a carded supercon opitmus prime. They were not boxed. The only boxed prime was the one with trailer.
  14. hell yeah, a lamborghini Countach.......drool......
  15. yeah, its the same valk as this one, but painted red white and blue.
  16. cool, another smiths fan. Natatlie portman is cute. Not bodacious, but cute cuddly, make me horny kind of way. Oh yeah, and shes smart too....thats a total turn on...schwiiiinnnngggg.
  17. as far as I know, I seen this a few years back, and the picture is not fake. (NOt totally sure. The reason the guy looks like he does, is he tried to commit suicide by 12 gauge shot gun to his face or in his mouth, and what you see in that picture was the result. Im not going to post the website I found this stuff on in this forum, but if you want it, just pm me. THey have to much stuff like this, and I dont want somebody to accidently link to it, and have nightmares. Some really nasty stuff. Makes you think a little.
  18. so by sleepers, you mean these are the figures with the eyes that close when you lay them down like sleeping.
  19. dude, thats an awesome pic. And that symbol looks totally like a Mospeada symbol on my legioss. Take a look. Oh, and DYRL by the way.
  20. The word codpiece has now entered slang lexicon with a different meaning. Ill be sure to substitute that word from now on, for anything that has to do with the groin area. Like: 1) hey, check out that dog, it has a red or pink fleshy item sticking out of its codpiece. 2) Hey son, remember, if you ever get into a fight, be sure to protect your codpiece. 3) When handing somebody a hot drink like coffee or coco, you can say.....hey, this is really hot, be sure not to spill any on your codpiece. 4) when viewing rap videos, you can turn to your wife or girlfriend and say, why do those rappers always got to be grabbing there codpiece. 5) At a clothing store, you can say, I really like these pants, but they are a little tight around the codpiece. 6) I keep my gun hidden in my codpiece ect....... I know that codpiece is not penis. But it simply sounds funny, like cock, family jewels, monkey, snake, chicken, package, pickle, joy stick, gear shifter, firehose, jimmy, johnson, dork, knob, manhood, one eyed monster, tool, wang, choad, sausage, ect......ect........and now codpiece.
  21. Well, I dont find anybody in modern times using the word codpiece. THey probobly used it in old english or mideval times refering to armor. Just a guess. Walk down the street and ask anybody about there codpiece and nobody will know what the hell your talking about. People also used the words thou, thee, ye olde, ect......for hundreds of years too, but we dont use them today. Therefore, using those tems would make them interesting. I mean, when the last time you looked at a porno mag or movie and it said "wow, check out john and his 12 inch codpiece". Or, you go up to the porno store clerk and say" excuse me sir, but do you carry a swedish codpiece enlarger?".
  22. So whats the difference between Robotech and Macross?? (sarcastic)
  23. Heh. ... Actually, light-up thrusters would be pretty cool... yup.
  24. Interesting teminology. Ill have to use that word "codpiece" next time im hanging out with my friends or family and for some reason, we start talking about crotches. Next time my wife looks at another guy on the beach, Ill ask her if she was checking out his codpiece. I like the figure.
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