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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. Thats funny, I was thinking that myself when I first saw the pictures. It does look out of proportion, but still cool.
  2. "and for the record, I prefer the EVO over the WRX." (make fart sounds with mouth after reading above statement).
  3. 311252[/snapback] It's a pony car, not a sports car. It's purpose is to go in a straight line, so weight isn't as important. As for LordKungfu comparing the WRX and the Mustang... you're completely missing the point. They're very different cars designed for very different purposes. 311280[/snapback] "It's a pony car, not a sports car. It's purpose is to go in a straight line, so weight isn't as important." Not to be argumentative, but that statement could not be farther from the truth. In fact, in drag racing, the weight of the car is the single most important factor besides engine power and tire grip. Ask anybody thats been involved in racing for advice and building a race car and they will tell you to strip your car and make it as light as possible. Of course you could overcome a weight issue with more horsepower, but you would still want to make your car as light as you can. And true, and Stang and WRX are different cars. I prefer the WRX just because I think in looks better and I do prefer rally racing and cars with suspension and overall handling than just a lot of horsepower. I just dont find the mustang to be very appealing in its design, except for the saleen wich look a lot better. The mustang looks good the first time, but gets old very fast. Not to mention driving it is a bore. You can get in my old 84 rabbit, smoke the tires all day long, and it will cost you less to put new tires on the car than to fill the tank on the mustang. ALso, you can give your passengers pemanent G-face in the rabbit. Of course this argument can go on forever, but the fact is that any car can be better than the other with enough money.
  4. Subaru WRX > Mustang(even with "pony package").
  5. currently reading GI Joe, New Avengers, House of M, Street Fighter and Cable and Deadpool as well as a bunch of manga. Thanks. WHY?.....your welcome.
  6. most comic book movies suck simply because most comics suck. Do people still read comics?
  7. hey, those priority mail boxes are property of the USPS, and are to be used for priority mail shipping only. Not for homemade paint vent ducts. I will be reporting you to the USPS police shortly. LOL!
  8. and that would make it worth the price???? maybe if it was at the playboy mansion in the grotto meh! The playboy mansion is way overrated. Then again, im not really a star struck kind of person. Living in hollywood, I see stars all the time, but maybe if I were from kentucky or something, it would be a big deal. meh And I know the playboy mansion pretty well, Ive been there a few times, not as guest, I used to work with a caterer and we did the playboy mansion all the time. I guess its just not as fun when you are there to work.
  9. if you took that picture today, how come it says 1995?
  10. I got all my 15 ann. figures that came with my models and shot them with my b.b. gun. It was fun.
  11. I have 6 matchbox SDF-1, but they are all the same anyway. The matchbox version is just as good as the others.
  12. yeah Kurt, do it!
  13. the bigger, the more lights, the longer, the more expensive light saber you own, the more you are compensaiting for other things. Like an old man that buys a corvette ect....
  14. those hinges are nasty, my toilet seat has nicer hinges than that.
  15. I always thought that you MW bashers were stupid but I never thought you were also ignorant and idiotic to the point of making statements that were above and beyond reason. How the FU@K do you say that my making $75,000 a year with a masters is low. It's actually high considering my entry level status, you idiots. $55,000 is average for a Masters degree. If youdon't believe me then look at this link and get educated because you neanderthals need it: Median salaries I always say that school is important and some of you really need it bad because you have just proven that G.E.D's and H.S. diplomas only make you look $tupid and allow idiotic statements on your behalfs. WTF? I only have a high school diploma, but I have over 2 million sitting in the bank. Just like the apprentice, the high school kids(net worth) make more money than the college kids(magna). Its actually funny, because all my friends that only graduated high school, pretty much all of them make more money than my friends that got associate or master degrees. All my high school only friends make well over 80k a year, because they know unix, ect...... and are involved in the computer industry. Most of my college degree friends, and most with masters btw, are finding work at temp agencies. I used to go to college parties with my friends over at UCLA, USC, and CSUN, and I have been noticing a lot of people in college now are idiots. Im not saying that everyone in college is an idiot, im just saying that I thought the standards to get into these kind of schools was a little higher. Can you believe a lot of students dont even know wthe first president of the U.S. was. WTF? And these are people who grew up here in the U.S. And they dont even know what Macross is. Such a shame. OH and if nobody believes me, you can visit me in my mansion in Arcadia, CA. Or, buy one of my houses from me. I own 12 houses right now, in So. Cal. I was thinking about hosting MW con 5, but my schedule has me so that I can not do that right now, but some day.
  16. Wow thats nice. I hope those motors I see are Maubuchi 540s and not 380s.
  17. dude, legioss rule! You need another red legioss to display in robot mode. About your car, Check your tire tread and air pressure too. You might need to sell a few items to and get some new tires. Your car being in good shape is needed to be safe so you dont die and stuff. What car you driving?
  18. what are you waiting for Chris?
  19. That aircraft carrier is neat. I think its worth the price. I have seen some model cars going for $15,000 and up, and it only took the people 2 months to build. From scratch of course. I even seen some model train layouts going for $50,000+ with a six month build time. The only thing I think would have made the ship better would have been some subtle animatronics. Like the propellers moving slowly, the radar dish spinning, have some of the elevators working. What would have been sweet if he had a helicopter with the rotors spinning. It would have brought the ship to life a little more. If your going to make something that big, might as well add some tasteful gizmos.
  20. Yeah, I freaking cant stand hidden feedback. As you guys have mentioned already, it totally defeats the purpose, but......... I know one reason they let you do that.... for example....I was selling some stuff on ebay, and I had a lot of people selling the same item. They stole all my ideas, and pictures, ect......They knew my source and would buy and sell what ever I bought and sold if it did good. And they would just steal my pictures and discription. So I started selling the stuff so cheap that they couldnt sell it cheaper than me, and I got most of the buisness. IN fact, I started selling my stuff cheaper than what I paid for it and losing money just to make sure nobody would buy from the other guys. They eventually gave up, but heres my example. My competitors would log into ebay on different fake alias acounts, say bid on 20 of my items just so they can leave me 20 negative feedbacks. And if I left them 20 negative feedbacks, it didnt matter because it was just a fake account for them. But now my reputation that I have worked very hard to maintane is really bad. It will only reduce my positive feedback by 1, but when somebody clicked my feedback record, it showed that I got 20 negative feedback in a week, and it made me look really bad. I have seen people get over a hundred negatives like this. Its called feedback bombing. This was back in the day, and ebay wouldnt remove any feedback. But they would let you hide you feedback. Wich still sucks, because it makes you look bad as a seller. I dont plan on bidding on any auciton where somebody is hiding there feedback, even though they have a good reason.
  21. I think that some beast wars do the light trick too.
  22. yeah, they have been doing that light trick on the transformers since the 80s. Your just now noticed ?
  23. The hover tank sold for good money because its a pretty cool mecha, no matter what sucky show (SC) it came from. I bet it gets relisted because the buyer backs out. Also, Macross and Mopeada stuff sells for that much all the time. No big whoop. And the fact that a hover tank sells for $175 or so doesnt mean that there is some hidden underground world of Souther Cross fans.
  24. how much was he selling shockblast for?
  25. I dont see anything wrong with that auction. His shipping price is about right................IF he were shipping it from MARS!
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