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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. Also, if you had the technology for space travel, then you could create loud enough sound or noise globally, you could just make sound or noise so loud and constant, that nobody on earth could sleep and we would just eventually commit suicide from lack of sleep or kill eachother. Eventually, we would die. Actually, you could creat a sound wave that could simply travel the planet like a sunami blowing everyones eardrums and killing them. IIRC, you can die by sound if its loud enough.
  2. pishhh! So easy. IF your looking to kill humans with out destroying the planet. Just spread some diseases or a virus like the bird flu around. It would wipe out the the human race in about a week if you could spread it fast enough. Maybe even some kind of chemical warfare. That would be way more powerful than having a bunch of drop ship or bombs ect......OR mentioned earlier, just poison the water supplies. Drop ships and lasers are for the movies. IN real life, biological creatures like us are easy to kill off, so eazy for sheezy, makes my arms feel breezy.
  3. From 16 pages you are so quick to judge? I will wait till the first story arc is done before I call an opinion on it. 344323[/snapback] ooooooh! SNAP!
  4. Derp! Oh man... get me a helmet, I must be retarded 343914[/snapback] DERRRRRRR! Indeed.
  5. You know you want one. Now all he needs to do is encrust the robotech letter with fake diamonds and you would sell your house for one.
  6. oh yeah, please follow through with your plan. That would be freakin hilarious. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. LOL! LOL ! Too bad there isnt a way to catch there exprssions on camera when they open a box full of real-crap. Oh man, I can only imagine.
  7. There is nothing "rude" about correcting someone's mistakes. It is all in how you do it, and he did a fine job. No capitalization is sloppy, but using the wrong word changes the meaning of a statement. You don't have to be on a grammar forum to care about using the right words. 341428[/snapback] calling someone out in public for something so spectacularly inconsequential to the conversation at hand is rude. It wouldn't pass if this were a conversation with people standing around in front of one another and it's not as if his use of those words were so confusing as to make his post unintelligible. This was just calling out somebody in public for no particular reason. If you have reason to correct someone because of the way they use the language, be a dear and send them a PM... just like if you were in person you would take the person aside and not point out the mistake in front of everyone. 341433[/snapback] wasn't try to embarras anybody, just being a smartass. I was not really expecting anybody to turn my statement into (or is it in to) forum politics. LOL
  8. into is one word, in to is incorrect.
  9. What so unusual about this? 340158[/snapback] I never thought that even on your first completed transactions that it would show up as a negative (sign). 340160[/snapback] oh, ok, word. I see what ya sayin. I just sell so much stuff on ebay, I see people with -1 feedback on there first transaction all the time. Or, I am the one leaving the -1 feedback sometimes. You get negative when you dont pay, first time or not. BOOYAH.
  10. What so unusual about this?
  11. That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. And it's absolutely true. Nice stuff, Exo. 339228[/snapback] YEah, EXO is very talented, but on the other hand, the artists at comico have deadlines to meet, probably are required to do several drawings a day, so that will affect the quality of the art. The comico artists may be able to do nice work too, if they had the time to do it. Then again, maybe comico artists just suck.
  12. yeah, there is a lot of stuck upness in this forum. Especially the older members. Its the good ol boy sindrome. I have also noticed that everybody thinks by making a little extra money makes you an assss. Most people on this forum are cheap, and expect you to spend you valuable free time to find them stuff so they dont have to pay ebay prices. Just find the stuff in Japan while you are there, and sell it on ebay. Its more fair for you, you will get what stuff is actually worth, and get buyers that appreciate your help. Of course my comments are not geared to anyone in particular, just an overall consensus of what I have noticed on these forums.
  13. That supra wouldnt look that bad if he took the wing off. Look at it with out the wing and it does seem to look better.
  14. That your shcool is full of bitchasses.
  15. slightly ackward(gay) looking, yet neat! Smokescreen looks like hes getting ready to be paraded down santa monica blvd. in West Hollywood. Wheres the rainbow bumper sticker. LOL jk......jk.....
  16. dude, its made with legos.
  17. I would buy a thousand of them. But I dont have that much money today, so I will buy one.
  18. whooooohooo, the anime mafia. That will teach them. Did you do any kung fu moves on the shmo by any chance. And please keep a video camero handy for future events like this, so we can watch. I dont give a crap what people say about anima fans. What the hell makes anything more mature anyway. As long as you take care of your adult buisness in a proper manner, then you can do what you want. Why is it always some fat ass that tells me that anime is for kids, but what makes getting drunk every monday night and watching football more mature. Not a damn thing if you ask me. Its always some dumbass with a sorry ass job making comments like that. Those SOBs can just go back to work digging ditches, fixing pipes, or mowing lawns, what ever the hell these retards do for a living. (Im not knocking everyone with these jobs, and definatly honor people that will work hard for money than steal)but its usually people that fall into this catagory. All I know is my toy and model collection is worth than those a-holes house and vehicles combined. And I dont even have a 9-5 job. They can go ahead and talk poo and go to work. Ill go ahead and stay home, be "immature" watching anime, and dust off my collection of toys just to admire the details. And all those cornholes that talked smack when I was in school. All I got to say is, HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW? IM RICH BIIIIIATCH!
  19. wha, you dont like power ranger special effects. How dare you. (((Smacking right fist into left palm))).
  20. Read the other posts people! (......banging gavel.....)
  21. Im in So. Cal. Of course everybody is going to have different experiences from different places because there are different people working there. Now Ihave sold stuff on ebay for several years, so I have a lot of experienc with the post office and even worked for UPS for a stint. THere is only 1 rule you have to follow if you are the person shipping to someone else. *PACKE THE CRAP OUT OF IT! Pack you item in a much bigger box, use a lot of bubble wrap and foam peunuts, because your package will be handled like a red headed step child. No offense to any redheads out there. Just a figure of speech. USPS postal service- As a shipper, I have had no problems with them except raising the damn postal rates. The staff at my post office are very friendly. I have shipped over 8,000 items though USPS priority mail, and I dont have any complaints from customers. OF course, a lot of that has to do with me, because I pack my packages very good( I PACK THE CRAP OUT OF THEM!). NOw on the recieving end, I have had items come to me damaged. I cant really blame USPS, and most of the problem is the person shipping to me didnt pack the items good. I wonder if people have common sense sometimes. IMagine someone trying to stuff a loose legioss 1/35 scale into a small rectangle priority mail box(box#1097). When I got the box, it looked flat with a big ass bulge in the middle. No wrapping or cushion, just shoved in there. By the time I got it, it sounded like I had a box of legos. Can't really blame USPS on that one. UPS - I have shipped a lot through USP too. MOsty the bigger heavier stuff, its a better deal. ONce again, I have had no complaints from my customers. A lot of that is due to safe packing on my part. The staff at the front desk = friendly, smart, and know there job well. The people in the back lumping the boxes around = morons Now, to the good stuff. I actually worked for UPS for 3 days. I worked the Christmas rush when they hire people for temp service. I wanted to see how things worked in the background, so I signed up. OHHH man, let me tell you how things went. OF course, all the UPS trucks come back to the docks late in the evening full of stuff that needs to be sent out. So we have about 15 or so UPS truck lined up. all these trucks get off loaded onto 1 conveyer belt. There was only one roller stand, where you could line it up with the back of the truck and just push the boxes from the truck and it would roll to the belt. Very fast and effiecient, and not to rough on the packages. But ther is only one of those. The rest of the people had to lug the boxes from the truck to the back of the truck where they were unkindly tossed or thrown on to the conveyer belt. Of course the more tired the unloaders get, the less they care about your package and will start to throw the packages from further back. Towards the end of the conveyer belt, is the guy with the scanning equipment. Its usually the moron that was to unsafe to handle the packages, or just the guy with seniority, so he got the easy job. He just stands there by the belt, when the packages go by, he points the scanner and thats it. As easy as this sounds, even this simple task can trip up this neanderthal. So you have the boxes all coming to the end of the belt at a container trailer. In the trailer are 2 people, me and some other guy wondering what the hell we are doing here. With 15 trucks being unloaded and ending at one point, the system fails and we have a major bottle neck, just like the freeways of Los Angeles. How this works, is you basically take a package that has made its way to the end of the belt, you grab it and put it in the trailer. With the trailer empty, its not to hard. Once the trailer starts to get full and the package come at a faster rate, it becomes back breaking. It becomes a game of tetris. The boxes start coming so fast that the 2 people at the end of the belt become overwheled and the conveyer belt just keeps piling the boxes or dropping them until you have a huge mountain of boxes just spilling everywhere. Keep in mind that some of these boxes are extremely heavy or fragile. The problem is at this point, they will stop the convery belt so the other guy and I can put the boxes in the trailer. Then all you hear is the damn corporate s.o.b. who does nothing but stand there and watch you, he tells you to hurry up, we should not have to stop the belt for this long, ect.........Then you got the scanner guy making ape sounds at you. What ends up happening is we just start piling and shoving boxes in the trailer. Stuff gets destroyed, mangled, dented, and crushed. Some boxes would be so heavy, but would be small, so when you pulled it off the belt, thinking it was light, it would fall out of your hands and into the the other boxes, usually crushing them or denting them really bad. What were they shipping? Lead? When you mess up a package like that, you dont report it or slow down to fix a problem, you just keep shoving more stuff into the trailer. All this is done in about a 2 hour period. Now, I dont have a problem with getting stuff done quickly. Or if this was does so fast to please the customers. This was all done like this so UPS would not have to pay us for another hours worth of work. Thats what I was getting out of it. I think we should have took our time and spent an extra hour or so and done things more proper. I dont want to get into all the details of what I seen damaged, but it was bad. So if you are going to ship by UPS, please pack the items like someone is going to play socker with them. One time, I took my package the front desk clerk to have it weighed and shipped. I had put a fragile sticker on the box because I had an extra sticker, but the item was not really fragile. She weighed the box and before I paid for the item, she saw the fragile sticker and said the item will get broken if its something really fragile. She didnt tell me to take it somewhere else, but the look she gave me was to ship it some other way. You had to read in between the lines I guess. Another example: I had ordered this machine. It cost me over $3000 and it was pretty big and coming to me in a few different boxes. I get home one day and just see a bunch of boxes sitting in my driveway. It was parts to my machine. They were just sitting there for anybody to steal or open up. He didnt even bother to put it on the porche, just dropped it all off on the edge of my driveway. The rest of it came the next day. The biggest box. I notice it was not my normal UPS driver. My regular driver was older, and brought stuff right to your door. Maybe he retired. Anyway, I get another big box the next day. Printed on the box, it says it big letters: CAUTION THIS SIDE UP. So of course, he throws it on the hand truck upside down. I mention to him that the box is upside down, and he just says it should be o.k. And normally, I would agree, but the box said CAUTION. Does that not mean anything or maybe the guy was illiterate. Anyway, my times up.
  22. Sorry if this is to far off topic, but I didnt know where to put this thread. I figure this forum would be a good place to get advice, since we all share common interests, and Im sure this forum has some Navy personel. I know some of you will say talk to a recruiter, but I want honest advice I was in the army for six years, so I am no militay newby. But I have found that civilian life is quite boring, and I miss the comradery of the military lifestyle. I was seriously considering enlisting in the navy, I think they would be the only service left that would accept somebody my age. Now im seeking some advice from people that have been there and done that, or are currently there and doing that. So heres my questions. 1)Any good jobs. According to the commercials, all there jobs are good jobs. Of course reality is far from the commercials. Im not looking into being Rambo or top gun. but I know some jobs seem fun and glamorous, until your actually doing it. I was an apache mechanic for 3 years, it was the worst job ever. After wathching the commercials though, most people couln't wait to be an apache mech. There is always those kind of jobs that make people want to stay the full 20 years. Its usually those jobs that nobody thinks about, and they end up being really good. Im looking more for something that I will not being going out to sea for 6 months or so. Im looking for an MOS where I will usually stay locally on the base. 2) When I was in the army, most people got out early, and didnt plan on doing the full 20. But most of the Navy vets I have met in my civilian jobs have put in there 20 years. What is it about the Navy that makes people stay? Just curious what you have to say. Any response is appreciated.
  23. I was in Goreman the other day, Goreman, California to be specific. I seen a few people riding dirt bikes wearing shirts that had macross and transformers mecha on them. I think one guy was wearing a MWCON shirt but I wasnt sure since he went by really fast. These guys were really good too. I was curious if it was anybody here in this forum. I ride too. IF anybody wants to get together and go riding that would be swell. What a good idea, I think I will have to start wearing Macross stuff when I race. REPRESENT!
  24. yeah, you cant blame people for trying to avoid the fees. IF you sell a lot on ebay, the fees can eat up profits quick. IF your genna spend $300 on a low viz, if the seller sells it for $5, but charges $295 to ship, you are still spending $300 either way, so what does it matter. As a buyer, you got to be on the lookout for these things so you dont bid to high.
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