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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. nothing against you Big F. But why don't people just say robotech. Damn, its not like we dont know what the hell your talking about. Not that I like ROBOTECH, but I see everybody always trying to make a play on the name, and its just lame. Just put, I dont like robotech because robotech sucks. Very simple and less lame. Lord K.
  2. for me its easy since everything is kept in there original shipping containers/boxes. My 2 main storage facilites are near ridgecrest way out in the desert. Hence, why I do not have pictures of all my stuff. Im not about to drive 3 hours one way to take pictures of a bunch of boxes so that you all can worship me. Moisture is a not a factor since its all desert climate. Dry as hell. My only real concern is the heat. Maybe in a few years if I decide to sell off my exorbinant(SP) amount of valks, they may be melted or deformed due to the heat. But being the business man that I am, I would capitalize on my misfortune and sell the valks as super deformed 1/48 scale, and charge triple the current price. Genius I tell you. Lord K.
  3. No problem. Bring toys to work. Nobody really wants them except for us nerds. Now, dont leave anything like jewelry or watches at work, those will get swiped. Back when I had to have a job, I would bring toys to work all the time. A few people would ask about them, but nobody really gave a crap. Im pretty sure nobody was going to steal them. Its not like they would steal them to take them home to display in there house.
  4. Reddsun is as wealthy as you are, the difference is he doesn't lie about it on the internet. 406589[/snapback] I agree with you there Yellowlightman. True wealth isn't always who has the most money. Lord K.
  5. Well, if your a millionaire many times over, you could wreck cars all day, but you would really have to be a stupidass to do that. And most people do not become wealthy by being stupidasses. Actually, Im not careless at all with any of my vehicles, no matter how cheap they are. I would rather donate the money to a charity,science, or a good cause instead of wrecking cars. Im not really that much of a pompous ass. OH yeah, and reddsun, maybe if you moved out of Appalachia you might find a better paying job. LOL! Ice Ice baby..... Lord K.
  6. its pretty obviouse you have never owed any if you are asking the questions you are asking. They are totally different dude. Damn! Whoop, there it is! Lord K.
  7. Next you will be adding pink triangle on the tail fins. Nice work btw. Lord K.
  8. Hey, dont be hatin on me just because I can buy $250,000.00 cars and wreck them at my convenience. Piiish! Im so cool Lord K.
  9. yeah, but so does a bright red cirlcle with a white kite in the middle. Derrrr! Lord K.
  10. trust me, that's how I get through the days when there's no work to be done! 405028[/snapback] Boba, your work should never be done. The floors will always need sweeping and the bathrooms cleaning. There is also a lot of aluminum cans on the sidewalk that need collecting.
  11. yes, you are the only person who enjoyed this movie. But you are from Wichita Kansas and that explains a lot. Lord K.
  12. also not a good looking cherokee..........JK....... lord k.
  13. uh hum! Over 1,000 1/48. Thank you very much. LORD K.
  14. rating - it sucked liked a hoover.
  15. Uh I find that hard to believe. 100k in 1/48 would be about 500-600 valks ranging from 150-200 dollars each and roughly 125 Cases? pics of proof? this seems ridicuolusly impossible. 397532[/snapback] Not to go off topic to much but heres some answers to Nicks questions: 1) I do not pay $150 to $200 for my valks. Do you really think with the volume that I buy, that I would pay retail. I have no middlemen and have contacts and buy factory direct. Yamato loves me, they would not dare make me pay retail or even wholsale. Like the old saying goes: Money talks. 2) I have over 1000 pieces of 1/48 valks. Its not impossible when you have enough cash. 3) I do not have pics. I do not even see 98% of the stuff I buy. I have warehouses for all this is stuff and employees that handle all of this. I purchase all this stuff under a corporate account for asset building and inventory. So I buy the stuff, its get shipped to long beach, then straight to the warehouse. Though most people think Im crazy, but it will build my networth. I also import Italian marble amongst other items that I predict will gain value over time. I also like to support companies that are making things I like. So even if the yamatos end up not being a great investment, I like them anyway.
  16. 397169[/snapback] the only sucky part... climbing several flights of stairs wearing an extra 50 pounds of costume... not... fun... 397211[/snapback] Wuss!
  17. Jesus. What do you do for a living? 397159[/snapback] Competitive eating.........NOT! So. Cal. real esate flipper and stock options.
  18. 397136[/snapback] Which version of T-28 is that? 397138[/snapback] It is the American godaikin version. Not even the Japanese version. This was before ebay and I bought this from a private collection. OF course at the time, finding this toy was impossible(before ebay) and the first time I seen one in over 15 years. The car I was driving was not even worth that much money. I was even eating taco bell bean burritos for lunch and dinner. Now, I could throw down $3500 on shoes and not even blink.
  19. For any single anime item, it would be: super ostich - $2000 mint Tetsujin 28 - $35000 mint I know thats a lot (not for me) , but I bought these back when all this stuff was really hot. For the popy diecast toys Im sure I have well over $50k in those. Not to mention I have well over $100k in Yamato 1/48. I won't even bring up my big boy toys.
  20. uh, hello! hello! ever hear of screws. I kid, I kid. Looks nice.
  21. actually, to answer the topic question. Yes, Yamato would do fine without MW. We do increase Yamato sales numbers. But, if you look at the amount of what people have according to there posts and amounts they show in there sigs. It really does not add up to that much. Our purchasing power would not make or break Yamato. If we all of a sudden just stop buying Yamato, I don't see them shutting down operations because of us. This is all speculation though and I do not know how Yamato runs there business.
  22. that sounds like a good idea. Whats your preference? Schlitz? St. Idez? lol. edit: sp
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