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Everything posted by LORD KUNGFU

  1. More pics, NOW! LEts volt in!
  2. Build it now!
  3. Take your time, dont rush.
  4. aaaaahhhhhh yeahhhhh! been waiting to long for this movie. It better not suck or Im genna shoot somebody.
  5. yeah, its good to use the search function, but I was not particulary looking for this topic, and glad somebody brought it up. IF you dont like the topic, dont click on it. Has this topic been played out, ok, then dont read it. Damn. Simple, eh. The technology for a transforming aircraft may or may not be possible. Nobody here knows, unless you work for NASA, Skunkworks, or some unidentified group working in Siberia developing the technology, nobody knows. And if we dont have it, we could come up with it, if we were focus on a transforming aircraft with all our resources, it could be made. Maybe not as swift or agile as a VF, but it would probably work. The main problem with a transforming acft. is that there is no point to it, so no company will spend the time or money to do it. A batteroid mode is totally pointless in our world today, except for sheer coolness.
  6. hey maaaan, Yeah, for sure. People are getting totally bored of macross. Actually, I shouldnt say that. I think peeps just have macross burn out. Just check out this forum, barely anybody of the original hard core even pop in here anymore. All the models are starting to look the same. Nobodies doing customs that are true customs. Everybody tries to do everything so anime accurate, or line art accuarate, that it ends up everybody doing the same thing. Why dont somebody do a pink valk, or pimp out a valk and paint it metallic purple or somethin. Not really to my taste, but it would be interesting, or at least funny. yeah, yeah, cannon fodder, looks good, but same ol, same ol. Plus the macross is simply old, and is not evolving. We can all only talk about macross so much before it becomes the same old ish. Whats up with HG anyway, why everybody hatin so much on HG. Here in America, we wouldnt even know of macross if it was for robotech, so why bash robotech. The main thing, is the mystery and romance is gone. You could stare at pictures of mecha on the back of your takatoku box, or some catalog, for hours, because you never knew the whole story and was only a mystery a few people in Japan would know. And the toys came from a far far away land called Singapore. Now, you can just go to ebay and buy what ever. Go to google or here, and get the comeplete rundown of macross or any questions you might have. The world is way small now. People fly to Hong KOng for luch, and come back the next day. Everybody know somebody in Japan, Hong Kong, or Singapore to hook them up. HEll, we even know the people making the toys now personally. Shoot man, here in souther california, you can even get macross merchandise at laquishas liquour store / nail salon in compton. Check out toyboxdx, nobody barely posts anyting on there anymore. Just 2 years ago, people were posting like mad. Now, once a month. Macross is totally 80s. Not that it wouldnt appeal to the younger audience. But the 80s crew that grew up with it, now have to have jobs and stuff, so we cant be so keen on posting here daily or spending hours doing our customs. But it will come back around, we will get burn out, then we will want everything again. BTW, does anybody have the link to the great HG debate. That would make some interesting reading.
  7. yeah, keyword spamming is definatly something I do in my auction titles. Everybody puts godaikin, macross, transformers, popy, robotech, diecast ect..... in there title even though they are selling go-bots. Its just funny how he directly said that the hover tank resembles jetfire. I have a jetfire and hover tank in front of me right now, and I can not see any resemblance to each other at all. kind of like me saying that my bowl of beefaroni reminds me of a ferrari because there both reddish........huh! what?......are you thinking that Im dumb........EXACTLY!
  8. a hover tank looks nothing like a jetfire. Why would anybody relate a hover tank to a jetfire. Thats just dumb.
  9. the hands do retract on the small bootleg. I have one in front of me right now.
  10. nice 80s furniture to go with the 80s toys.
  11. come on, give the guy a break. I mean, he has a lot on his shoulders besides selling toys, you know, like being the leader of palastine and all.
  13. wow, only 30 million. He must need the money for a down payment on a new house in southern california. I think 30 mill. would suffice.
  14. A sewing needle chucked in your pin vise is a marvelous tool for scribing panel lines - works on resin and plastic. I used that for years before I found out about those photoetched scribing saws (Trimasters, before Hasegawa bought 'em, if I remember right). I have both now ..... and I still find myself going back to the sewing needle trick. If nothing else, it's cheap. Now rivets .... there's another story. Depending on the size and spacing, something called a "pounce wheel", found in a craft store, can be used to make evenly spaced depressions. Run a strip of label tape along the line you want the rivets to .... um, run ....and push the wheel along that. It looks like a watch gear on an axle, and I've heard of folks who have made their own tools using watch gears, a pin for the axle and a toothbrush handle connected to the axle to control the tool. Raised rivets - folks has already told you the glue drops trick. For more uniform results, check out the model railroad section of the local hobby shop for "Grandt Line" products - they make all sorts of rivet heads, bolts, nuts, etc in various sizes. More expensive than glue, but perhaps worthwhile in uniformity of results. Dzus fasteners - they look like a standard slotted screw head, inset a bit - can be replicated by drilling a hole, then inserting a rod into the hole. Use your hobby knife to score a straight line through the diameter of the rod before you put it in. Evergreen and Plastruct make plastic rods with circular and hexagonal cross sections. You can slice "wafers" off these, like you'd slice bread for a sandwich, to get rivet/screw heads or nuts. Put a drop of styrene glue on a slice taken from a circular-cross section rod, and it'll form a mushroom top that looks like a rivet. Hopefully, the above makes sense - hard to do in words without piktchurs. man, thats some good advice. Thanks for the tips. HYUH!
  15. man, legioss henshin robo kicks arse!
  16. man, alphas kick arse.
  17. Yeah, we shouldnt buy toys that suck. IMHO, I think we buy a lot of the macross /mospeada toys regardless, because we dont have much of a choice besides not buying them. Its not like a car where we can say so and so car company sucks, so there are plenty of other companies. Our options are yamato or toynami, and maybe bandai. So for example the new alpha, may not be perfect at the name states, I think that most people are happy to have any kind of rendition of the alpha since Gakkens. So even though the play value of the toys sucks, most of us that are buying them now a days are strictly buying them for the display value. So as long as we can hide the missapplied factory paint flaws, we are still happy with the toy, even though we can find many problems. I wish we could just not buy the new stuff, and have other companies step in to fill the need. Just like any buisness, no competition, quality goes down and price goes up. We should just start our own toy company. Seriously, we have enough talent in this forum alone that we could make our own toy company. We can get everyone together, talentwise, and monetarywise and just bust out our own factory. Personaly, I would do a fully cnc machined alpha and vf. Yeah, we could build our own macross toys, buy our own macross toys, and then go out of buisness because nobody buys them except for us. You would figure that we would go out of buisness there is no tv show supporting our toy line. Then in 20 years, people will say, hey, you remember that toy company 20 years ago that made some high quality toys. But is defunct now, then our toys would be worth thousands just in the collector market. Yeah, we could be the next takatoku. Im down!!! Sorry for the short post, I like to keep thing simple.
  18. interesting. Looking good so far. Just wondering if you plan on doing panel lines. If so, how do you do panel lines on a black paint scheme. It looks good though, I hope you can get better pictures up so we can get a better look at it.
  19. Dude, sweet man. I cant wait to see what it will look like finished. I have a bunch of those cheapy 1/55 valks. I have not painted anything, yet, but I will add lights to my fast packs thrusters so they have that afterburner look. Im trying more to customize my joints, amongst other things, then I will move onto the painting process. The main thing I want to do is take that painted canopy off and put a clear one on. IF you figure out how to do that, you must post that here. Keep us posted on your prodject.
  20. YEah, I figure I would buy about 50 valks, then add the leds to them. Can you imagine a squadrine for of 50 valks with blue fast pack lighting. I will have to take a pic for you. Also, the chicks dig it........HYUH!!!!!!!
  21. $200 on what valk? See, the thing is, not the $1.00 for the lights, but the blue l.e.d. are $4 each. So if I buy 100 of them, that $400. IF I can get 2 for $1, then 100 l.e.d. will only be $50. A big difference. ....... HUYYYYYYYAAAAATTTTTAAA!!!
  22. wow. I have been to about 20 different radio shacks, and none have any blue l.e.d. for $1, especially a 2 pack. Your lucky! ........HYUH!!!!!!!!!
  23. sh*t man, if I could find bandai 1/55 for $17, I would have bought the remaining stock. Chunky monkeys, the original..... the best...... HYUH!!!!
  24. yeah, what is it with naval lint and boogers. My roommate in the army would collect his snot. Seriously, besides leaving a dirt outline of his body on the sheets, I just happend to look at the rail of his be one day, the closest to the wall, and there was a huge mound of dried up snot. And you could tell its been growing, cuz the bottom part was all dry, and the top part was still moist. Looked like a green and brown volcano. I should have took a picture. Damn!
  25. yeah, true dat. The real estate bubble will burst. But it wont drop so fast like the stock market(overnight), so you would be able to sell out before things get to bad. Also, I dont think it will drop to drastically. I mean, up in the desert just north of L.A., there is such a large boom in buisness, that once quite town of palmdale is becoming like L.A. IF these large buisnesses are investing so much in this expansion, there got to be a reason. The large corporations have much more research power, and there not buying up the city because its all going to drop one day. I dont claim to be a real estate expert, I just know what I see, and what I hear from my family. I think a lot of it is simply overcrowding in l.a., and theres a big push now to move to the smaller less populated desert communities. NOt to mention that I saw a 1 bedroom 800 sq. ft. house in l.a. going for $600,000k. WTF! I will hold my house for now, since I have a lot of equity in it, then when the market starts to slow, I will sell it, take my profits, and move the hell out of the damn state of CA. and buy a house in another state, straight up cash. And I will have to rent a tractor trailer to bring my macross stuff with me.
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