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  • Birthday 04/05/1973

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    So. Cal. son
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    what do you think? Im on Macross World, aren't I.

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  1. Did nothing but troll around various posts and lie about his lifestyle. Fortunately, he's no longer a threat here.

  2. I knew hurin was racist. Your just pissed cuz Im not just successful, but a successful black man. Its not a competition, but cooperation. I guess if Im god and you want to be competitive, then you have to be satan. Of course your not going to post this. Because the truth has been exposed. YOu think you got the power of greyskull between your legs or somethin. Best, LKF
  3. true! true! You only need 4 of each if your intent is too display them in each mode and keep one mint in box. I dont know about others but heres is why I have so many. 1) maybe yamato will go out of business. I will have a lot of stock, and in turn, charge you guys 10x the retail price to buy them from me. 2) Im going to hire some people to add mods to the 1/48s. Once I figure some good mods to add, then I will have a lot of stock valks to add the mods too. Instead of finding out a few years from now that we have this great idea, but now we can not buy valks anymore because yamato is out of business. I have enough valks now that it would even be worth the price to start a production line to mod the valks. For example, if I figured out a way to add lights to the wing tips. Or maybe sometime in the future, there will be some technology where we could add even greater detail to the valks. So for now, I just buy them and store them. 3) I just have so much money and I like valks, so I buy a bunch. When you have money, there does not really have to be a good reason.
  4. no problem. I like to help. Some do consider it genius. Whick is like, better than brilliant. I cant wait for the Transfomos movie to come out.
  5. it just takes some practice.
  6. neat idea!
  8. why dont you jump on his back. He claims that nobody hear comes close to what he has. How does he know what everybody got. YOur right though, I dont know what his house is worth, my point is that I have a lot of money spent on my yammies, and Im sure they are valued at more than what most people spent on their houses. So to stay on topic, I have more that 100k in yammies alone. Most likely closer to about 200k, but Im not going to split hairs. I need to do an inventory. That just yammies, not my overall collection. Mister e, I have 2 houses for sale in the fort worth area. IF you are interested, message me.
  9. tease me or what eva you want to call it all you want. I still pull in more money in 1 month that you all do in a year put together. I have not visited because Im too busy, and since this site went down, this site has been a little slow. It only the same 10 people posting over and over. You call that a collection. Nice way to store them too! Big plastic buckets. You should at least wrap each piece so they dont get paint wear from rubbing each other. Common sense people! ja! ja! ja! pish, I got more money in my toy collection than what your house is worth.
  10. um....HELLO! Not official movie footage. 412648[/snapback] hmm...i didn't say this was part of the transformers movie...just a possibility based from the freelancer's site. if one person can do this, imagine a whole team of special fx crews. but anyhow, you guys are a tough crowd. hopefully they'll have a complete trailer at the 2006 San Diego Comic Convention. 412927[/snapback] yeah dude, I was just kidding. Its a sweet clip, especially considering it was done by an individual. You have a cute pussy by the way.
  11. well then, you need to hit the gym or become a rapper.
  12. That's a test done by a non-movie related studio. meh_cd/others, sorry that's 100% teaser/trailer! And everything else that I've seen implies that Bay is not gonna be using much, if any, of the source materials. I've all ready seen the physical mock-up of BumbleBee, pretty poor looking. 412649[/snapback] got any pics of bumblebee. If not, get some. YOU GO NOW! Is bumblebee a car or something else? IF car, what kind.
  13. no, its fine where its at. I have all my childhood toys at my house. I like to browse through them once in a while.
  14. um....HELLO! Not official movie footage.
  15. not making it about you? Every thread you post on you try to make it about you. Why dont you post more about the topic than supposedly how much stuff you have, then it'll b less about you :roll:. Like I said,... you might as well say your a hot girl, because that's pretty much similar to the kind of thing you do around here. 412559[/snapback] LOL..........OMFG.........are you kidding me EXO. WHAT EV......... I posted 1 simple line in this thread, with every intention of only posting that one comment(fact). Every single post (15 of them) after that has been to discredit me or make fun of me. I don't mind this and actually expect it, but in no way was I making this thread about me. You guys have a habit of doing that yourself. If Hurin is going to bring up my history in this thread to make look bad, then I would have to respond in this thread like I am doing so now. Of course to defend myself, it would require way too much explaining and bring this topic way off course. Funny how Hurin ask please do not make this thread about LORD KUNGFU, but then immidiatly(SP) brings all these facts about me to show me as a phony. My history is there for anybody to read if they wish to do so. I do not have anything to hide. If I came hear to b.s. everybody, I would have simply used another name and lied my assoff. Hurin - yes, I do lie about my age. Im in my 30s like most peeps in this forum I would love to join everbody at the con, but this year I me and my Lambo can't make it. Or is it my Lambo and I? The problem is not the( time = money cliche). My schedule just doesn't match up with the day you guys are having the con. Its 4th July weekend, I got some big wigs I have to brown nose with. Anyway, thanks to Hurin for the list. I really need it. Don't hate......appreciate LORD K.
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