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Everything posted by JRock

  1. I received Alternator Smokescreen at Targets in DE. FINALLY!!! I've owned the BinalTech version since this past September, so I was able to do some compairisons. Alt Smokescreen is a great toy. The plastic doesn't feel as cheap as other toys costing three times as much as it (*cough*TOYNAMIMPC*cough*). I admit, the BT version definately has the model car look and feel. But I like to transform my toys more than once, and My BT isn't looking showroom fresh right now, thanks to some chips on the undersides of the car, on the hinges of the front wheels, on top of the front right headlight, and a pinhead size chip on the trunk. So from now on, I'll continue playing with the ALT version, and I might give out the BT version, since it's run its course. It looks awesone next to my MP Convoy. I can't wait for Sideswipe.
  2. I've received it. Best Transforming robot. Ever. Damn it's huge!!!
  3. I think mine is on my bed right now... I just now have to survive 1 hr 13 minutes of my job to get at it.
  4. I vote for Judgement Day. Tommy Tallorico's jokes come out as funny while Adam from X-Play's jokes come out as pathetic. Though I admit Tommy's a bit brutal when it comes to reviewing GC titles.
  5. CONVOY'S COMING!! CONVOY'S COMING!!! For those who preordered through Blasto like myself, check your email accounts. Cause his shipment has arrived and he's shippin them out! *Hums melody to Convoy by C.W. McCall* WOO-HOO!! FIVE DAYS, MOFO!! FIVE DAYS!!!
  6. She looks good!! I like her lips. They're like Topanga from Boy Meets World's lips. I wonder if she likes chocolate though.....Hmmm
  7. This is the only BT/AL bot that makes me go "EWWWWW!!!" I love the series. But this is their first miss. The final pics make be better. I sure hope so.
  8. *cough*STEEL BATALLION*cough* The closest one could get ot a "real" Mech sim. Hell, the controller has windshield wipers and ejection buttons for God's sake!!!
  9. Why am I not seeing Alternators in Delaware?!?!? I haven't even seen Smokey yet and Sideswipe's out!! Living here's beginning to suck now. If it wasn't for the lack of sales taxes, I'd flat out leave.
  10. LOL!! Please don't say that again. It sounds scary. And Blasto's gettin their Primes soon? I hope they don't charge until the 23rd. I'm runnin on E right now....
  11. Yamato 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru. Courtesy of the Valkyrie Exchange. So I was late in Macross toy collecting. Sue me
  12. God Ginrai (Powermaster Optimus Prime) is the biggest shelf warmer of the reissues. I've yet to see a JP Ultra Magnus on sale on a retailer other than ebay. I don't mine Rodimus Prime. but I rather have Galvatron since Megatron's possibilities are nil.
  13. This is too sweet. Fugg the similar Transformations! Here's hoping it's an actual BinalTech figure and not just some CG pipe dream.
  14. http://www.transfandom.net/forums/index.ph...=post&id=172900 If this is a HK store, it sure as hell looks Americanized. I was as skeptical as you, Myriad. Until I saw this.
  15. Can anyone confirm if the faceplate is removable?
  16. The fans would have bragged on how they saw the show WAY before it got popular (Like I do when a DB topic comes up. I'm guilty of that
  17. And besides, the guy who's in charge of the TOTY contest said that both Convoy and the 1/48 would have won in their respective years without the so called "stuffing". So Occasional Fan didn't have a peg leg to stand on.
  18. I'm personally partial to my analogy between Getter and Gundam toys in Japan to roaches in Philly housing projects. But I ain't mad at ya
  19. Right. And might I add that it was shows such as TF, Voltron, and Tranzor Z (Mazinger-Z) that ignighted Mech popularity in the US. Sure Shogun Warriors came out in the 70's, but they didn't blow up as much as TF and Voltron. To a lot of people Optimus Prime, not Gundam, not Getter "Fill in the blank", is the quintessential big ass Japanese robot. Which is ironic since it was Marvel that gave a tool in the Diaclone universe a soul. Personally I like the GoLion design more. But I do give credit when credit is due. And Prime is it for 2004.
  20. VD as TT? WTF?!?!?!? I admit, I only known of Tintin in the mid 90's, when the cartoon was on HBO. But even I know VD's miscast in the role. I truly believe they should give it to an unknown young European actor. Agent One: you're one strange man to like door knobs so passionately Jem: PM me the details. And you're forgiven
  21. The mods are angels here compaired to other forums and chatrooms *Cough*#tvnihon*cough* And no. I'm not kissing ass here. I'm for real.
  22. Believe me, Jem. He redeemed himself in the Rundown. And Norris did Sidekicks.
  23. Probably.... Just playing!! To me, the right toy won. Panda-Z, while nice looking, is seen by most as a parody toy. The 1/48 won last year, so why another head, tighter joints, and better looking hands win again? Smokescreen is awesome with very few faults (Paint chipping, little arm articulation are the only ones on top of my head). It shoulda been #3 in my book instead of the umpteenth Getter robot (Getters and Gundam toys in Japan are like roaches in Philly housing projects. There's never a shortage of them. But I digress) What more can I say about Convoy that hasn't been said. It's truly is an evolution in Transformable toy engineering. And I truly encourage toy fans in general to at least check it out.
  24. Prime and Sideswipe are supposed to come out in North America in late winter/early spring. Like around March.
  25. I am THISCLOSE to damn it all and buy it at BBTS!
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