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Everything posted by JRock

  1. On another note, Molly Holly visited my workplace this past Tuesday. Unfortunately I'm off on Tuesdays and had prior engagements to attend to (Buying a few games.... ). But from what I was told, she was the nicest guest to came by there. Jeff Jarrett also visited a few months ago. And while he was cool with me, he seemed bored to death. Not so with Molly. She was cheerfull, signing, posing for pics, and even ordered a cheesesteak from the cafe. On of my coworkers couldn't stop talking about her butt for some strange reason. He kept sayin it was an apple bottom
  2. Hasbro and Takara version use the same plastic and paint styles other than the obvious on the Hasbro version. Sorry you didn't like it, JS.
  3. Will pick it up on Sunday. Hope the game recognizes my kooky accent....
  4. Cmon guys!! Yall know The Oscars jumped the shark when they didn't nominate Do The Right Thing for Best Picture! PS: The chick who played Topanga from Boy meets world has better looking full lips than Angelina.
  5. The Oscars were ehhh.... I'm more happy for Sophia to get the writing award than the directing. The woman's in her 30's and has not hit her prime yet. She's gonna get more Oscars in the future. Bet that. Carl Spackler Losing to Jeff Spicolli?! BOGUS! Tim Robbins shoulda got an Oscar for Dead Man Walking. Not for River Then again, Watanabe didn't deserve it either. I liked the song from a Mighty Wind. I wished Millenium Actress was nominated, as Finding Nemo was not Pixar's best film. But better that than the Triplets of Snoresville. William Zabka not winning made me sad for a second. Isn't it ironic. Texan Renee Zellwigger does a better British accent than a rural American southern accent. The Acadamy were cowards for not awarding Shoreh Aghdashloo. Sting's song was depressing. Charlize Theron went the ugly route. And got an Oscar. I wonder who she learned that from? But she did look good. Will and Jack needs to be in a buddy film. Peter Jackson looked decent and presentable. I just wish he got a hair and beard trim. And finally. LOTR Deserved many of the awards. But I haven't seen it. Nor do I have plans to see it, as I have very little desire to see the trilogy.
  6. It really is a bargain at 20 bills, knowing all the engineering and sculpting that went into making this. If I had more space in my place, I woulda got it in a heartbeat. But I still have the Spiderman Classics version (And a MISB Black costume version I might brag ), so I'm not into Spidey withdrawl at all
  7. I saw this at a friend's house. Fricken insane he is. He's so damn posable, his FINGER JOINTS are articulated. Every joint on the finger is movable. We all talk about "Perfect transformation" on the boards all the time. How do you guys feel about "Perfect bird-flipping"?
  8. It's official. The name for the Mazda RX-8 TF Alternators is.............. Meister. Posted on Hasbro's website. Wouldn't it be a trip if the Binaltech version is named JAZZ?
  9. The TT Robin is Dick Grayson. There was an episode in which a member got to see the future of the group (I believe it was Raven) and Future Robin was a long haired Nightwing. Which mave me dissapointed cause I wanted it to be Tim Drake. I love both shows for various reasons. Some of the staff from BTAS are still involved and it shows quality wise. I believe the TT theme is aired in Jp on Sat, and Eng on Sundays. I've taped this past Saturday's ep and the theme was in JP. And last night, I was on the phone talking to one of their friends and I overheard the show in the background, and the Theme song was in English.
  10. Being the Voltron freak that I am, I'm giving this the benefit of the doubt. Voltron: This is one svelte lookin Gestault!! I beleive they took the designs from both the original Toei artwork and the new Devil's Due artwork (Devil's Due produced the comic book.) With more emphasis on the comic book. I predict that there will be very little diecast. I believe they're going for posability. It's definately a prototype of some kind. I do give them props for sticking true to the original's paint scheme unlike the Trendmasters version (I'll NEVER forgive them for using Mint Green!!). Box Artwork: Devil's Due through and through. I like it. Nothing close to the "Millia's lips" disaster of the RT MPC artwork. I like the fact they're using the 80's Matchbox Voltron logo instead of the God awful Trendmasters logo. It's not like Toei's gonna bitch over it. They sold the whole GoLion license to WEP, and We western folk are the only ones who give a crap about them. Individual Lions: Okay, this is the testy part. I think they're okay. But judging by the pics, I don't think they'll replicate the bells and whistles of the Popy original. We MIGHT get the shooting lion's heads on the red and green lions, but nothing more. They're replicating the Anime for this part, and I dunno if it's a good fit. At least they should add in a little detail. Overall: They BETTER NOT Price the individual lions over $30. Even it they use diecast it'll be robbery if they price it at $80 a piece. The DX Power Rangers bots are $40. And they're plastic bricks. I would like to see some action figures as well, they did a pretty good Thundarr the Barbarian. I'll keep a close eye on them. PS: No vehicle Voltron since WEP lost the rights to Dairugger XV years ago.
  11. Beyond Good And Evil - The second best GC Title of 2003 at the Crazy Eddie price of $19.99 (This came out in NOVEMBER for God's sake!!) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - The best of 2003 with another Crazy Eddie Offer. Get this before the end of February and get the full version of Splinter Cell FREE. Viewtiful Joe Zelda: Wind Waker Ikaruga Ultimate Muscle Def Jam Vendetta
  12. Alternators Silvewrstreak proto pics. http://www.tfclub.com/tffiles/toy/toynews/200402070006.shtml
  13. Proudly received mine from Blasto on Jan 26, 2004 (I live in Delaware). I'd highly suggest patience since Convoy's still popular. He'll ship yours out as soon as he received a new shipment.
  14. But I coulda make him one!
  15. Only one thing I hate about Prime's posing. You can't position the hand so he can hold the gun to the side Wesssssiiiidddeeee style (Think Menace II Society). Which is a dissapointment since both Alt Smokey and Sideswipe does it and does it well I thought it would be cool if he pose like that.
  16. Here's some amusing names. Ghostface Killah: Giant Dragon Hideo Kojima: Habitual Chameleon Shigeru Miyamoto: Bayonet Skunk Method Man: Chainsaw Owl Dirt McGirt: Innebriated Bullfrog Hironobu Sakaguchi: Kevlar Pirannha. I find it funny that most of the Rap artists I've posted had cool names.
  17. Here's a funny fact. My coworker brought in an original G1 Magnus (White Prime. The version with the blue trim and not the all white version). The original's stacks are longer than the 20th Anniversary Prime's stacks. I kid you not.
  18. I recently received the MP Convoy. Loving it. I just tried out the 20th Anniversary Prime at work along with Alternator Sideswipe. Content wise, he is exact to Convoy. But the paint job looks worse in person. On my coworkers version, the "dirt" paint is splattered all over his bot mode chrome grill. There were two things I've found interesting. 1) He got the last two at the Wal-Marts in his area. BOTH of them has the Grey Buster Rifle. He was aware that a black one exists, and was looking for it to no avail. He lives in Delaware County, PA. 2) The messed up smokestacks are spring loaded like Convoy, and not solidly installed like the original 80s version. All in all, I suppose if you don't wanna pay for the clean look and long stacks, it's okay. And for those who are wishing for an all plastic version, not gonna happen.
  19. I managed to try out Sideswipe at work. Why they gotta make him bowlegged? I love the car mode better than the bot mode. Alternate transformation be damned.
  20. ??? His source? Link? Unfortunately, He couldn't remember the link, since when he found out about it, it was 3 in the morning. But Apparantly, he wasn't half sleep when he saw it. http://www.2005boards.com/showthread.php?threadid=37291
  21. Full Name: Gargantuan Bumblebee Shortened name #1: Gargantuan Parakeet Shortened name #2: Gargantuan Wallaby One out of three. Not a good thing. I woulda love Grandmaster Butterfly.
  22. Has anybody hear that the Mazda Alt is names Skids? I literally heard this 15 minutes ago from a coworker of mine.
  23. The so called "UNRATED" US Version is still missing some footage. I've been trying to get a true version of it on DVD for a long time.
  24. I'm saving a majority of the refund for my trip to Otakon this year. I got most of the stuff I wanted, with the exception of the 1/48 armor packs. Which will wait. I was thinking of getting the 1/48 1J Hikaru Super Valk, but I change my mind. It'll prolly be at Otakon.
  25. Deep blue plastic through and through to prevent further chipping.
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