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Everything posted by JRock

  1. I met Tiffany Taylor a few years ago at a comic book shop. She was there with Frank Cho ( of Liberty Meadows, I think), and Karl Moline (Who was hot on the trail then from drawling Joss Wheadon's Fray). Now yall might remember her from her Playboy spread. I remember her from Howard Stern's show. She wrestled a dwarf. She said that Gary (Howard's producer. AKA Baba Booey) told her it was for fun. But she didn't realize that the dwarf was as serious as a heart attack about the event. Seems like they told him it was a competition. I went to the event just to say I met a Playboy Playmate (How many men ever get to say that?!) She was gorgeous. Is amazing how a little black dress can make a woman look so good!
  2. You're correct, UN Spacy.
  3. Here's an easy one. In Urusei Yatsura, Why is Ran always pissed off at Lum?
  4. Okay. The Answer is L/R: Licensed by Royalty. The main characters are Rowe Rickenbacker , and Jack Hofner . How they are involved in 1960's rock history is simple. John Lennon used Rickenbacker brand guitars throughout his career while Paul McCartney started his career playing on a rare left handed Hofner bass (He eventually switched to Rickenbacker brand)
  5. How long should it be before I give out the answer?
  6. Nope. Try again
  7. It's not that it was too easy. There was a Naruto discussion at a forum I frequent. What recent anime has its main characters named after musical instrument brands? BONUS: How are said brand names involved in the history of 1960's Rock and Roll?
  8. *Hums Patty Duke Theme Song* They're Cousins (Neji and Hinata's daddies were twins)!
  9. I like Singer. He did an awesome job with the X-Men pictures. I should be happy at this decision. But if shooting for Superman will hinder his work on X3, then he needs to make decisions. Personally, I'd rather he polish up X3 than to tackle another potential franchise. The man's worked up as is.
  10. I'm kinda skeptical about the Mini Cooper-bot. Mazda's RX-8 site has blatent refs to TF, as well as the all important logo and legal information. This Mini Cooper site has none of the refs as well as the legal info. And doesn't BMW release the Mini? Unless Hasbro says so (Like it did when they received questions about the RX-, I assume it's not going to happen.
  11. About three years ago I bought a mix CD at a record shop purely because of the cover. Since then, I've tried in vain to gather any info of the DJ who made it, and more importantly, why a Valk as a cover? I have a pic for proof. Sorry if it's not clear enough but I don't have an actual digital camera. I used my cell phone cam to take this pic. If anybody is going to Otakon, I will bring it to the Macross panel.
  12. Sledge Hammer was a psychotic freak No wonder why we love him as kids! Is it true that there will be commentary by Sledge himself (The actor who played Sledge)? Knight Rider on the list is great. Now if they only put out Hardcastle and McCormack (I remember pops buying me a toy Coyote Car as a kid) I'll be alright. Another childhood favorite is now out on DVD. Wonder Woman!! All the first season eps and the pilot movie is in it. I now have The Feminum Mystique to see for the rest of my life Damn right I'm passin it to my kids!
  13. There is no logic in the world. This is coming out but NO KNIGHT RIDER?!?! NO HARDCASTLE AND MCCORMACK?! WTF!
  14. I still consider the Spidey teaser trailer as one of the best teasers that came outta Hollywood. I still remember the goosebumps I had when I saw this airing before the Final Fantasy movie. Thank you, >EXO<, for posting this. I wish Sony had the guts to put it on the DVD (And I refuse to buy it because of that.)
  15. The Munsters car I believe is called the Dragula. Now if they only make die-casts of the A-Team van, The Coyote from Hardcastle and McCormack and KITT I'll be happy!
  16. *Raises hands above head NFL Referee style, imitating a Spanish Soccer commentator* GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL!!!! Got DAYUM You hit the paydirt!!
  17. It's a good 3D game. But Personally, I feel it copied more from Rygar than Devil May Cry. I was expecting a whole new experience. Instead I got an overpriced game that played like a game that was already in the bargain bin. Rental at best.
  18. Best cartoon series. EVER. Better than the Simpsons. Better than KotH, and better than anything that came out of Japan. I've yet to view an episode I didn't like. I can't wait to get the box set.
  19. I know what you mean. I had to fine some nice ones too. I got tired after playing my "Count The Chis" game.
  20. Unfortunately, I've no experience in resizing the pic.
  21. Yall gotta move to Italy if you wanna kick it with Miss Francesca.. "I-Talians do it better".... [Lil Jon]OOOOOKKKKAAAAAYYYY!!!!!![/Lil Jon] I got a pic of her as Chun-Li, but it's deemed too large according to Mod Focker. I can Email it to those who are interested.
  22. My favorite cover is The Ramones rendition. Not to mention the Remix that's in the PSOne/DC versions.
  23. I tried both issues and they don't have the issues I was looking for. The ones I was looking for were the weekly Famitsu issue that had GTA: Vice City on the cover, and the July issue of Famitsu Xbox.
  24. It's good that you saw the Spidey 2 picture. But I want to know two questions. 1: Do you feel the acting to be less dorky than the first one? 2: Is Spidey more of a smartass than in the first movie?
  25. Do you guys know of a website that sells and ships JP gaming magazines over the net? There's this issue of Famitsu I want to see.
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