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Everything posted by JRock

  1. YES!! Billy West plays Booster Gold's droid friend Skeetz. Tom Everett Scott played Booster Gold himself. I like the series so far. Especially "This Little Piggy...." It had the best line in any cartoon "I'm just a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues." -Batman I laughed so hard when I heard it.
  2. GoLion was edited on all three aspects. The music in Voltron is more orchestral based. The theme song of GoLion was typical JP shonen anime fare. A bunch of boys singing on how GoLion will save the day (Typical from Tetsujin 28 onward). I remember reading that GoLion was a braggart with an ego the size of China (Not to mention a few Macross World member whom shall be anonymous ), and that the gods of the Universe separated him into five lions as a lesson. Of course that wasn't close to what Voltron was. An Emergency tool to fix the universe of the robeast of the week. I do know that WEP had International rights outside of Japan so it could be a possibility that it was aired in HK. It's understandable that people from the East don't get Voltron, as this was something that at the time us Westerners didn't see all the time.
  3. I'm planning on getting the TPB. As for answers to Voltron: Voltron Origins: Similar to Robotech, Voltron is based on three separate series/toy lines Voltron I (AKA Vehicle Force Voltron) is based on Dairugger XV Voltron II (AKA Gladiator Force Voltron) is based on Albegas. This is the little known Voltron. An anime has been based on this, and World Events Productions had the rights to air it, but didn't because of the huge popularity of.... Voltron III (AKA Lion Force Voltron). This Bot is based on GoLion. The most well known of all the Voltrons. Stealth Voltron, Vortex Voltron are all American creations and are treated by Voltron fans with the same amount of respect us Lying Macross Purists treat Harmony Gold WEP's treatment of Voltron: I also saw mention that some people find it fascinating that people are not complaining about WEP's butchering of the original series. There's a reason for that. Unlike Macross, and to a slightly lesser extent, Mospeada, The three shows that formed into Voltron were never popular in Japan, and quickly forgotten. And the few Japanese that remember the shows dismissed them as poorly written extended toy commercials (GOD, that sounded familiar ) This is one of the reasons why Toei sold the entire rights of GoLion to WEP. Soul of Chogokin versions of GoLion and Dairugger XV? Not gonna happen. I would LOVE to see them. But given the nonexistance of these two titles in JP fandom and that GoLion is flat out owned by WEP, it's a bitter pill to swallow to keep it real. Toynami better not screw this up! DVD Releases: WEP did announce that Voltron will come to DVD. One of the most interesting aspects of the press release is that "Japanese footage" will be included as extras. Whether it'll be in the form of scenes that WEP had to cut due to content or, as I hope, be a couple of full length JP episodes to compliment the US versions (ala Battle of the Planets DVD) is unknown at this time. This is where e-mailing WEP comes into play. I Hope the distributor will be Rhino, as I like the way they handled the TF and GI Joe shows on DVD. Madman's AU release has awesome looking packaging complete with the best looking original Voltron logo out there. But there's no extras, and it's unknown whether or not the show has been cleaned up a bit.
  4. Unfortunatley not. He will be named Meister here. Some trademark or copyright must have ran out or the other theory is that since Honda has a new car in the UK called "Jazz" that Mazda didnt want thier RX-8 to be mistaken for the Honda Jazz. So we all get Meister. I am still calling mine Jazz though. And we all know that Jazz's original JP name is Meister. So in a way it's as accurate as you could get.
  5. Here's the cover of the version I own.
  6. Here's something I've just noticed while I was watching some of the extras. Take a look at the guy's black jacket. Hmm. That faint looking drawling looks familiar....
  7. Here's one of the Audio Menu. Notice the Director's Commentary option is missing, and replaced with tacked on text for the option of English subtitles.
  8. The version I have is from a company called Red Sun. It's under the name Ong*Bak: Thai Warrior (The "*" is actually marked as Ong-Bak's severed head on the cover.) It too seems to be a direct rip of the Thai disc. The text is BOLD font English on top, and small Thai text on the bottom. I have all the extras but the commentary. It couldn't play on my Daewoo DVD-5800 but it works fine on my PC DVD-ROM. I got it at Otakon when I saw multiple versions of the movie. I saw at least three different covers. I got one of the corniest. I'll show you a few screen grabs of the menu.
  9. The R1 has the original cut of the film in Cantonese. But for you sound nuts, the Cantonese DTS track is not present like on the Universe DVD. Speaking of the Universe HK DVD, I still have that sealed copy that's collecting dust in my dresser for over a year. It's still for sale, and I assure you all it is not the bootleg version. PM me if interested.
  10. I paid too much money for the Perfect Sessions (I paid sticker price, not the inflated prices on ebay). I'm satisfied with those.
  11. I heard of Baby Geniuses 2 coming out but I thought it was a straight to video movie.
  12. Animatronic and possibly CG Kruger? Okay. But they better have a cute looking Swan. Does anybody know if Bandai will release a black version of the DX Dekaranger Robo? I'll prolly get that and wait for the US version.
  13. HOW IRONIC!!! Me and my boys were saying the SAME thing last night! What my boys were partaking in at the time I can neither cofirm nor deny....
  14. In call yall did not know, Takara/Hasbro was unable to secure rights to use the Mini Cooper for it's BT/Alternators line.
  15. Out of all of the Cyber fansubbers, who in your opinion has the best presentation? I've just saw just the opening credits of AnimeOne's version and I liked how they presented the credits and added their name on the vinyl that was spinning at the end. But I haven't seen an episode yet as it is still downloading.
  16. I'm still pissed off at him for dissing Tomb Raider 2. I kinda liked it. Mannish stunt doubles and all.
  17. I remember when he said Tomb Raider 2 (Directed by Jan De Bont) was a piece of shyt. But it was damned watchable compaired to the HOTD "movie".
  18. I can vouch for Mechamaniac. There WAS a white guy dressed up like Rick James Last Friday (Which was, ironically, the day he died.) My regrets are that I didn't get a pic of him.
  19. I'll pick up the set soon. But areaseven. Was is necessary to translate the title to Japanese?
  20. Here's the Luc Besson message.
  21. During the scene where Ting is being chased by the thugs, he dodges some of them on a table. As he jumps off the table, the Spielberg message appears on a metal gate in the background. Found it.
  22. I saw this movie at Otakon. Damn Ong Bak is tight!! I bought the DVD shortly after seeing it. I noticed the Luc Besson message, but where is the Spielberg message? Is it earlier than the tuk-tuk chase?
  23. It's definately an acquired taste. Saw the first four episodes, and I'm still not into it. Granted, I admit, I watched it via Anime Network In English. But if you can't understand the show in your native tongue how in the hell can you understand it in a language you don't understand? A try before you by grade by me.
  24. Cool. They got Clark Bartram to reprise his role! I like this Superman better than the Superman in the Grayson short. The costume looks more professional than the Party City halloween costume on Grayson. And look at the "S". It looks more like the "S" in the 70's/80's Superman movies than any other live action version of Superman. Nice Touch.
  25. yup. gave her a hug, too. You hugged Shera?? You lucky bastid
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