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Everything posted by JRock

  1. JRock

    Stuff Doll Valk

    Those stuffed dolls look like Carnival/upscale prizes. Could they be those type of toys?
  2. That's just too.....freaky. Reminds me of Chucky from Child's Play
  3. Regarding the topic at hand , I like them. The reason why they cost so much is...well...they're NIKE shoes!! Nikes believe it or not are tremendously popular in Japan. Peoples pay twice the amount we (US) do for the same shoe. There was this true story of a Japanese collector who paid $150 for a beat up pair of the first series of Air Jordan shoes. Add in the RX-78-2 colors and you got an item that will no doubt sell out, and go fo top money on auction sites.
  4. Anime wise, my Cowboy Bebop Perfect Sessions box set and original 9 disc AnimEigo Macross box
  5. Single Purchase was the Original AnimEigo Macross boxset at $250 Most expensive toy/model: 1/48 VF-1S Most prized possesion in Anime Collection: Cowboy Bebop Perfect Sessions. I bought it last year at FYE for regular price ($200) Look of nearby Anime fan behind me after eyeing my boxset: Pricele$$!! Coulda been his. PS: Both boxsets are in my safe. No lie.
  6. The 1/48 is like a slice of non fattening goodness. As if it was kissed by God Herself. I, like valkyrietestpilot, bought my first 1/48, the 1S Focker at Otakon (Hell, We got ours at the same time and at the same booth!). When I got to my hotel room, I peeled it out of its box, and just doin barrel rolls, humming the Macross theme. My roomates thought I was off my rocker (They confirmed it when I told them how much it cost.) And Yes. Welcome to the cash vacuum that is 1/48 collectin. Hikaru 1S and 1J, here I come (Thank God I have a job!)!!!
  7. The crazy part is that the Car Smokescreen transforms to is in Gran Turismo 4. The same design. That's kinda sweet if you ask me.
  8. I had a feeling it would be a huge preorder. *Happy to have his preorder from Blasto!* I need to preorder Prime with the quickness!!
  9. JRock

    1/48 Line

    Wasn't the Lo-Viz Valk inspired from the Pic on Model Grafix?
  10. For years, I've always kept a magazine clipping about the "Robotech toys we didn't get". It basically a short article about Robotech and all the toys that could have been imported in the US. Mainly the Takatoku Valks. They had a display with the 1S in the GBP-1 (Dammit...I KNOW I mispelled the Heavy Armor's model number), The 1J Millia, and The 1A CF. They also listed the prices, which were at the time. Just a simple daydream for me. To make a long story short, I was referred to MW in a video game forum that had a topic about the origins of the Transformers. On the front page, Pics of the Yamato VF-1A Hikaru. My Jaw dropped! I knew I had to have it. I looked to the forums, and through the suggestions of the peoples, I ordered it from ValkExchange. A couple weeks later, I was applying the decals, while my then GF was whining on how I was still playing with toys (Which was funny as she knew I was a gamer and anime fan, and saw a few TF in my place). Now fast forward a couple years, and I'm now enjoying my VF-1S, and constantly telling my moms that they're not Optimus Prime toys.
  11. I get my goods when I see them. I got my last valk, the 1/48 1S, at Otakon (The same time valkyrietestpilot got his 1/48 Lo-Viz). But mainly on the Internet.
  12. This is something I've always wondered What's in the visors of the heads of the VF-1 valks? The "eyes" if you may.
  13. I still be JRock From now until the day I die.
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