For years, I've always kept a magazine clipping about the "Robotech toys we didn't get". It basically a short article about Robotech and all the toys that could have been imported in the US. Mainly the Takatoku Valks. They had a display with the 1S in the GBP-1 (Dammit...I KNOW I mispelled the Heavy Armor's model number), The 1J Millia, and The 1A CF. They also listed the prices, which were at the time. Just a simple daydream for me.
To make a long story short, I was referred to MW in a video game forum that had a topic about the origins of the Transformers. On the front page, Pics of the Yamato VF-1A Hikaru. My Jaw dropped! I knew I had to have it. I looked to the forums, and through the suggestions of the peoples, I ordered it from ValkExchange. A couple weeks later, I was applying the decals, while my then GF was whining on how I was still playing with toys (Which was funny as she knew I was a gamer and anime fan, and saw a few TF in my place). Now fast forward a couple years, and I'm now enjoying my VF-1S, and constantly telling my moms that they're not Optimus Prime toys.