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Everything posted by JRock

  1. I'm a music collecting(Mainly old school R&B and rap), gaming, DVD loving, Nike shoe buying fool with a stress filled job that pays enough to cover my habits.
  2. That is until True Crime: The Streets of LA comes out
  3. If that's the case, GT4 is coming in about a year, so there's your realism. I want a racing where I could pick a car/craft, pick a board, and go kicky fast without worrying about the specifics. And F-Zero GX delivers that in spades.
  4. I personally don't have the wheel myself, but the guy whom I bought the game from does, and he says it's just as accurate as the GT3 wheel. PS: What the heck is you avatar about??
  5. Best futuristic racer. Ever. Only thing missin in it is a car with a decal of Calvin pissing on the WipEout logo.
  6. I like DW's representations of the TFs. They're just as detailed as Studio OX's work. They gotta be good if Takara imported the artwork for their reissues, right?
  7. i thought the people working on Big O were some of the same responsible for BTAS?? No way. Sunrise did Big O. Dini and his crew was never involved.
  8. Can you say "Toynami"? But hey, it's a total circle nowadays. Example. The Big-O ripping off of Batman. Gainax's prolly ecstatic about it.... <_<
  9. Prime's looking tight. Only thing I don't like is the battle damage (I want my Prime sparkling new looking). But I'm not gonna catch blue shadow syndrome about it. Either way, my money will be slim to mention.
  10. I'll take that!!! The PSOne remakes are too damn rare for their own good. So this is welcome. I wonder if they'll be straight ports like SMC or are they going the Mario All Stars route?
  11. The Hasbro Version had the same amount of Die Cast as the original. The box screamed out that. The Korean oversized version however was all plastic down to the wheels.
  12. A lot of the more popular HK films are R0. Like Shaolin Soccer, the Once Upon a Time in China Series, The Police Story series, etc. As for Battle Royale, I'd suggest finding the Tartan R0 NTSC theatrical version or the Korean SE disc. Both have English subs and a better pic than the R3 HK release. If you grew up watching Shaw Bros. shows on TV, Celestial Pictures have The Shaw Bros collection of films that have been remastered to amazing results. The HK film industry is notorious for their poor storing and treatment of original master copies of films, so companies like Celestial and HK Legends are a godsend. I would suggest checking out The 36th Chamber of Shaolin and Come Drink With Me from their collection. And ake sure the discs are Region 3, as there are already bootlegs of the Celestial DVDs. HK Flix is a good place to check these and many Asian films.
  13. I'm waitin for areaseven to hopefully review the movie before I buy it. Red Hawk left me a bad taste in my mouth regarding Koreanimation.
  14. Only two things I can think up is remastered picture an 5.1 sound on all eps.
  15. Memento (With Joe Pantoliano), and Insomnia (With Robin Williams and Al Pacino) All are critically acclaimed. With Insomnia being kinda dark.
  16. Chris Nolan is directing, so a glimmer of hope is there. but I ain't holding my breath for it.
  17. Those figures are nice....... but.... I'm still waiting for my custom Bruce Leroy from The Last Dragon action figure. Once I see one, I can die a happy man
  18. IMO if it ain't in English, it ain't worth it. And the box set ain't in English.
  19. I'm a fan of Hong Kong pictures, which many are R3. I've owned two Region free players. My first was a no name DVD player I got just so I can watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on R3 DVD (Which came out 7 months beofre the R1 version). Unfortunately, that DVD player was faulty from the get go. Add in a store that does not accept returns and it was literally thrown out my window. My second DVD player, a Daewoo DVD 5800, is the exact opposite. Plays all my DVDs like a dream. I love it so much. Only fault is it doesn't properly convert PAL into NTSC. So I gotta buy a player like that if I wanna see the Hong Kong Legends DVDs.
  20. When I saw the first pic. I thought it was a painted bust. Too bad the articulation joints mess up the look.
  21. I remember going into Acme Supermarkets as a kid and seein small and medium sized Transformers for sale(Priced as low as a toy store). Hell, I remember their Optimus Prime contest. But I don't think those days will be back. Getting good quality toys at the supermarket. Nowadays, its hollow doll babies and WWE detective kits they're selling.
  22. All you need is some general knowledge in the Hip-Hop culture Off topic: Welcome Back Jemstone. OK. I'm done in this topic.
  23. Cliffs notes version. Canceled because of lack of dedicated interest in the buying public. Somebody help me out here!
  24. O brotha of little Melanin. Here ya go. It's in there somewhere http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ct=ST&f=2&t=573
  25. Bang on! That is correct and those of us who had the mental/physical stamina to sit through the Enter The Matrix will know why the Oracle in Revolutions will look and sound like the one from the . B) I was surprised and delighted to see her in Enter the Matrix. The "new" Oracle is played by Mary Alice, who once played the den mother in A Different World (Spin off from the Cosby Show that also starred Jada Pinket-Smith).
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