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Everything posted by JRock

  1. JRock

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    You don't collect much, do you?
  2. MASK was the bomb! But I loved Blackstarr, which came out a couple years before He-Man
  3. *Still waiting for the definitive GoLion and Dairugger XV reviews*
  4. 25 in April (Big Bull representin)
  5. Great!! Now I can get the DVD! Any suggestions on where to shop at?
  6. Areaseven, do you know if the Korean DVD release comes with english subs? They are REALLY good in that department.
  7. Oops. Sorry. I misread the post As I said earlier, World Events lost to rights to Dairugger XV, but retained the self created aspects of it (Meaning they can release Vehicle Voltron eps on tape, but not the original Dairugger XV.) As for GoLion, They flat out bought it from Toei. Meaning they have access to everything Toei did of GL. I heard WEP is very interested in releasing the original version on DVD (ala Battle of the Planets), but the video distributor, Trimark, wants to hear whether or not the fans want it. And wouldn't you know, I have their email address! Email them at feedback@lgecorp.com and let them know your feelings.
  8. Brotha man, those are some of the most highly wanted figures out there. A Godaikin GoLion MIB could easily fetch up to $650-700 US. I've seen complete DX DXV sets go for $500. It's all a matter it seeing it at the right time.
  9. From the looks of it, it could be a poster that came with one of Super Robot Wars series of .
  10. Don't forget Dancougar and Daltanius. And also, the Super Sentai series got some sweet lookin combining mechs!
  11. The same reason why people in the west wear button down shirts with samurai images and Kanji characters. Cause to them, it looks cool. No matter the lack of grammatical accuracy (Which is why sites like engrish.com exists, and most of the Kanji in the shirts usually translates to certain condiments and spices in English).
  12. The third Voltron is Albegas, which was actually animated in Japan but never made it in the US for some strange reason (Prolly cause the kids were hankering for more of the Lion Force Voltron.). I heard the Toynami Voltron (Which is Lion Force, BTW), is a new design........ right <_< As for those thinking of gettin the Lionbot, Make sure it's under $75. Any more than that, and you're being jipped. WEP lost the license to Dairugger XV (Vehicle Voltron) a while ago, but they flat out bought the GoLion franchise from Toei.
  13. Ain't no Japanese to see here, move alone. Move along. LOL! Alright Officer Barbrady
  14. Will the orange shirt be a regular, or Hypercolor version?
  15. JP version will have the larger smokestacks.
  16. The reason why is it's not a Japanese Magazine. It's a Hong Kong published mag.
  17. What is the appeal of the Charlie's Angels movies? It's one of the few occasions where the stunt actors looked hotter than the people they doubled (And I saw pics of them).
  18. As far as I know, he's your run of the mill mass produced Transformer. It's just that he was so in demand from the moment those toy show pics came up online. Email SpideyJ from Blasto Toys. He MIGHT have a couple left. MIGHT.
  19. Hasbro's version will be all plastic, but will retail for less than $30 (hopefully $20 like they predicted). I transformed it last night. Most confusing transformation sequence ever. And it's a work in irony. I got paint chips. but in the plastic sections (Nastiest in the front wheel hinge sections and the section underneath the door where swrt.com is painted on). the diecast is in impeccable shape. I so long for touch up paint.
  20. I know I know!! OLD THREAD! But I just got it today from Blasto, and I was surprised on how huge it is. I've yet to transform it (It still has it packaging tape around it) and I'm affraid of the paint chips, so I'm gettin the US version. Smokescreen is a mixture of plastic and diecast with the paint on the plastic mimicing the exact shade of blue paint the metal has. Hasbro has no excuses to not release it in this shade of blue.
  21. I don't like them. Now the Spidey/Venom bookends? Those were banging!
  22. Which is also one of its charms. This is the biggest Hollywood homage to Asian cinema ever. And it was extremely well done. I love the choices of music, especially the Green Hornet theme song when the 88s were zooming around Tokyo. I'm familiar with The RZA's music, but I couldn't tell the difference between his compositions and the licensed tracks. That is awesome IMO. Another nice touch would be the Respect list at the credits. With Kinji Fukusatsu on top. And Gogo's a cutie
  23. I saw it this past Saturday. I loved it. I was the only one cheering when they opened the movie with the Shaw Brothers theme song. It was a treat to see that opening the way it's meant to be seen. On a big ass widescreen. Only gripe about the movie is not the B & W sequence (I think it was a nice touch), but the fact they didn't show much of Gordon Liu at all. I was hurt by that, As he kicks all types of ass. Another gripe is in the audience. I sat next to a couple of ANALytical a-holes. Just like the comic book owner in the Simpsons. Criticizing left and right, up and down. I took offense when one guy was snoozing at the O-Ren Ishii origin. I elbowed the sucker and called him a jackass. And I have no regrets in doing that. Shoot. My views about it is to enjoy it when you see it in the theatre, and THEN criticize it when you see it in the privacy of your own home. It's people like them and the Nextel owners that are the reasons why I rarely go to the theatres
  24. Disney now has the rights to Totoro? Cool! I can't wait for their release of it. Fox never realized what a good thing they had. I thought the FOX dub of Totoro was one of the best I've ever seen/heard. Although I prefer subs, I may pick up a copy of the FOX DVD if I don't like the Disney dub of Totoro. (I remember disliking the dubs of Mononoke and Laputa, and not being too crazy either about Jiji done by Phil Hartman (R.I.P.--I'm a big fan of his otherwise).) I think everyone's favorite devil Carl Macek directed the dub. Which is kinda ironic.
  25. Disney now has the rights to Totoro? Cool! I can't wait for their release of it. Fox never realized what a good thing they had. Disney will have the Totoro rights beginning in I believe 2005. That's why Fox hastily released the DVD. And true, Fox never know what a treasure they had in Totoro.
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