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Everything posted by JRock

  1. 9.07298% - Geekish Tendencies I think my Hip-Hop album collection is keeping me away from being a total geek....I think.
  2. Warwick himself would love to make another Willow movie (According to his commentary on the Willow DVD). If only as an excuse to act without prosthetics! PS: In the game Gladius, there's a enemy by the name of Kael
  3. Naaah...They musta put more money into it. Hasbro footed the bill 100%. Only thing Takara did was codesign the toys and characters with Hasbro.
  4. Xmas was cool for me. Got my presents from my mom two weeks ago, which was a coat and the new Jay-Z CD. And the Finding Nemo DVD from my coworker for a pollyanna gift (Which rocks btw!). I'm STILL waiting for Spidey J to bless me with my TRUE Christmas present. That my MP Convoy is ready for shipping (Hurry up man!!!!).
  5. Went to Target at the Brandywine Town Center in Delaware....Nothing but Armada minicons and one Energon Prime Went to TRU near the Christiana Mall in DE. No Alternators, but piles of Reissues, Armada, and Energon! Oh My!!! They had literally a wall full of nothing but Armada and Energon Primes, and a couple of shelves of the others. I was SO tempted to get a Reissue Inferno, but thought better of it and bought Midway Treasures on the PS2.
  6. Dammit!! Hurry up Blasto!!! Please.... On another note, They mentioned how the prototypes were based on a Popular German Car, then a well known American Car. Gee... I wonder which cars would that be?
  7. Only Giant robot flick I'm lookin forward to is th JP Live action Gigantor movie.
  8. Couldn't have said it better myself. Like the Hasbro ad said, I indeed have been praying for a TF line that equals the detail and "wow" factor of the higher end JP lines (Like SOC and Yamato's Macross line). Cause let's be real..again. Beast Wars and Beast Machines were not cutting it. They were forplaying with the TF2000/TF Robots in Disquise line. They damned near went limp with the Armada/Micron Legend and Energon/Super Links lines. They rose to the occasion again and got the motion of the ocean goin with the BinalTech/Alternators line. And they achieved Complete and total climax with the Masterpiece Convoy/20th Anniversary Optimus Prime. They should be commended for getting longtime TF fans blood pumping at the possibilities. Any other lines are just playing with themselves at the moment. This is of course my opinion of the topic at hand. I could be wrong.
  9. From what Toycom mentioned, the Japan and US versions ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. He even said it is likely from the same production run. Graham if you need one let me know. -K I think Graham's trying to ask if the Escaflowne's you're selling is a domestic Toycom, or an Imported Yamato (Cause he wants directions in English.) Forgive me if it's not the case, Graham
  10. I personally voted for Prime myself. Let's be real. The 1/48 valk won last year. Why vote for a repeat this year?
  11. Well.....The flooded children's merchandicing (School Supplies, meal sets, pajamas, underoos, etc) kinda makes it a dead givaway. Remember, a lot of the most popular Anime shows (Including our beloved Macross) were made for kids.
  12. The Dub is very watchable. Standouts are Kaname's and Kurtz's voice. I'm satisfied with it.
  13. It ain't for East LA. It's for South Central LA (Wesssiiiddeee!!!!) *Plays James Brown's "Santa Claus Goes Straight To The Ghetto"*
  14. Reminds me of when a guy was ing up a literal butt whoopin on Ebay
  15. Nope. They're PART of the reason. And I stand behind my opinion
  16. I truly believe Dubs are PART of the reason why Anime is so low priced nowadays. I'm from the School that experienced having to pay $40-$45 for 30-45 minute subbed Anime on VHS tape. And that meant a lot of money to a 14-15 year old who's source of income were $20 monthly allowances. Add in the $10 black and white 40 page anime magazines at the time, and the fact that this is before Net shopping existed (I had to mail my payment with a handwritten letter of what I wanted to the companies themselves) you got a pretty down on his luck kid. I can only imagine how much the DVDs would cost had it been like the way JP release their DVDs (2-3 TV episodes, or 1 ep OVA). And it scares me. Personally, I rather watch a good dub than a poorly translated Sub (And it DOES happen on a few occasions on legit releases). There are VERY few instances when the dub outclasses the sub (Golden Boy is a personal example).
  17. Best 1: Cowboy Bebop 2: Chobits 3: Licensed by Royalty (L/R) 4: Golden Boy 5: Ai Yori Aoshi Worst 1: Evangelion 2: Sonic The Hedgehog (Both OVA and X versions) 3: Dragon Ball Z (Texas Cast) 4: Love Hina 5: Ghost in The Shell
  18. You won't get flamed. At least you posted this in the right section
  19. Sorry. Read it wrong
  20. Hurry up Spidey J!!!!!!
  21. Where can I get the AYO calendar?
  22. You are saying that even with that... it was a bigger disapointment then Devil May Cry 2? Devil May Cry 2 was your run of the mill sequel. The team promised more of the same, and in a way, they made true on that claim. Castlevania was IMO more hyped to be the true rejuvenation of a classic series. They (Konami) promised that the series would go to a new direction while staying true to Castlevania. They didn't fufill that promise. It played more like Rygar than DMC. Hence the biggest dissapointment of the year to me.
  23. Best Game 2003 PS2: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Now THIS is how to resurrect a forgotten series!!! Biggest Surprise: Freedom Fighters. Real time Tactical Action made simple and fun. Biggest Dissapointment: Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. Decent presentation. Just that the design's been done before (Remember RYGAR???), and static camera angles SUCK Moral of 2003: No matter how improved the sequels are, Borish characters still suck (Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter)
  24. Shooters Gaiares R-Type Series Raiden 1 Strikers 1945 II Viewpoint Ikaruga Macross (Arcade) Whip Rush Platform Mario 1-4, 64 Yoshi's Island Sonic 2 Sly Cooper Viewtiful Joe Racing Rage Racer R4 Daytona USA 2: Battle on The Edge SF Rush 2049 Metropolis Street Racer Fighting Street Fighter II Turbo SamSho II Fatal Fury 2, MOTW Mortal Kombat II, Deadly Alliance World Heroes 2 Marvel vs Capcom 1 SF Alpha 2, 3 Virtua Fighter 2, 4 Evo Tekken 3 Soul Edge RPG Lunar Series FF VI, VII Chrono Trigger Dragon Warrior 1, II Action/Adventure El Viento Valis Series Earnest Evans Zelda 1-3, OOT, WW Kingdom Hearts Castlevania IV, SoN, CoM, HoD, AoS Contra III GTA 1, 3, VC Prince of Persia SoT Phantasy Star Online (1 & 2) Sports NBA Street Vol 2 NBA Jam (Midway Version) NFL Blitz Tecmo Bowl THPS 2 Other WWF WrestleFest WCW/NWO Revenge Def Jam Vendetta Tetris Bust a Move: Rhythm and Dance Action Paperboy Favorite Developer: Nintendo, Capcom Favorite Independant Developer: WolfTeam (Circa 1993-1996), Treasure, Game Arts, Factor 5
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