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Everything posted by Petrov27

  1. Petrov27

    Hi-Metal R

    Glaug apparently shipping now? Just asked to pay for it anyway
  2. very cool - what scale? Would love to have him in 1/100...
  3. Again super cool and man I get you with the screw ups we make - seems like the kit takes forever! I am using the Tamiya Panel line stuff as well but having some mixed experiences - do you apply over a very glossy finish or more flat? I am doing over very glossy and the stuff seems to go on fine but in the process of drying it seems to run out of the panel lines too much
  4. those look totally amazing!! Funny I am actually building one of the VF-1A as Max as well - have it maybe 50% done. I really like the Wave 1/100 Valks.... what product/method do you use for the panel lining?
  5. another role for ScarJo I am sure
  6. Was not a fan of the recent movies but hoping they do a decent job with this.... Wonder where exactly this new series will start? With Black Swordsman then jump right to Conviction (maybe will do a synopsis of Golden Age or just assume everyone has seen the old series or movies)?
  7. Petrov27

    Hi-Metal R

    Apologies, late to this discussion - is the "voting list" an official thing done by Bandai?
  8. Petrov27

    Hi-Metal R

    Gotcha - missed that - thx!
  9. Petrov27

    Hi-Metal R

    Just curious, was there an official future release list for what they are doing in this line beyond what has been announced so far? I have been going through this thread to find that but that is a tall order given 130+ pages.... I assume a Spartan, M&M Valks and there was a pic of a Nousjadeul-Ger but not sure if that was official or no?
  10. Petrov27

    Hi-Metal R

    late comer to these - they look mighty fine - thx for the heads up on the Regult availability again on HLJ. Missed the dang Glaug preorder though....
  11. 1/72 Q-Rau I would really be interested in....
  12. Yes - I would be interested in this (needing the monster decals also...) Thx!
  13. Very cool - badly want a Queen Raowr....
  14. Im in for one! Also hoping a Q-Rau is a possibility down the road....
  15. I agree - that looks great. How much do you thin the MIG product for the slurry? 50-50?
  16. Excellent - following...
  17. I'm just through the first disk of Bebop on Bluray and loving it as well - looks and sounds brilliant
  18. There were some good sales for it - I think Cool Stuff Inc has it at like 50% off still? I have read through the rules but not played. It looks OK. Some needed information is only on the unit/squad cards and is in very small type which I am not real happy with. Fans have made new tracking cards/sheets and made them available which will help with that issue. There definitely is a lot of work to get the minis built - I have done about a dozen, mix of both forces - I actually like 'em though I like building plastic models....
  19. ha - I just started Eureka 7 last week and got to episode three and gave up - maybe will press on a few more episodes...
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