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Everything posted by Petrov27

  1. Ha was there when it opened and yes there was major WTF when those credits rolled - like THATS IT!?! YOU ARE LEAVING US THERE FOR THREE YEARS? None the less the movie was awesome on about every level but was the first movie I had ever seen that left things at such a state at the end. I wonder if the internet had been a thing back then what level of sh!t storm that cliffhanger would have generated?
  2. Babylon on Prime.... holy #$@#$ that last episode....
  3. Good lord that is impressive progress and looking great - rock on cap!
  4. Wow totally missed Tanya - had never heard of it - about half way through and really digging it so far....
  5. It all is looking very good - so exciting! I would not be adverse to paying for a standing Milia figure to pose next to the Q as an add on - just throwin' that out there
  6. I got into it all with the Witcher 3 game; the trailer for it was fantastic - such immersive music alone! Started the game and was immediately super impressed so paused that and read all the books lol. It has some great great stories/quests - the Bloody Baron alone was one of the best computer RPG things I have ever experienced. I know the second game has some very positive reviews regarding the plot so I keep thinking to try again but the combat in that just really didn't click with me right from the start so never have. I do have to laugh a little at the author Sapkowski and his regard of the games; he was offered up front a cut in profits by the game producer early on and he basically told them to shove it because he figured it would be crap and wouldn't make much. So he took a lump sum for the rights up front back before the first game. When the third game came around and made giant cash he sued them for more $$$ then - not the best look in my opinion lol....
  7. hmm, it might make a buck or two
  8. very cool and very interested... scale is 1/72?
  9. Petrov27

    Macross figures

    I really dig Gloval's porn stash and dead-eye stare though
  10. Petrov27

    Macross figures

    Still do not understand the wing on these - what is it supposed to be? Part of whatever they are sitting on I assume but sure looks odd
  11. yes some new Eldar Aspect Warriors would rock totally....
  12. They should pair the Joffrey figure with a Tyrion with b!tch-slap action arm feature - would sell well I think
  13. and like what is with their body-posture/poses in that panel when they are all saying "yes" to the question if they are alien spies - looks really goofy (but almost in a good way so awkward lol)
  14. I liked it - some sections more than others. High points for me were Lucky 13 and Sonnie's Edge Definitely with the Heavy Metal vibe big time
  15. Love the Manga def recommend, at least the original volumes (9?)
  16. My roommate is a cat is a joy, just started Love and War and hooked immediately. Mob Psycho just got serious (like crazy serious end of previous episode) and went from what had become almost slice of life comedy to all hell breaking loose with esper superpowers which has my attention....
  17. Petrov27

    Macross figures

    Are those just repaints of the existing Plamax kits? I really like the top set...
  18. Petrov27

    Macross figures

    the art looks good on those though am confused by the butt-wing as well (are they sitting on a headless bird statue maybe? its odd...)
  19. Petrov27

    Bandai DX VF-31

    whats a reasonable price right now for a NIB never transformed VF-31A?
  20. Nova do like his Flan...
  21. Hinamatsuri - on episode 10. Not sure how I missed this one but wow its great
  22. Same - the figure does look very good though. I would like one maybe half that size and mucho cheaper (along with the entire rest of the team)
  23. Goblin Slayer - liking it more than I thought I would Slime - pretty average but watchable Golden Kamuy - love it - really great Zombie Land - this did not look at all like something I would like, but gave it a shot and digging it so far
  24. Regardless of anything else that animation/style is not doing anything for me - really not keen on it at all....
  25. yeah the eyes are just odd - I never took the manga to imply Alita had larger eyes than anyone else, human or otherwise so it is a weird thing to do in the movie really and a big distraction....
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