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Iron Man aka Tony Stark

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Well, thx for the answers guys. But I still don't know how it comes that the discs in my box set don't have the aforementioned picture of Misa/Minmay/Hikaru on them? I'm really trying to find if the one I've got is an original japanese one It has everything like the official japanese release, except for this picture that should be on each of the three disc in a different color. It's definitely not the Sonmay version since it's manufactured by Victor, and looks exactly like all the pictures of the official release I've seen on the net (except of course for this these damned picture discs). Maybe it's only a reissue, but the date on the spincard is still 1992. Come on, I can't be the only man on earth with this version?? Tony Stark, aka Iron Man
  2. Hi everyone! I've got a few questions for the Macross experts out there, about the "Macross complete" 3 cd set, published in 1992. I've read somewhere that a version of it exists wich comes in a cardboard box and two booklets: one in color with tons of pictures and one in black and white with staff interviews. I've never seen this version so far, and I'm wondering if it's a first print or something? Also, I know that each disc has originally a picture of Minmay/Misa/Ikaru on it (in fact, it's the same picture, but the color changes on each disc). But mine doesn't have these pictures. Just the "Macross the complete" inscription on each disc. Does this mean this is a re-release? I can't believe it's a bootleg since it comes from Japan and is manufactured by Victor. So, if there are Macross experts out there, any info would be welcome. Thanks for listening, folks! Tony Stark, aka Iron Man
  3. Ok, thx everyone. Think I'm gonna buy it in the next few days. -Tony Stark, aka Iron Man
  4. I'm thinking about buying Macross Flashback 2012 on DVD and since the official Bandai is clearly out of the question because of its price, I'm thinking about this one here. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW Anybody knows if it's any good? (picture, audio, subtitles). Thx everybody. -Tony Stark, aka Iron Man
  5. Well, it worked. Thx again Haterist for helping me solve the "front landing gear mystery". As I suspected, it's just a little technic you have to get used to. Thx man. Iron Man, aka Tony Stark.
  6. Ok Haterist, I'm gonna try and let you know if it works for me... Thx Man! Iron Man, aka Tony Stark
  7. Hi, I'm new to this forum so I apologize if my question has already been asked (I haven't read ALL of the past posts). I've just bought a Yamato 1/60 VF-1J Max and I have one little problem. The front landing gear doesn't fit back completely in its hole. I goes back only to a certain point where even if I press really hard, it doesn't fit in. I don't remember having done anything special to get it out in the first place, but I just can't get it fully back in. Maybe it's really a newbie's problem and there's a very simple technic to put the front landing gear back in place,but I just don't seem to get it. So any help would be welcome. Thanks a lot, folks. -Tony Stark, aka Iron Man.
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