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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. I was in 12th grade (1995 mind you) when I learned of an old Japanese antique toy shop in Emeryville, Cali. Upon my arrival in Kimino My House, my jaw dropped to the floor as I see a wall full of vintage Macross Takatoku Toys 1/55. I knew what I had to do, so I got a job working at Mc Donald's so that I can afford a vintage Takatoku Toys. At the time, the prices were $300- for a stand alone and $500- for the Super set or GBP set. Here's what I have so far from my vintage Macross collection. And even though Yamato has superior engineering over a Takatoku and Bandai, they will forever be a part of my great childhood memories.
  2. ^ Here's a hint: Ver 2 for ver 2: ver 1 for ver 1
  3. Absolute garbage!
  4. Why bother because by the time you factor in the exchange rate and shipping, it is still just about the same price as you'd at an anime import store anyways. Same here..... I bet there will be another sale in Dec and I hope they have that half off on shipping like last year too!?
  5. ^ Uhhh...... I tired that and now I have an a$$ load of the V2 1/60
  6. What's significantly different besides the box?
  7. Same here man! Then again its just a gray paint which any modeler can do for like what $10- bucks
  8. ^ I'd love to get me an sdf-1 1/3000 but even after shipping its gonna be $380-. If it was half off then maybe I might cave in. Not that I don't have the money but I think it's a bit over priced. Besides I don't want it that bad. Btw the 1/60 Defender is also on sale at HK collectible for $51- which is cheaper than hlj
  9. Not only is the price outrageously ridiculous, but the head reminds me like the freakin Simpsons! WTF....... !!
  10. That's about how much it would have cost anyways when you factor in the exchange rate and over seas shipping! I bet comes closer to x-mas, they might go half on shipping like they did last yr!?
  11. I'll be all over this like flies on $hit$. Lots of potential paint scheme that I'd love to see done for the V2 line
  12. Looks like those rough years paid off quite nicely Just wait until you get the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie by Bandai!
  13. Congrats man! Is this the only vintage you have?
  14. Nice to have another round of sale but with the current exchange rate, USD is taking the plunge and still be paying out the ass for this as you would with state side retailers, after shipping apply to of course!
  15. First of all, you shouldn't be collecting toys for the sake of monetary gain. If it does appreciate in value, then good for you. I think it's retarded to invest your hard earn dollars in toys! It's meant to be played with so enjoy it because its not like you're going to take it with you when you die... Like many MW members have mentioned, don't expect any future monetary gains as the 80s kids dwindles.
  16. How come you didn't get Macross Zero when they were on sale from HLJ?
  17. Why even bother with the old version!? Save yourself the headache and get the latter ones.
  18. I'm not familiar with this particular line of Macross. I'm old school, mind you! That said, what's the different between the S and D?
  19. I think last year, BBTS had all their Macross inventory on sale like 40% off. I managed to get the Mira set but Max was sold out by the time I got to the check out page!? Ahhhh frack man.... Anyways, I would hope Yamato releases a 2nd run.
  20. lmfao... at least the board here has a sense of humor despite taking words alone out of contexts, like having alternate connotations. Even if those mistakenly fail to see through a subliminal on the "Head Pilot" part some time ago. Carry on kids... Jr High-Metals
  21. WTF, are you for real man! The OP asked the board a question. And I gave him my advice and opinions on these so-called Hi-Metal (Think of it as a brotherly love advice). So lets not be a hypocrite here DA...
  22. First of all, I think these Hi-Metal are absolute garbage! Clearly, its not as Hi-Detailed compared to the 1/55's line of Hi-Metal Valks to begin with. Second, I see you have a lover. The problem with this is and I'm sure if you asked the married dudes in here that are committed that they too will ask their lover for permission!? Are you kidding me man! Why should a man who works hard and long hours has to ask for permission???!! It like asking her for sex!! I mean, are you not financial responsible enough for her to trust you? Now I'm assuming your girl is a low maintenance chick becuas if she's a high maintenance one.... hah good luck man!Last, stick with the big boy stuff (The 1/60s) even if you live in a shoes sized box! You'll be much more happier with them, so start saving once you grad!
  23. Do we still have a deal on the lot?

  24. lmfao.... OOoh you got me there! Then I take it your lover controls what you can and can not get!?
  25. This behavior disturbs me! Its like building your dream home from scratch but refuse to live in it! I don't understand why men needs their lover's approval to buy toys?! Is your wife wearing the pants in the relationship or something....?
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