First of all, I think these Hi-Metal are absolute garbage! Clearly, its not as Hi-Detailed compared to the 1/55's line of Hi-Metal Valks to begin with. Second, I see you have a lover. The problem with this is and I'm sure if you asked the married dudes in here that are committed that they too will ask their lover for permission!? Are you kidding me man! Why should a man who works hard and long hours has to ask for permission???!! It like asking her for sex!! I mean, are you not financial responsible enough for her to trust you? Now I'm assuming your girl is a low maintenance chick becuas if she's a high maintenance one.... hah good luck man!Last, stick with the big boy stuff (The 1/60s) even if you live in a shoes sized box! You'll be much more happier with them, so start saving once you grad!