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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. I don't recall any topic or information on the Macross II (Lovers Again). But anyhow, I just wanted to know if anyone happen to know the jet model name from this Macross II. I think it was VF-2....or something like that. In fact, i'm just looking to get this jet model that was made by Bandai in '93 in 1/100.
  2. Is there one in San Diego?
  3. Okay Chris. I look forward to hear from you when things goes well. Good luck bro! Ryver
  4. Good point! Has anyone talk w/ rep over there? I've never been screwed by Pay Pal before besides the 5% fee for incomming money. But I would imagine Pay Pal do their research of member accounts. Like verifying there address, contact number, and credit card account etc.
  5. Im not sure what "Kinokuniya" or "Asashiya" is. Can someone explain to me what that is?
  6. I never herd of it but I think I might order one too. $130 is a decent price. How much was the shiipping and where is it from? And paying w/ Pay Pal is very secure because they have buyer/seller personal information.
  7. Godzilla if you tell everyone I won't be your friend anymore. Hehe....I though I was the only one. It appears that someone herd it through the grape vine too huh! hehe....its all good. There's no need to be greedy! I'm sure there's plenty for everyone. Especially at that price. Oh wait, knowing Godzilla obession, he might buy every single one (LOL). Will let you know when its confirmed folks!
  8. Hey guys, thanks for the info. Greatly appreciated!!
  9. I told you not to play with fire!!
  10. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Yamatos

    This may be obvious, but Yamato is playing their cards right! They most definitely see the demand and the growing trend in the Macross toy-line. If a company is generating profits (w/out flooding the market), why would a clinically sane company cut the fuel line if it's going to remain buring?
  11. Hope this is the right spot to ask for help. I'm trying to get subscription to any of the following magazine: 1. Dengeki Hobby 2. Character Model 3. B-Club 4. Hobby Japan Does anyone know where or how to go about getting a subscription? Thanks for your help. Ryver
  12. Quick, somebody call the Fire Dept. Looks like H Ichijo is on fire!!! Interesting pic
  13. No can do my fellow MWs. I'm buying them ALL out!!! Hehe, nah im kiddin. I'll post another thread about it as soon as I get the confirmation. Perhaps, the seller will post it in the dealer/sales section. So stay tune for that MWers!!
  14. I know a seller who is selling this GBP 1/48 for $32 each. Does this seem legit folks because if that is the case, i'll definitely buy a case or two. Just seems to good to be true though.
  15. promethuem5; Come on now. That's not what I was told about you and your lust for men!! LOL, so come clean will ya. Haha...i'm just kiddin w/ you bro. Man, how on earth did this GBP thread turn out like this? Anyhow, judging from the pictures, I like it. It looks hella sick yo!! But that's just my opinion though??
  16. Knight26, That sounds pretty kool! Bring it w/ you and show them off to fellow MW.
  17. What's up guys!! Anyone bringing the Yamato 1/48 series to sell?
  18. Hmmm...thats a strange pose on the VF-1J Hikaru! I wonder whats it doing? Haha..
  19. Tsinc got the goods, but man its pricy!!
  20. My condolences to you nightmareB4macross. Hope all elese goes better for you.
  21. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Yamatos

    Its all in the law of supply and demand. More supply, the less demand. Less supply, the more demand. And of course you have peeps who are more than willing to pay whatever the cost. Just depends how much it worth to the individual.
  22. To me its looks good!! I can't complain yet until I actually have one to look at in person.
  23. Dang, it was a good thing I didn't bid on the 1st release of VF-1A Ichijo 1/48. Anybody selling a 2nd or 3rd release VF-1A Ichijo 1/48? Thanks again for the heads-up Kensei!
  24. What more can you ask for. The 1/55 series!! Thats where it all started.
  25. Kensei thanks for the info bro!
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