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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. That looks like a very good movie! But I saw Batman Begin and it was sick yo!
  2. What up Bob_Coffee! I just got here to this Naval command in Diego. I'm still exploring the town but it freaking expensive to explore here. I'm pretty sure there's an anime store but do not know of one though. I here that up north in the LAX has a good deal of these Japan anime related merchandises.
  3. What up Bob_Coffee! I just got here to this Naval command in Diego. I'm still exploring the town but it freaking expensive to explore here. I'm pretty sure there's an anime store but do not know of one though. I here that up north in the LAX has a good deal of these Japan anime related merchandises.
  4. Oh, if you guys are going to the MWcon5, i'll show you what I mean.
  5. I dont know what that is. Can you explain or define that for me?
  6. No pics, but i'll get one up soon to show you guys what I mean. Man, it sucks cuz my VF-1S Strike Valk is bone white too. Just that freakin residues that kills it.
  7. Just having dificult when removing residues from my 1/55 Valkyrie. Its the kind of residue that feels ruff. Kind of like the result of using "Super Glue" when the plastic is detached or separated. And does anyone know how they become oxidize or turned yellow?
  8. Just having dificult when removing residues from my 1/55 Valkyrie. Its the kind of residue that feels ruff. Kind of like the result of using "Super Glue" when the plastic is detached or separated. And does anyone know how they become oxidize or turned yellow?
  9. Oh yeah huh. I can also wait for the MWcon5. This monster is comming from HK or Singapore, I think??
  10. Hey, is $140 shipped for the Koenig Monster Yamato 1/100 a good deal?
  11. I found a seller at toywiz.com. Its $34 w/ shipping! Cant wait to get it in like 10 business days.
  12. Good Lord! $250 for a jig-saw puzzle. I can understand if its the Yamato 1/48 series. But hey, its Macross we're dealing with.
  13. Bob_Coffee; Thanks for your help!! Now let me test my Japanese reading skills.
  14. Does it say the price for it? And what year was it made in?
  15. Interesting info about the Mikimoto. So was he like the story writer or the creator of Macross II?
  16. Found this online and not sure what it is. Can someone translate? Here's the URL: http://shop.goo.ne.jp/store/omochaya/gds/01941/?
  17. Now that's a kool pic of the VF-2SS!! Can somebody tell me why this wasn't as popular or as big as the other macross like the Macross plus or Macross zero. I mean besides the fact that the Macross II anime sucked, at least the VF-2SS has the sleek and fancy design. I just think they could of make a toy of it.
  18. That's an awesome cover of the VF-2SS!! As much as I like the original VF-1, the VF-2SS if far more impressive and sleek. Not to mention, its entirely new body too. Yeah, I love that gun too. I think it had two. the main one and the secondary which came off the leg or something?? Vey sick ass mecha!! To bad there's no toy of it like the 1/55 and the 1/48 Yamato. But as far the the anime goes, its a thumbs down. The story line and plot did not go hand in hand.
  19. Yeah, just imagine that. Suppose it was built in the same style as the 1/55 series. And suppose it was built in the same style as the 1/60 and 1/48 Yamato series. For, I like to see it built like the Takatoku/ Bandai 1/55 and the 1/48 Yamato. And put it a styrofoam box that is well drawn like the old school 1/55. Oops, looks like I was in lala land! Damn, it was just a dream...Why Yamato, why cant you make one?
  20. Hi, Where about in this thread can I find info. And where can I get this model from Bandai?
  21. Man, that sucks. No toy for it huh.I heck of liked it too. It was an impressive mecha and really fancy. Its kind of like remodel VF-1S Strike Valkyrie. If only Yamato made a 1/48 scale for it. By the way Chris, do you know where I can get that 1/72 resin kit. Love to build one. Ryver
  22. Oh, thats right huh. Hehe, thanks bro. Now I got to find a toy or model of it. I just think it was an impressive mecha. Kind of fancy too!!
  23. Correct me if i'm wrong, but is there a toy ever made for the Macross II Lovers Again (Short Lived series)? I recall a model kit by Bandai in '93 1/100, but not a toy figure. Also, can some one translate and find the price to this. Here's the url: http://shop.goo.ne.jp/store/omochaya/gds/01912/?
  24. Anyone happen to know the jet model for this Macross II series. It looks something like....VF-2 or something. Can't remember.
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