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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. Looks like your in a safe environment! By the way are those kids doing there homework assignment?
  2. kool, and as your name implies "Jenius" alsways good working w/ money.
  3. Hey 67, I want that job too so I can kick it at the bar for a good 4 hours.
  4. I was contemplating on what section to put it in but the "Toy" just seem to stand out most to me, so I put it there. In the future, do you have a suggestion? And thanks for the reply. Much appreciated!
  5. Wow, I would love to check that restaurant out! Hmm...."immature little girls" can sure make that up in the bed room though! I have a friend, about 28ish I think, who was lamenting how hard it is to find girls once you were out of college. He's loaded, nice house, nice cars, decent looking guy and can't find a girl to save his life. I have another friend about 28ish. He has nothing going for him at all. He does manage a nice Italian restaurant though. He laments to me that he has so many "immature little girls" trying to sleep with him that it creates too many headaches. I swung by for some free drinks one night and couldn't believe how hot those "immature little girls" were. There's no moral to this story, i just find it funny 360778[/snapback]
  6. Hey, thanks for the reply! When I was in H.S., I used to work at Mc D's and I really loved it there. I mean the feeling was just about what H.S. was but you get paid. Eventhough it was baby pay, I enjoyed working w/ my co-workers. Haha, I wasn't sure if you meant fast food chain but now I got an idea of what restaurant life is about. Thanks again bro!
  7. You have a point there. As a matter of fact, i've been to the MW Con 5. Looking forward to the MW Con 6.
  8. Thanks Spiff, your encouragment is always welcomed!
  9. Lord Kungfu, are you for real bro? So tell us more about your transistion from heli-pilot to real estate? I mean I know that the real estate business is where the money is at and all but is your Macross collection bigger than Godzilla? Also, i'm planing on buying a condo? It is my first major home investment, so I was just wondering if you have any tips or advise for new home buyer? Much appreciated bro.
  10. What's up all! I'm not sure if this topic have already been discussed so here goes: Now that our generation has grown up and working, I was curious to see what MW fans do for a living. Like what is your job title or occupation. Are there Macross fans that are Lawyers, Doctors, Scientist, Professors, CEO, Dentist, Optometrist etc. It doesn't have to be what I listed above as it was just an example. Again my purpose of this topic is to see what Macross fan's work profession/occupation are. In addition, we can network or get advise from your professional knowledge and expertise. Kind of like helping another MW fan. Hmmm..do we have any celiberity? Ryver- U.S. Navy
  11. I still don't understand. But its accurate that the smaller the scale the bigger. So why is the VF-0 1/60 bigger than the VF-1 1/48? Isn't the VF-1 1/48 bigger than the VF-0 1/60? How can this be in terms of scales and number? To me it seems to be a contradiction or something. I am no mean a math wiz but dang its confusing.
  12. No. Smaller the number the bigger it is. 1/1 would be full size. (Imagine standing next to an f-14) 359785[/snapback] Then how come the VF-0 1/60 is said to be bigger than the VF-1 1/48? Wouldn't the VF-1 /48 be bigger than the VF-0 1/60 because the 1/48 is smaller than the 1/60, right? Either this number concept is weird or i'm not getting this.
  13. Agent-GHQ

    Wall Of Valkyries

    Hmmm...that seller ID sounds familar. If it is, then I have won a few items from him. That seller is from San Fran and there was an old store somewhere hiding that I did not even know about. Too bad I was in grade school at the time and no license to drive.
  14. What is the VF-17? Those would be great, but what about a simple Tomahawk. Don't care if the Spartan or the Defender. They could go back and give us an ultra detailed standard Monster MKII version, even though they already gave us the VB-6. No no no, you've missed out on too much...you didn't put in the VF-9 Cutlass, VF-14 Vampire and the VF-17 Nightmare. Graham, ban him for overlooking the almighty VF-17!!! 358230[/snapback]
  15. Would love to see the VF-D, VE-1, VT-1 though.
  16. We may already herd this but i'll say it anyways: "Rules where ment to be broken." And dang....the procedure sounds like it would take an eternity. But the results sounds promising!
  17. You did not make a mistake. You may have skipped a step. So check the transformation guide and take it step-by-step.
  18. For me it was the "Curiousity kills the cat." It sure did because I got my very first 1/48 and I was stoked!! To me it was much better in person than fom the pics. Extremely detailed and articulate model. I love that ruff texture too. From that experience, i've acquired a new perspective on Yamato Macross toy-line. But then again, im also a true lover of the 1/55 too.
  19. Hmmm....I think there was the three High Complete model (HCM) 1/72 by Bandai?
  20. Come on now, cut the guy some slack here. I found myself wanting one too. And this happend when I first tested out the 1/48 w/ my own eyes. It was about early '05. But i'm very much a 1/55 craze too. And now I found myself loving the 1/48. Dang, more troubles down the road if i'm not focused.
  21. Hah, a couple weeks is not bad compared to like 2-3 months. But this is because to keep the cost down. After all i'm ordering the following: 1. GBP X 6 -- 1/48 2. Super Strike pack X 2 -- 1/48 3. VF-1A CF 1/48 I for one, am glad that we are getting a 1/48 GBP. Only problem is I'm gonna have to wait a couple more weeks before we get it out here in the U.S. 353588[/snapback]
  22. Don't feel bad because you are not alone. I still do not understand the number concept. Why....well, isn't 1/60 means smaller than the 1/48? So why is the 1/60 bigger than the 1/48 VF-1 series? You do realise that the 1/60 VF-0S is actually larger than a 1/48 don't you? 1/48 VF-1 = 30cm in fighter mode 1/60 VF-0 = 32cm in fighter mode The VF-0 is a big bird, far larger than the VF-1. Graham 346137[/snapback] No, I did not know that. Thanks Graham, I may have to reconsider. I thought the VF-0 was the same size as a VF-1S. 346325[/snapback]
  23. Agent-GHQ

    Other 1/48's

    Regardless if the box is the same size as the 1/48. We just want the monster in 1/48 to match up w/ the other 1/48 series. A 1/48 Monster? Um, the 1/100 is damn big. The box is the same the 1/48 VF-1. 346338[/snapback]
  24. Does anyone know when this will be released?
  25. Toy-Wave is $69.00 each. So check them out too www.toywave.com
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