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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    May I ask how much you paid for it?
  2. Not a bad idea.
  3. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Have mercy on our wallet Yamato. Damn.....will this torture ever end? Definitely a hot item for the LV 2.
  4. Sounds like you got it together. Care to lead this expedition? And for sure that there will be a long line as if it was Star Wars or something!
  5. Yamatos are fragile too.
  6. Nope, I did not know that. But I had a gut feeling that the Mac2 wasn't as popular as the MacZero. Same here in the States, I guess? And who cares whether Mr. K dislike the Mac2. What matter is his audience/fans. After all, we are the critique of his work. And that VF-2SS is by far a very suped-up and highly sophisicated mehca, hands down bro. 375155[/snapback] Macross zero did better than macross 2 in japan. That is why there is money to be made. You do realize that macross 2 did not do as well, and that Kawamori himself does not like it? Either way I still want macross 2 valks. I'd LOVE to see what kaiyodo could do with them....they make some dynamic articulated toys....it'd be nice to see a sleek VF-2SS from them able to do the poses found in the cut scenes. Heck, I'd even take swap transformation! 375171[/snapback]
  7. Yup, you know what's up! The VF-2SS was the bomb, hands down bro. I'll take that mecha over any other Macross mecha anytime. But to me, the story was a bit one the sour side though.
  8. Your welcome bro. And I must say you have an interesting question too. I would imagine an old toy about a hundred years old would probably be an american doll or something. Not sure if it is packaged up though??
  9. Well, no one expected Yamato to make the VF-0S. But Yamato came through. Why? Because if you look at the demand and the sales records, which i'm pretty sure Yamato do, there is a profit to be made. After all, this time frame is just right to produce Macross toys as the 80's kids are now working professionals. If I was Yamato or an entreprenuer, this is the right time to make mad money. In which Yamato is successful and accomplished that.
  10. Now that is an idea.
  11. Your GF already killed you. Gradually you die slowly as she seeks the bigger better deal!! I'm just kiddin w/ you bro.
  12. This may have already been addressed, but i'll do it anyways just so I know I did it. I would like to know what are your plans with your Macross collection when you reach elderly age of like 50s, 60s, or 70s and beyond? And was it all worth paying for knowing that we can't take them with us when we die? Love to hear from you so please give it some thought.
  13. Now this is a well thought answer and the moral issue too. Definitely, will impress the English instructors.
  14. And did you see the one when Exo gave us a link from eBay. It was a custom made Vermillion team box set. The VF-1A Max and Vf-1A Ben. That was hot bro!! I dont remeber that link or the eBay URL just to see the final bid was. But I'd imagine it would have been alot!! haha, that's a custom box. Someone here on the boards was making one and selling it too. I forgot who it was. It could be that g3173 is the one who made it, or bought it. 373892[/snapback]
  15. Now that is rare. A M$M set!! Where on Earth did you get that box from?
  16. Oh come on bro! Don't give us that excuse. Yamato has the best toy engineer and what so hard about making the two-seater on the 1/48 series? Just alittle more time and study, Yamato should be able to make it happen. It's difficult to make the two seaters with a sliding heaetsheild. 373866[/snapback]
  17. I don't see a reason why they can not make that happen. After all, Yamato's has the best toy engineer to date, right?
  18. Good the hear of the new color scheme!! They are pretty attractive indeed. Looks like Yamato is going to milk us again using their VF-1 molds. Hopefully, with the money they generated from us will prompt or force them to make the VT-1 and VE-1. Still, I don't understand why Yamato did't make them in 1/48 from the get-go?
  19. Hey, what kind of guitar is the black one?
  20. Dang, you beat me by 2 GBP. Got mine today Thur 23 Feb '06. They are incredibily detailed. Even the texture of the box feels sturdy!!
  21. I say display your love of Macross despite what other thinks. After all, we are two different people!
  22. Definitely not the MPC, but the Yammy oh yeah baby!!!
  23. That's what i'm saying bro. Over sixty percent is very high and that is discouraging. So i'd rather have sex w/ them and no commitment. No headace but more fun in the bed room or else where.
  24. What was the high schooler's next purchase?
  25. What up FM, well I just turned 29 this Month and i'm single. I have this weird sort theory about love 'n relationship whether its going steady or married. I don't believe in marriage or Gf because in the end we are nothing but animals doing it like in the discovery channel. I mean why get a GF or married when divorce prevails. Take a good look at the divorce rate alone in the States. It defeats the purpose of getting married. I think it is a waste of time, money, and energy. After all, everyone loves to have sex bro. Its like nature of the beast. I mean we are constantly looking for more. Yes, even when we are married we still look, desire, and lust at other people. That is why people have mistress on the side or lovers on the side. Hence, infidelity. Besides, marriage and relationship is not for everyone bro. Like Rod Stewart said: "Some guys have all the luck." I rather spend my time and money on Macross. That is one dilemma eliminated. In ten years time do you still think you will be single with no GF or wife? I cannot speak for you but I certainly won't be single. But I do agree about not giving a rats ass what others think about my hobbies, especially Macross. If I sell things off and/or decide to concentrate my interests elsewhere, it is b/c it is soley MY decision and I alone know my priorities in life. 367017[/snapback]
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