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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. Cool pics indeed!
  2. Tried, but to no avail. copy and paste it 377515[/snapback]
  3. Please, please, please....do the 1/48!
  4. Where is the pic?
  5. To be honest, i'm skeptical too. If i'm not mistaken, prices were approximately in the $300K range?? But hey, more power to him. Okay lets get back on topic shall we? He said they were located in "Southern California" which is somewhat vague. That could stretch anywhere from Los Angeles to San Diego. Plus he said these properties where "everywhere". Which is why I'm curious. I could do research on the web about real estate prices in 1999 but I thought maybe he'd be nice enough to save me the trouble. 378865[/snapback]
  6. Yeah, me too. This place is still a mystery. Anyhow, congrat Mr. LordKungFu!! LOL! You don't get rich by writing checks. edit: I'd still like to know where LORD KUNGFU bought a house in Southern Cali for $50,000 in 1999. 378855[/snapback]
  7. Oh yeah, the "Internet" played a crucial role in the toy market value!!
  8. I think this mecha is everyone's fantasy!! It has been drooled, begged, and cried for. Bottom line it is da bomb, hands-down. Too bad there is no toy being made. Well, we never know for sure as Yamato loves to keep us on our toes.
  9. I was just curious about whether our Macross toys will worth anything over time? Like in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on years. Regardless of what company or manufacturer the toy is made by (i.e., Takatuko, Bandai, Yamato, Banpresto). So with that said, my question is what is your prediction? Please include some factors that may affect its value. Factors like 80s kids population, demand, rareness, manufactuer issues and so on.
  10. I'll definitely buy a dozen.
  11. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Oh, hell no bro! "Heat" hands-down yo. 377607[/snapback] I like the way they do it in 'Ronin'. Seriously, the lime green GBP is just plain weird. Then again, who am I kidding? I am a completist. So... 377802[/snapback]
  12. Never been there but would love to go. Can someone tell me the address?
  13. That is because you are in Canada. Hence, shipping will be more of course versus The States. And Noeva has the best prices hands-down bro! Not really, he told me $215 shipped ....... 377621[/snapback]
  14. Neova is the cheapest of them all! Neova is roughly $195 shipped for the Super Stealth to California Works for me. 377330[/snapback]
  15. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Lets do it like they did it in the movie "Heat?"
  16. Ewww, Toynami making this mehca is a no...no!
  17. So that is how you got that pot belly. Better get on that easy-rider or start running laps. I'm just kidding w/ you Xo.
  18. Little White Lies has been know to be used and is perfectly normal in a relationship. As a case in point, ask her how many guys she has banged and multiply that by two. Man, I've got to play that card the end of this month. I've been buying models and toys left and right for the last 5 years. I've got to have about 25-30 totes full of them, and that doesn't include at least 2 of each of the 1/48s. I get the "you got another package today" as soon as I walk in the door from work. I usually tell her its a cheap used model I picked up. Sometimes I prep her by telling her I made this awesome score real cheap, and then hope she doesn't press for details. If I told her it was a $150-$200 Yammie, that I already had one of, the temp in the house would drop a few degrees right away. I usually take the package into the garage, where I open it, check it out, and immediately put it in the basement as we have no room here to display anything. When we move, she'll be helping me hauling all this stuff out, and I'll be about as nervous as a whore in church....... . I've been prepping her, like telling her most of the stuff in storage is from my childhood. Hopefully she doesn't look too closely at the dates on the boxes! She's usually pretty cool with it, but finances have been getting tight, especially with cost of building a house, so she's getting a little more "concerned", and of course now Yamato decides to put the production lines in overdrive..... 376976[/snapback]
  19. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Yeah, I know so hard to please. But that GBP color would go real good w/ the Stealth!! Actually I 've done a 1/60 GBP and posted at the custom forum a while ago. But it seems that post has been out of the pages. I am reposting them again. 377039[/snapback] Right on! Nice take on making a custom CF GBP. You planning one for a 1/48 GBP? 377060[/snapback]
  20. 1. Are the prices below before or after the 5% discount? 2. Does HLJ want the pre-order money up-front? 3. Is HLJ the cheapest retail thus far?
  21. That is why you don't get married. Better to spread your seeds and move on to the next like it was in the discovery channel. After all, it is nature of the beast.
  22. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    The power of psychology and money goes hand-in-hand. As a case in point: WOMEN. Sex sales and it is the oldest trick of the trade.
  23. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    I'm more than sure they know. After all, the sales records and demands does not lie.
  24. But you came close though. I have access to the solid modeler (Pro/E Wildfire 2.0) and the SLA machine (SLA 250 w/ solid state laser conversion) sporadically. Unfortunately, the 3D scanner and the facilities and know how to produce silicone molds and do the casting are not in my bag of tricks; add to that the limited amount of time to dedicate to such an endeavor and we have, pretty much, an exercise in futility on my end. 376129[/snapback]
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