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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. yup, im bidding on it. I thought u were from the States. Yeah, the iSoldit are pretty strict about out-side bidders. And too bad this one I just won from eBay did not have that styrofoam piece that fits across the chest. Last, the seller claims that the owner never before transformed the robot but the pics shows the fast pack placed incorrectly. Isoldit never got back to me on that. This shows that something is not right! But oh well, I got it so its all good.
  2. Hey guys, I wasn't sure if the VF-1S Super Valk 1/55 by Takatoku came w/ the black heat-shield. Can someone please verify and confirm. I can't remember if it did or not. But I do know the Strike Valk came w/ the heat-shield. Maybe it did not came with one b/c I did not see it from the photo album of 1/55??
  3. Hmmm.....how about the VF-2SS from Mac II Lovers again at 1/48 scale. Now that would be the shi,,,,
  4. Dude the stealth does appear in the anime as background scenes in the hanger. Not too detail but if you see the early episodes there is one episode showing 3 small all black valks in the hanger. 401311[/snapback] Yeah dude! Pay attention to the details will you. Haha..im kidding bro.
  5. DYRL 1. Fokker: 001 2. Hikaru VF-1S: 001 3. Max: 001 4. Hikaru VF-1A: 001 TV 1. Hikaru: 001 2. Super Hikaru: 001 3. Super Max: 001 4. Super Milia: 001 5. CF: 001 Accessories: 1. Super/Strike Pack: 005 2. GBP: 005
  6. Ohhhh man, you're in for a treat! It is just like sex. but not messy... or contagious... or want to coudle with you after one or two transformations... no, seriously. Gramatica editada. 402820[/snapback] Hmmm...just like sex for the 1st time hey. Man, I had a horrible start when I lost my virginity. Wonder if that may happen to my first transformation on the 1/48 Valks.
  7. Seriously?? Whoa, I can't believe it! The whole coolness of the 1/48 Valkyries is how the transformation process works ... as the advertising implies - perfect transformation with no "add on" parts. Very, very cool!! Dude - you should transform it man ... it is awesome!!! 402426[/snapback] Yeah I know but that is the thing. I mean, I herd stories that peep mess up and crack or break the vital and fragile area so i'm discourage to do so. However, I did tried to remove the leg from fighter mode and that was about it as I have no need for it to transform. I mean I just LOVE the fighter mode that it is originally in. Looks so damn real. And I have never even put my GBP on any of the Valks 1/48 b/c of that reason.
  8. An entire freakin' year?! Whoah! Man I wish I had your patience. You should go down in the guiness book of world records for this. I must add to this forum: When transforming a valk you have spent hours and hours and lots of money customizing, transformation time goes up to like 8 minutes plus. I HATE TRANSFORMING CUSTOMS. Thank you. 402378[/snapback] Yup, I have been told I have lots of patiences. I minus well go down in the guiness book .
  9. Not too fast becasue I have not transformed it yet. Had it for a year and I love the fighter mode that it is in. I'm too scared that I might break it.
  10. What kind of guns do you have or collect? Do you prefre beretta or glock?
  11. With all the new stuff comming out, Yamato better slow down before it ends up like Takatoku.
  12. I'd be OK with that... lol. Then we get all the prizes that the people sent already. When I get the chance I'll post all the prizes for the custom contest and the poker tourney! 401751[/snapback] What the??? Hey, I'm all in for MWCon weekend!! I already asked for the days off both from work and my wife. 401793[/snapback] Will you be bringing cake for us? Hmmm...can I select flavor: chocolate!
  13. Try what? Oh, you mean the married men who are unhappy? Gotcha! Okay, lets Macross on here shall we.
  14. Suckas!!!! 397722[/snapback] How so? 398381[/snapback] Well let me see. I have been told several times by married men NOT to get married. There must be a legitimate and reasonable reason(s) behind it? And like Chris Rock says: "Either your not married and lonely or married and bored." Which would I rather have? Hmmmm... more sex, sex, and sex with lots of horny women or limit my options to one. So do the math big guy.
  15. Hi, I'm not a Math person per sa, but what is the formula to determine that 15cm = 1/100 scale?
  16. Will post the pick as soon as I hunt one down!
  17. Very good point! Two or three years ago Yamato made a poll (targeted to the Japanese market) where they asked which toy was the most wanted by the fans. The Q-Rau was one of the options. So, yes, they listen to consumers. Japanese consumers. Think of the current releases, Macross, Votoms, Megazone 23. All niche markets (80's shows) targeted to niche consumers: they sell few units of an expensive toy with a high profit margin to high income consumers. Again: Japanese fans that were 8-10 years old back in the mid 80's. When you start a business, and you think about a possible product to sell, there's two marketing cases you take into consideration. You produce what people are currently demanding or you explore a niche market. Case one, you produce what people like and ask for. Case two (Yamato), you produce toys from shows that were broadcast 20 years ago cause you think there's gonna be demand for that product. When the founder/ers of Yamato started their business, did they sit back and think: gee, does the world remember shows like Macross, Votoms or Megazone 23? When Yamato's CEO explored the possibility of a 1/60 MKII Monster, did he/she think: no, lets scrap that insane idea cause the overseas market is not going to pay the high shipping cost and we are going to eat dead stock. Yamato knows there's an overseas market, BUT they only pay attention to the Japanese consumer. Back in the old days they were kind enough to speak to and share info with a BRITISH guy living in HONG KONG (god save the king, insert Graham here) Graham does not represent the US market nor the rest of the world. Disclaimer: this post wasn't intended to reply to your post Twoducks, I just used your question to make some stupid brainstorming 396159[/snapback]
  18. Oh no, don't open the case!
  19. What is MSG kits?
  20. Me 3, oops well maybe if you guys can hook me up with the free pass.
  21. Where did you bought it from? And what condition is it in?
  22. Dang, 7 ft long.......This must be a child's dream!! Does it like float and have motors? Scale's an odd thing with 'Joe vehicles. Alot of guys say 1:18 for most of the vehicles, but if you look at their X-14 SkyStriker for example, the figures sit in a rather enlarged cockpit-something's not right. As for the Flagg, it's over 7 feet long, but did you know that the entire superstructure is only a "cutaway?" I wanted a FLAGG for soooooo long, until a buddy of mine that has "2" of them told me that the set consists of only the flight deck, and then a "half" of a ship.... I passed on it and got the Defiant instead-the best $250 I ever spent... 392944[/snapback]
  23. Ewwww! Who the heck uses a MAC?? PC is where its at bro. Nah, im just kidding w/ you bro. 392883[/snapback] A MacBook Pro 17" 392894[/snapback]
  24. Thanks for the intel Alex! By the way, do you happen to know the scale for the two? Also, how long is the USS Flagg from bow to stern? 392796[/snapback] 392824[/snapback]
  25. What brand and model are you looking to get?
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