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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. Got any pic?
  2. Oh no! Not the first run as there's QC issues.
  3. It's larger, has diecast, has better head sculpts (no bunny ear lasers), the light up visor gimmick (for the one dude out there somewhere who cares), has a swivel joint at the knee, and I do believe it has a tad more detail (like in the feet). Not to mention it comes with a pre-painted pilot and a gun you don't need to assemble. Now, the HCM on the otherhand had no diecast which actually helped it out a bit. Since the legs are just hollow plastic they don't have the extra heft pulling them down that the MPC does (although both toys have craptastic pegs meant to hold the legs in place in fighter mode). 415341[/snapback] Well details and researched! Just imagine the HCM in 1/55 scale. And who can put it better than Glane21. I say its HCM hands-down bro. Toynami...ewwww!
  4. I dont know about Toynami improving it from HCM 1/72?
  5. Thats a nice SDF-1. What scale and maker?
  6. Agent-GHQ


    Cheers to that!
  7. It sucks! But money talks as we all know it.
  8. Lucky MOFO!!
  9. Where at fool?
  10. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Congrat on your graduation! Don't loose hope just yet as these are easily attain. Its the money part and i'm sure you can find a good paying job w/ your art skills.
  11. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Jungle fever, maybe?
  12. lowviz 1? sigh.....sigh......sigh...... i missed out on that one.... 404713[/snapback] Say WHAT!!! . Arent you a retailer?
  13. Agent-GHQ


    At this point it does not matter what you get or what order you get. In the end, you'll eventually get them all. Welcome to the valkalholic club!
  14. Whats the address to the A.E. so I can look up MapQuest?
  15. Well it shall remain to be unseen since we will never see the collection because Lord Kingfu has them in a warehouse somewhere in the desert. As he said it takes him time to get there and since time is money and he makes a lot of money, it isnt worth his time to drive out and take pictures. 412489[/snapback] Good observation!
  16. Okay... and what are your plans for them, exactly? It sucks that there are quite a few people out there who missed out on the release (I'd be happy to just have ONE), and yet you're apparently sitting on hundreds... 412477[/snapback] Yeah! I would like one so please sell one to me....
  17. Why wait when you can reap the profit from the start of the flight suit. They should have did their homework to determine which will sell and in demand.
  18. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    You got to be kiddin me bro!
  19. Agent-GHQ

    1/48 Gbp

    Yamato decals for this sucks. Poor quality and it looks like its falling off or does not stick thoroughly. I find it strange that Yamato makes such quality models, yet lacks in the decals department. Where is QC?
  20. Come on Yamato! You can make a 1/48 for us then milk the molds like the VF-1S and VF-0S.
  21. Dammnnn! This is the Shiiiiiiet yo! Got to have one of these.
  22. What's there to say besides "DAMNNNnn!"
  23. Sounds like you need to step up the batter's plate and say whats up! All you have to do is tell them to back the _ _ _ _ off from my work station! I wish i worked there. I just do Corporate multimedia installtions like plasma screens projection sound and control systems. I also do Videoconference and esingnage soultions. Esignage, VC and Websites is where my heart is though. The trouble with our place is that the office and sales bods dont seem to realise that web sites and signage can be as time consuming to set up as the control systems are to program. They leave the programmers alone but bug me constantly. I cant work from home (because they wont let me) even though my home machines are way more powerfull than the junk at work. so every time i go out on site my desk gets used as a place to dump gear while they demo it to customers. It ends up looking like Watto`s yard and IMHO I think it looks crap for the customers when they come in. Cleaning up is easy i just grab it all and dump it in the sales office. I used to have a little scale model of my minvan on my computer monitor but it went missing and was found a few months later in my bosses car by one of the sales guys. My boss said he took it home to give to his kid as he though his kid would like it. That kinda give you the idea. So Transformers, Gundam and Macross would be a deffo no no 408223[/snapback]
  24. yup, im bidding on it. I thought u were from the States. Yeah, the iSoldit are pretty strict about out-side bidders. And too bad this one I just won from eBay did not have that styrofoam piece that fits across the chest. Last, the seller claims that the owner never before transformed the robot but the pics shows the fast pack placed incorrectly. Isoldit never got back to me on that. This shows that something is not right! But oh well, I got it so its all good. 406747[/snapback] i was suspecting something when i couldn't see the styrofoam bar, i have one already just that the box's in tatters, im more of after the box. well, congratulation to your win. nice to see vintage falling into the hands of fellow MWers. 406797[/snapback] Thanks bro! Let me know if you want to sell that styrofoam pieces that futs across the chest.
  25. A clean one in new condition is about the $300 range. These set seem to command alot and hold its value. Probably b/c there is no reissue of these HCM unlike the 1/55.
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