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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. I believe it has already been addressed that Yamato will never make the Elint or Super O 1/48 line (:
  2. I go them at Wal-Mart. I saw them at Target too.
  3. Thanks bro. It took me about two months to find them. They finally arrive!
  4. I remember that tan one. I should have kept it:(
  5. New member on board to my collection; addition to Macross. Got them this weekend!
  6. Was there an armor pack or add-on armaments for this craft? Not familar with Macross Zero.
  7. Definitely should wait until it comes with the fold booster set. Plus, any gripe from the first run.
  8. That's a sick looking Jetfire. Was the paint a matte or semi-gloss finish?
  9. Ewww.....not Robotech! Nah, i'm just kiddin. We definitely should invite Robotech fans too. After all, if it wasn't for Robotech we never would have Macross. I mean for the U.S. folks.
  10. That's what I called skilled craftsmanship!! It reminds me of the HCM 1/72 line.
  11. Lets see what everyone is bringing to the MWCon'07. Whether you're showing them off, for trade, to sell, as prizes, give-aways, or donation. It does not have to be a toy. I think i'll bring the "Nostalgia" effects: BANDAI '84 1/55 Line: 1. VT-1 Super Ostrich 2. VE-1 Elintseeker 3. VF-1S Strike Valkyrie Takatoku '84 1/55 Line: 1. VF-1S Super Valkyrie
  12. Freeze like a popsicle as you pressed the shutter button. In fact, don't even breathe.
  13. Because we (Man and woman) are two different people. But i'm sure you already knew that. Jasonc, is a rare exception to the rule. And playing with toys doesn't make them feel secure. But I don't care because we ALL love our toys, right!
  14. Agent-GHQ

    1/100 WF YF-21

    Looks good! But I definitely love the stands!! Where did you get the stands? Was it home made?
  15. Eventhough Yamato makes high-grade and high-quality Macross toys/models, the QC is to the least, the down fall as there's a considerable amount of gripes that needs to be corrected. It would be great if Yamato can concentrate a bit more on the QC department knowing they have been in business for some time now.
  16. Or better yet; why can't Yamato come out with it as a combo set from the get-go?
  17. Speaking of the Minmay Guard, I hope Yamato make one of those too.
  18. That's who I was reffering to from LL Cool as he quoted regarding Godzilla. Anyhow, yeah we all love our toys and computer gadgets and stuff but there has to be time for the primal instinct too. It needs a little action too! And back to the topic, I personally feel that the price could be a bit better like around $100 for the 1/48 series. As for the 1/60 series, the retail prices are up the roof. If that's the way its gonna be, then at least make the toys free of gripes.
  19. Since you used Hasagawa 1/72, would the ordnances set from the Strike parts of Hasagawa model be a perfect scale accessories to add on to this 1/72 HCM?
  20. Sure, show us the merchandise!
  21. Agent-GHQ


    I like to have one of each. However, if there's a prticular one that I really like (or that I would like to build a squadron) then i'll get multiples.
  22. This looks bad-a$$!
  23. Woah.....G-man your dating? What happen to the one you were with bro? And how the heck do you managed to find time from your long working hours and traveling from country to country?
  24. What I would like to know is whether Marijima going to be at this 07 MWcon.
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