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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. My closet is pretty much full. Don't know about everyone else but its getting to the point where I had to use part of my pantry. I could rent a storage space but even for a standard size closet is more than what I'm willing to pay. Like everyone else, I love these amazingly engineering high-grade collectibles toys but now that I recently bought my ultimate dream car (2013 BMW ///M3, the last and final), I may have to take a few steps back and consider selling the ones I no longer want. Now don't get me wrong about how kool these toys are but that ///M3 sporting a V8 naturally aspirated engine 4.0 lit 414 hp is just a pure joy and a driving pleasure!
  2. You're pretty much SOL man! The 1st run seems to have QC issues and its pretty much a hit and miss scenario. If you can manage to glue it back then its still a worthy display piece for the 1/48 line
  3. and... after seeing the prototype of Rook and Yellow Dancer, I thought it was so.... so close to completion!
  4. I'm not feeling it with that loli-pop candy stripe color scheme! And its over $200!!
  5. I have a hard time understanding why peeps does not dig the rainbow-tinted effect on the canopy over a plain clear canopy that is just looks plain!
  6. and I thought these were just an exact toy of the ver 2 but unassembled. Didn't know toys require glue?!
  7. uuuh glue? I thought these kits don't require glue. Aren't the parts attached via screws?
  8. uuuh no dude! Toynami only held the rights to distribute the Cyclones in the North America. If Toynami were to design and build the cyclones, its like asking for another tsunami while Rosanne Arnold singing the "Star Spangle Banner!" at the Giants game!! Hence, the 1989 earth quake
  9. Sounds fair enough!
  10. ^ Are those Orguss a knock-off ver of Takatoku Toys?
  11. No link or source(s)!? Either way, I'm not gonna desperately fork out these ridiculous arbitrary prices even if Arcadia proceed with the production
  12. That fighter mode is hella sleek! Are the wings sweepable tho?
  13. ^ Post some pics or do one of your kool YouTube vids!!
  14. Never owned a MF Bandai toy before. Would this 171 be secured in styrofoam? Are the decals already tampo or does it come with label sheet? Any diecast? Are the tires rubber or plastic? Gotta make sure before I army build this first MF toy. I hope there's 4 pcs to a case??!
  15. I couldn't agree more here. People are just desperate to fork out these arbitrary prices in fear that these Valkyries will never ever get another round! I mean, the molds are there and I'm pretty sure there's much more mulah to be made. Personally, I have the cash but I'm not willing to dish out that kind of money even if I'm trying to complete a few Valkyries I missed out on.
  16. Maybe the pics was misrepresented between the kit and 1/60 ver 2?! Then again why let a good mold go to waste when it's easily milk able for the 30th anniv! Ahhhh... gotta love the anticipation!!
  17. It appears you just answered your own question with those "Process of elimnation!"
  18. With the way Yamato 1/60 prices are commanding, I'd say this wil be the next affordable and attainable next big thing for Macross unbuilt toys. Kinda brings back that 80's GI Joe assembling your vehicles!
  19. What's there left to say other than if you weren't a kid growing up in the 80s exposed to franchises like The Transformers, G.I. Joe, Mospeada, Macross, He-Man, Visionaries, Sectaurs, Robotech, Thundercats, Orguss etc.... then you'd truly understand why one collects these great toys based on their respective cartoons. And growing up from a poor family that only had like 2-3 Transformers and G.I Joe certainly didn't help. Fast forward to 25 yrs later, I want all the vintage toys that I missed out on just to filled the void of that once great childhood in the 80s. Of course, seeing Yamato doing Macross toys and Beagle doing Mospeada toys and Hasbro with their 25th/30th/POC classics and Mattel on MOTUC are like icing on the cake!
  20. ^ It seems every freakin site is all sold out!!!!! This is getting frustrating!!!!
  21. How do I go about doing that? Never done this proxy buying before
  22. ^ Yikes! Its not in English...
  23. Does anyone know what import store still has it for preorder?
  24. ^ You'd save absolutely jack shiets!
  25. I thought the pacing and direction was a good and well balanced! I totally agree! I just can't get enough of that DYRL but then again that's the anime I grew up watching as a kid back in '84!
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