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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. I say the VF-1A, hands down! It had the most screen time compared to the others.
  2. Agent-GHQ

    Yamato Toy TV

    As cute as she was, I don't think I can have her playing with my toys!
  3. Never herd any discrepancy from the 1A. The pics you attached is clearly a 1S! Which is the only one reported so far. But, you should also check in with over-drive.
  4. Problem would be solved if it includes multiple heads. But I don't see this happening as Yamato likes to milk the molds.
  5. No, not just the already existing molds. That's already understood. But I want to see the actual final production toy with the little figure in their wedding attire in the cockpits.
  6. Yeah, I agree. That scene was horrible! Some of the drawings looked half-ass.
  7. Oooh, you're soooo smart Ninja Boy! I could have told you that too. But I'm just not convinced until I see actual CADs, sketches, test shots, etc.
  8. That wet blanket should be confirmed by G-man!
  9. Why are people all hyped up from pics of tiny pilots!? I'm not convinced until I actually see sketches or pics much like the VT-1 and VE-1. Come on people, are you all that navie. I mean, all this stuff coming out at once seems illogical to me. Especaially, in this economy.
  10. I have not transforemed it yet.
  11. Not all of us can read Japanese!
  12. It would have been nice if this included a swappable heat shield!
  13. Is that a good thing or bad thing?
  14. Screw Google! I have you Lynx. Anyways, so the DYRL is flushed and the TV is recessed. Gotcha! Thanks brah.
  15. Ahhh shoot! I'm about to order 8 pieces of the supposedly VF-1A TV/DYRL type. I need those heat shots for comparison to be sure which is really I'm getting. Does anyone know if we are getting a VF-1A CF DYRL type?
  16. I must be blind! Anyways, I can't seem to distinguished between the 1A head and the DYRL head from the cartoon pics above. Does anyone have a better pic??
  17. In which the black stripes can be slapped on by the decals provided. I hope there is the decals for this 1/60 CF TV/Movie??
  18. Disgustingly disturbing!
  19. Screw that! Yamato has to earn it. And it looks like they already have.
  20. I don't understand the anger or hatred towards Yamato. It's not like you are obligated to buy. Shiets, if you don't buy and support the exclusives or what not, then maybe Yamato can learn from your boycott?
  21. Learn to read and HEED people!
  22. Thanks Logos! I bet the greener one is the TV?
  23. With all the links Logos added in the posts, I'm starting think that Logos works for OD?
  24. Despite the disppointed display of what I think are bunch of crappy toys, the models looks alright?!
  25. Thanks bros! By the way, are the Super TV parts differ from the Strike Movie parts in terms of color?
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