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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. Looks a bit light. I thought it was to be more chocolate like in color as in dark brown?
  2. Max's green hair disturbs me!
  3. All the toy makers would have been successful and rich if they listen to Pete! The 80s concept is what started the transforming trend...
  4. You should! Ryan will be here too. We plan to hit the clubs on Sat night too. Come join us man.
  5. What's so good about the Toynami box comapred to the Beagle's box?
  6. Cartoon line art wise, hells yeah! You must have missed out on the 80s toys!?
  7. Ocassionally, I would stare at my old school VT-1, VE-1 and VF-1S Strike (MIB) and reminisce about the good old days. That toy and the anime makes me feel so jolly! Very hard to let them go even with the updated Mac toys.
  8. I'm a SEAL! I adjust to all types of extremities like a cameleon lizards.
  9. Thanks my fellow Aussie mate!
  10. HLJ shows discontinued! Evil bay is a NEAR $300 bucks. Where are you people looking at then?
  11. Saw both review of the Beagle. I'm quite impress! Especially, the improvements done on the Ley. However, the vid did not show whether the stearing can be done in bike mode of course?? A bit disappointed by that from a near $300 bucks toy!
  12. Definitely dig the color scheme!
  13. What's the significant with or without the screw hole in the neck?
  14. Ewww.... I hate the Joons Korean knock-offs! YUCK!!! As per your question, its either the VF-1S Strike Valk 1/55 Bandai '84 or the Low Viz 1 1/48 Yamato.
  15. I didn't realized that the 11B's canopy is the same orange-like tint. Makes me want it.
  16. I thought turntables was a thing of the past. After all these years of improved technology, I'm surprised by the sound quality.
  17. I don't own any of the 1/10th but after reading your description, I'm a bit discourage to drop a near $300 bucks of this ultime latest and greatest toy! Take some pics of the gripes you have mentioned above Mr. Troyness...
  18. That's just stunning!
  19. I'm curious about this Mospeada book too!
  20. The Japanese pop culture sure has some serious fetish!
  21. They may be cute and all but they lack the experiences from that of a cougar. Although, I'd very much prefer the pumas! I know, I have google too!
  22. No shiets! I could have told you that too. But you misunderstood what I meant.
  23. Head to the restroom and handle your business?!
  24. Now we are getting somewhere my fellow micronian! For the locals, are there any near by hotel/motel?
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