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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. I'd say for approx. $250- to have them in a gift set box with some art work on it. We have not seen a giftset since the 80s!
  2. I'd say the VF-2SS from Macross II, possibly including SAP. Milkable, hells yeah. Probably one of the best mecha design of all Macross?! But that's just me.
  3. Of course this was expected as its nothing more than a slap of new paint! Milk it baby, milk it!!
  4. Yamato seriously needs to make the VF-2ss toys in the 1/60 scale!
  5. Right, but I have a hard time accepting a $500- price tag for soemthing that size and is less complex in transformation. Personally, I'd be glad to drop that price if its as big as the USS FLAGG with a reasonable amount of gimmicks. They would fit the 1/60s ver well on both runways!
  6. Then I'd would suspect it to be about $200 - $250?
  7. For $500- bucks, I really wanted it to be about the size of the 80s GI Joe USS FLAGG. Or, slightly less say..... four foot long.
  8. Depends how many are in a case. And of course, if I agree with the final product.
  9. Don't nuke it now Eugimon. Otherwise, I would have been disappointed! lol
  10. and..... Pay attention to the context! It will clue you in.
  11. It would have been better @ commonsense.com there Russkii my Aussii....!
  12. And those two rail main artilleries better fold forward like the strike valkyires!
  13. You're a smart man Gilermo!
  14. They need more fans too!
  15. Which lead me to believe that Mospeada was not big enough for them to produce. Hence, look what happen to Beagle. Though, they came very close!
  16. I cracked a sealed case and that for me is a good enough feeling. Maybe even better when I transform it?!
  17. Nope, I still have not transforemed any of my VF-1s. Only installed the super fast packs on my Hikky VF-1J. I think I'm still in fear of that shoulder hinge thingy issue!? I'll get around to it eventually.
  18. I'm disturbed by the complaints of my fellow MWers in here regarding the VT-1! This is by far the best representation VT-1 out there!! And I think Septhiroth is still stuck on the old school mentality man.
  19. The descriptions above is the reason why I decided not to buy from any of the company. Its just pure garbage! Half-A$$ed product and failed to meet the needs of the 80s kids. All this Mospeada brand SHOULD have been left for Yamato to produce! No exceptions!!
  20. I suspect Nov 1st.?!
  21. Absolutely! As it seems to be the best route to go for my intended uses and wants. I mean according to yours and others advices and the link, there seems to be too much algorithmics to combine Mac and PC to operate together like partners in crime. Perhaps, I should just buy the Mac Pro at lowest price possible and up grade it. Yet, that leave out the PC gaming aspect. What should I do?
  22. My goal is to switch from PC to Mac, entirely. So I would much want to run Mac OS. Basically, I want to build mine as near as the current Mac Pro, but of course at full optimal level for about or under $5,000--
  23. Ahhh.... That's what I forgot! What do you recommend for RAM and HD? The rest will be Apple product.
  24. My last version of Windows I've used is the Vista. Shiets, I've been out the loop on computer and fail to noticed the Intel Core i7 and Windows 7. I'd assume these are the very best on the current market. So yeah, I do want a Mac Pro characteristics to be in its optimal level at the highest level of functionality. For ALL major tasking from video, audio, graphics, internet, gaming, music, general computing, etc. If I need to drop $5,000- just to built my own Mac Pro, I'll gladly do that. Also, can Mac Pro run both OS: Windows 7 and Snow Leopard? Anyways, lets talk about what are the current top of the line components on the market that is compatible to build my own Mac Pro: 1. CPU 2. Optical Drive - Blu-Ray RW that can play HD DVD, DVD, and CD 3. Mother Board - latest jacks 4. Sound Card 5. Graphic Cards 6. OS PS - Not sure what else I need?? Btw, I thought ATI Radeon HD 300 was the best on the market?
  25. Yes, I wanted a high-end system that is up to speed and can handle ALL types of tasks including advance taskings to its optimal level. Man, you guys are tech gurus here....lol. And I greatly appreciate your help. But some of things you mentioned is in another language for me. Also, if I wanted a Mac Pro characteristics, why a window? Don't Mac use their own OS like the Leopard? And yes, I think I will built one as its obviously much much cheaper. So please help me pick the best parts out there on the market.
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