My last version of Windows I've used is the Vista. Shiets, I've been out the loop on computer and fail to noticed the Intel Core i7 and Windows 7. I'd assume these are the very best on the current market.
So yeah, I do want a Mac Pro characteristics to be in its optimal level at the highest level of functionality. For ALL major tasking from video, audio, graphics, internet, gaming, music, general computing, etc.
If I need to drop $5,000- just to built my own Mac Pro, I'll gladly do that. Also, can Mac Pro run both OS: Windows 7 and Snow Leopard?
Anyways, lets talk about what are the current top of the line components on the market that is compatible to build my own Mac Pro:
1. CPU
2. Optical Drive - Blu-Ray RW that can play HD DVD, DVD, and CD
3. Mother Board - latest jacks
4. Sound Card
5. Graphic Cards
6. OS
PS - Not sure what else I need?? Btw, I thought ATI Radeon HD 300 was the best on the market?