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Everything posted by Agent-GHQ

  1. Use your man strength!
  2. Opened my Super VF-1J Hikky and does not have the cracked hinge! I supposed the gripes are found on the stand alone Valkyries than with the Super or Strike set?
  3. There were 366 pieces. All sold out!! But I managed to score 20 pieces.... Woo Hooooo...... Time to be creative with these DETOLF.
  4. The white will not appear on their site because of the sale tomorrow. After all, the white one is the ONLY color that will be on sale. This is of course according to the sales rep!
  5. I just learned its for the white one and there are 366 pcs in San Diego! I need at least 20 of them...
  6. I should hand you a mic for this stand up comediac display of behavior. Try to stay on topic you big ol douche you!!
  7. One day sale ONLY: Tue Dec 29, 2009 for $20- bucks. Limit - One per person!
  8. I'm more concern about bringing it back to state side!
  9. Screw the 1/3000th! I was hoping to get a bigger one than the 1/2000th and willing to drop $3,000- for it IF the attention to details, accessories, and gimmicks are satisfied.
  10. It needs a heat shield!
  11. I think the VF-1J HCM would look alot better with the 1/60 V2 VF-1J Ichijo.
  12. I can use a lil humor..
  13. With shipping, you still get rapped!
  14. Why can't they make a non-scheme one? I'd have liked it much better in the low viz color. But I suspect, with the existing mold I'm pretty sure a repaint down the road.
  15. As this was going on, I was still on the fence about transitioning from the old school 80s 1/55 Takatoku and Bandai. The whole Yamato 1/48 line did not seem to appeal to me at the time. And by the time I had money to spare for my 1st VF-1S DYRL H Ichijo, man I was instantly sold. Unfortunately, I had to fork out for the premium prices for my very 1st LV1. And I'm so looking for that day for an LV1 of 1/60 V2....
  16. I think you have poor taste! Or jealous because you don't have one. Anyways, love the LV1!! And for $250- is a good deal. However, I got mine NEW for $175- at the MWcon '08.
  17. This is quite disturbing!
  18. What the hell happen man!? You said wing's clips went...... Went where? Complete the sentence! This V2 is much sturdier than the 1/48s and I suspect you have large man hands and applied way too much pressure than needed??? Anyways, post some pics.
  19. In the LV1 1/48 color, I say hells yeah!
  20. Never seen Mac 7, but I'd rather have the Max flight suit looks than a Ichijo flight suit. Same for Miria.
  21. Woah,.... what is H. Ichijo doing in the VF-22's cockpit!? Anyways, I wish the conopy is covered in Battroid mode!
  22. Pete, I think you should put in your resume with Yamato and attached this thread. As for this AB 1/60 v2, will definitely get a few squads!
  23. What the frack! The canopy is not even orange tinted???
  24. fartin awesome touch-up!
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