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Everything posted by modelglue

  1. Hmm, I didn't realize there was a CJ rip-off within the Aerospace selection! Good on you for doing a crossover with the Space Wolf. I'd like to see more of the PPC and ML if you don't mind? I'd love it if a Samurai made an appearance in '72. Did you happen to catch my Ma-Cross-Over Space Wolf? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39632&hl=
  2. That might be the best idea for someone who hasn't already dumped $ into a Bandai..... I spent 2x as much on a Bandai kit, I would rather work with my investment personally. Regret will set in permanently if Hasegawa releases a series of VF-25 Battroids like the Zero and 1. I'd love a Hase' kit too, but the rate at which they are released leaves something to be desired. My current (no kids yet) disposable income and lust for collecting in the moment have governed my purchases to the here and now. I wasn't around for the genesis of the Bandai kits so maybe you guys dealt with the same thing back when transforming Bandai '25s were hitting the scene. Well, maybe (just a suggestion here) you could use that wear to your benefit by adding paint chipping effects with silver paint or graphite to create a really worn out looking Veef. Duymon has a nice looking model there, I might go back and fiddle with mine more. looks to me like you've doen some panel lining already, which is pretty awesome.
  3. This... ...and this. See my post here too: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35120&p=1099817 I am going to have four of these kits soon, I will do two glued together in fighter mode as I am experiencing the same leg/hip issues you guys are talking about. The biggest, I repeat, BIGGEST gripe for me was the rear of the lower legs not locking up or meeting up with the shield and upper fuselage like the VF-27 does so nicely. The hip joint was a buggar too, but that will glue up nicely. I would just glue the crap out of it and maybe get another to pose in Battroid along side it like I will.
  4. Just finished 1-25 of Attack on Titan, I enjoyed it and I was glad to have it recommended to me. For any of you on the fence about how you want to spend your 'anime-watching time' this is a good way to kill hours. The developments were up my alley and unexpected. I still grapple with the teen/child warrior aspect of these shows but I can get over it. I also watched the first set of episodes (1-12) of 'Dance in the Vampire Bund'. Really good. A little perverse at times and uncomfortable themes popped up but they all get ironed out towards the end of the dozen shows. Again, Kids are fighting but it makes perfect sense and I found it more acceptable when I inferred what I needed to from the plot. Some great characters and neat themes that I personally haven't seen before. I tried watching Aquarion guys, but ultimately I found myself bored after 5-6 episodes. It was neat to begin with but as I experience with Chrome Shelled Regios, I was fatigued with the cast and had better things to do with my time. I'm still working through Blood+ but I find it enjoyable as I like the monsters. I'm fickle when it comes to beasts apparently.
  5. I've paid more for less... doesn't phase me one bit!
  6. Yeah I'm right there with ya! Haha, I just don't think I'll be able to get my mits on one unfortunately. All the stuff you mentioned would be great but that VF-19 Battroid is what I'm really after.
  7. A great show, Gargoyles. I consider that era to the be golden age in my cartoon watching memory... even if I was a teen who should have been trying harder at other things. Loved the cyber-goyles.
  8. Thanks for the info! I can't read 90% of it, even with the help of google chrome translations so I hope I'm not getting too excited about display items that are not for sale. Definitely hoping and wishing for that VF-19A Nothung Battroid and the Durandal conversions, if my estimations are correct...
  9. What a stunner! Ditto mickyg's colour statement.
  10. Any progress on this endeavor? I was inspired by this thread to obtain the relevant kits to make all four variants of "A" through "D". I'm using the "S" kit as the basis for one conversion so I'll have to get myself another "A" head as well.
  11. If I may throw in my opinion here: The greys are exactly what I would use to achieve what you have here. Good choice of colours, as they stand out as common military selections. This to me really lends realism to the whole model as they remind a viewer of real life hardware. The teal/blue of the original airframe should get some post shading and weathering (like you mentioned you planned to do) to help tie it in to the armour you've painted. I would use a light grey or even white filter to dull it down to make the armour pop more and help it stand out. Dot filtering with subdued hues (adding greys to your dot colours) would work well. Weathering the airframe (space frame?) is a must for me, as is adding oil and grease staining to the normally hidden mechanical bits. Adding a mattefying dull coating to the entire thing (except canopy and lenses) would help create that realism. Hope that helps! ...What a nice model!
  12. Sweet! Welcome to the wonderful world of Macross modelling/converting/kitbashing. From what I gather there are some pretty decent choices available in 1/100 if that is your intended scale of choice. Lots of members have collections spanning scales and series, but I am a modeller who sticks to scale fidelity (1/72) due to the copious amounts of subject matter available! Good to see you stepping off into the void with your purchase, I'll check in to see more later.
  13. I've been wanting to purchase one myself. All in good time I guess. LOL. There so many things to buy and the list keeps growing for some reason. I came this far with assembly and decided to try the transformation. I hadn't attempted the gimmick with my Lucifer Beta yet so ahead I went until the psychotic rage was nearly palpable... My inner voice pulled out my favourite Lord Humongous quote on me and I took the advice. I left the head off for now, with all the parts falling off around me (to the amusement of our pets) I thought it best to omit that detail until I'm serious about final configuration and painting. One thing I did notice about this kit vs the Lucifer: The rear of the shin that protrudes above the fuselage doesn't sit as nicely or as flushly as the VF-27 does. The VF-25 lacks some of the more subtle slots and locks. Too bad.
  14. You might be able to cobble together various pieces of models to achieve something approximating what you are after. I'd look into 1:48 flight crew, deck crew and also Macross kit pilot figures to see what you can get your hands on. Then you may find that the left over work isn't that difficult. http://www.ebay.com/bhp/1-48-scale-figures https://www.google.ca/search?q=1:48+figures&hl=en-GB&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=IOnrUvuoDMje2AWDkYFg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=681 Just to get you started!
  15. Thanks for the offer, I just wanted to post the p/n for your benefit, but you didn't need it. I tried to hold onto my instruction collection as well as box art clippings, but eventually (when you have moved as many times as I have) they just got lost. I started something new today: Going to do these both in a custom scheme as if they were a hunter/killer team like the Grumman ASW aircraft of the 50's. I'll probably use a more futuristic paint job though. I'm liking the orange on white the prophecy sports but that could change with time and the acquisition of other kits (read: Messiah and Armoured VF-25's).
  16. That would be fantastic but considering they went and released this option I doubt they'll go that route. Not to be pessimistic or anything either, but Bandai had these covered and I just ordered the Tornado and Armoured (both Alto) Feb restock from HLJ. I love that Hasegawa is covering the VF-25 but it seems like there are still many older subjects to cover adequately before delving into these variants? I'd like to see more battroid kits myself, and the fighter kit release gives me that glimmer of hope.
  17. Haha, I did forget/miss that hole drilling step. I just fitted my wings up and they were snug without glue. I'm glad you didn't have any issues with the knees. I didn't end up going back to find out the p/n, my wife beat me to cleaning up and tossed the instructions. D'oh well. Let's see those pics!
  18. I think It is supposed to be snap fitted, but I used glue on some of the major joins like the knee and head seam. Seemed too loose for my liking and I wouldn't be disassembling it for paint so why not? The nice thing about it is that there are poly caps everywhere so you can pose til you get that perfect stance. The one thing I found difficult (maybe just me) was the knee parts. There is an inner swivel which plugs into the thigh which I reversed in both my knee assemblies, which makes me think the instructions on that page are unclear. Later in the booklet when you assemble the leg subs they seem to be indicating that the swivel should have been flipped. I'll post a part number when the family wakes up. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that...
  19. Sat down today to work on this Iota. The weather is lousy and after a water heater failure and a slight fender bender out on the road I thought it best to not tempt fate and stay home. My first Wave kit, similar to Bandai in the format and sprue layout. Subs done after a few episodes on tv and hours gone by. Ta-Da! Smaller than your typical Valk' but should shine up nicely once painted. I needed this to get my through my winter hobby slump. Paint to follow after I do more in my progress thread.
  20. Hehe, that's the stuff Noyhauser. So that is the Fine Molds kit? I expected better. I'm sure you did too. Guess I better get started on the Dragon version soon? Nice save with the aluminum look. I don't think I'll attempt that myself, maybe try the overall metal look with the mottle some Japanese planes carry. I'm liking those tanks you guys put up too, that zimmermit must be a satisfying sight after all the patience you put into it.
  21. Excellent, thanks guys. Just when I got semi-familiar with the Macross realm and the various mecha and off shoots, I had to go and open up this door. I'll be looking over that link for the rest of the morning for sure!
  22. Guys... just got this in the mail yesterday from a fellow in-Province. I am pretty pumped as this is my first 'toy' purchase. I am well aware that this isn't really in the same class as lets say... the Arcadia 1/60 VF-19P but it is still exciting as I have some naughty plans for this and a Hasegawa YF-19... want to do a custom model and paint it in the Bird of Prey scheme. Thanks for tuning in! I'll try and post updates as I go, but sometimes it's hard to capture progress in an organic situation like a mod of this magnitude!
  23. Folding into combat is pretty...badass. I'll have to finally watch all the episodes and follow on movies some time soon. I think I got into double digit episodes before I had spiritia fatigue. Thanks for the advice.
  24. Thanks V-A, The drop tanks won't be making an appearance on this airframe... I plan on sticking some Hasegawa missile boxes to it, or maybe those large white ones with the yellows tips. Reaction warheads??? I've been reading William's logs pretty much exclusively for reference but I am no master. They do however, serve as a goal to aim for. I'll do the Max scheme to the best of my ability, The only thing I foresee being an issue is the canopy, but I do have a backup plan for that: dremel down that hump inside the forward area that would normally be blanked off and mask the pattern you'd see on a VF-22. Question about the Max scheme: Would the airframe exhibit wear like a front line Valk would? I am wondering about paint chipping and oil streaks etc. I just don't know enough about Jenius' character to decide if he was OCD about maintaining his rides.
  25. Looking good, I'm anxious to see more from you guys as I haven't been able to land one of these yet.
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