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Everything posted by modelglue

  1. Truly incredible, I think this is something that a person could take a lifetime to complete, and you have done it despite the home trouble and career changes. I was seriously stunned to see the interior so detailed, makes me think I can do up a display case interior no problem after seeing you've done the same at 4x the scale!
  2. ...as long as we agree there is no moral high ground here. Lol. Sounds like you are describing "Freezing". Is all anime defined by pantsu and bijiggles?
  3. It just showed up on netflix, if that helps explain the sudden popularity.
  4. I recently finished Heroic Age, and I really liked it. I found it was something I looked forward to watching, as opposed to something I finished just so I didn't miss anything cool. I am still avoiding Kiss Dum Planet Engage, I watched the second episode but the spastic story line didn't come together quite enough for me yet. I might have to go back and watch it again from the start. It was very hard to follow at the pace set out, and reading subs really detracts from the viewing. I started both Freezing and Samurai Flamenco, as they were both added on Netflix recently. They are not what I would typically go for, SF has not left me wanting more but I will continue based on the opening credit scenes. Freezing has my significant other wondering about just what the heck I am watching... same result as Sekirei. Arpeggio of Blue Steel was awesome. I really liked it and it captured not only my imagination but also held me with minimalist anime romance and an emphasis on escalating the abilities of the characters. The nature of the good and evil struggle isn't an original dynamic, especially after watching Heroic Age, but I still found it was preferable to mono-enemy series.
  5. Than a hypothetical Valkyrie? I don't know. I just went into full-imagination mode picturing (in my head of course) a VF-19 all 'suped up with new angles and fast packs. You know, like the VF-17 got turned into the VF-171. Longer nose, 101% cooler. Maybe a VF-19EF would be what I am describing. I don't know anything about that model.
  6. Less idol was a big score for me, but I do understand as well that the idol is just part of Macross culture. I liked Zero, I hope we see more of that style in due time. If delta ends up being just like the worst of the series, I will still be happy we are getting something new to carry on the legacy. I just can't say no to the idea of VF-191's. That just blows my mind.
  7. I wish that were true. I only ever order from online sources outside of Canada. It depends but some places I get charged duty, others like HLJ I do not.
  8. What a nice kit. Good luck with the masking. I think the ARMD is my favourite "space ship" design ever.
  9. Thanks for that link Zinjo, I plugged in my wants.
  10. A 1/350 series of dedicated Macross fleet ship models would be killer, and they could somewhat milk/expand on the series with said scale fighter (jet/plane) packs like you find with modern and historical ships. Upon google searching "CVN-99 Asuka II" I found some really nice pics of models... A storm attacker with ARMDs is what I would pay money for. Scale fidelity be damned. I may still buy this to keep within my Fighter/Battroid mode dual display plan.
  11. Oh yes, post away! (Haha, snipered by Mickyg)
  12. Looks excellent, a definite improvement over the Destroid version. Not to be hatin' but the Macross styled mech just screamed "Improve me!".
  13. That looks really great, all things considered. This looks like a good reference point for when I get around to doing one.
  14. Ordering through HLJ has been the least expensive lately. I get nailed with duties using the yahoo japan brokers, and even ordering through the states I can see a $10-20 duty fee. My history with HLJ has been spotty with regard to low stock and restocks, but the reasonable SAL option coupled with duty free shipments makes them the current winners.
  15. If that 1/72 scale stuff becomes available, I would be happy to have those hovertank, helicopter and jet models that also feature battroid modes. Sorry for mixing up the terminology, I don't know much about Southern Cross but the designs interest me.
  16. Nice. Mikasa... Mikasa. She just happens to look like the beauty queen from my highschool. Makes it that much more devastating. Kiss Dum Planet Engage. I watched the first spastic episode and I don't have high hopes for the remainder of the series. Some one please tell me it gets better and less truncated?
  17. Thanks for the link Derex, missed that one entirely. Stupid outdoor work getting in the way of my MW reading.
  18. Where are you finding them cheap? I built the VF-27b and the RVF-25 Luca. I ended up gluing the -27 into fighter mode, thinking I would get another to pose in Battroid. After that I built the -25 and cursed the whole way through. If you want a Fighter, just buy the Hasegawa 1/72. You might have to wait a while however for the Battroid version from Hase, if they even make it at all. Cool8or built a very nice RVF-25 which I think is within the last 50 posts in the model kits section, and Jefuemon has a few completed builds as well, which I think are closer chronologically. You could look at them and compare the two style of finished kits.
  19. When and where is the contest? I have been trying to go to more shows in Ontario. Good luck!
  20. I figured! I am not too sure which mecha that is, but I think that is the one design I was most interested in. Was there a thread I missed to get one of these showing the process like the space crab?
  21. Ha, I was referring to Phyrox's Avatar. I think eventually all cars experience reliability issues, except the static ones. Walter White popularized the Aztec. I would say "re-popularized" but I don't think it was ever popular. I too digress. I had thought there existed two variants on the propulsion concept. One was contained and boiled water the old fashioned way to create turbine energy which powered electric motors to drive the props. The other created hot radioactive air which was blown out of ducts acting as engines and would be largely responsible for destroying the Earth in lieu of actual nuclear strikes. I could be remembering it wrong, It has been a few years since looking at the source material during my time with General Dynamics.
  22. I had the thought that Harrier Pilots might use compressed air to track laterally (sideways) to avoid ground fire, but it appears Phyrox has given us our answer. I don't know about you guys, but I always trust people with classic Pontiacs. The 7 x 10' nuclear reactor didn't sound like a healthy choice until I read the fuel specs and the "Zero radioactive waste" part of that article. Convair had that B-36 converted to the Nuclear Bomber but the problem with propulsion in one of the concepts was that it spewed radioactive hot air into the atmosphere, all flight long. So, with a small enough reactor perhaps this could be viable if the timeline stays on track.
  23. Awesome link, thanks for sharing. I have tried to get my hands on that kit before now, but with no luck. It's nice to see the process behind what was done to create that version, the engines are very nice. The feet I think are what is wrong, since they are off the plastic kit it looks like, and I knew I would have to address that issue too, should I make a kit.
  24. My plunging trigger sticks every time I reassemble my airbrush out of my ultrasonic tank. It sticks open for an indeterminate amount of time or until the air pressure in the hose builds up just enough to force it closed. I usually squirt a tiny amount of windex or alcohol into the slot, and work it back and forth (the needle rocker) until it lubes the plunger. Nothing special, and I can't be bothered with lubes specialized for an airbrush because it is so old I expect it to fail any day now.
  25. Thanks very much for sharing that. I can see the gulf in difference between the two. I dont plan on kit bashing the two, i just wanted to use the 1/100 as a reference point to design a battroid. Even with the pics you supplied I highly doubt I would have much success with trying to use it as a basis. Thank LW!
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