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Everything posted by modelglue

  1. I lasted 20 minutes into this flick. We had just finished watching "A million ways to die in the west", though, so maybe that was a factor. I was surprised to see "The Interview" on Netflix. Great movie for nights spent in the nothing zone.
  2. No worries, not bad English at all! Thanks for letting me know.
  3. NIce, keep going! And yes, that is a lot of work! I ave two of the Bandai Frontier kits assembled but they totally burned me out. Painting them is not something I am looking forward to!
  4. That flanker -51 is totally cool reno! What paint brand/colours did you use?
  5. I like the ARMD versions, they make sense being left and right. Is the SDF called "Storm Attacker" still when it has ARMDs? Or is that reserved for the Daedelus/Prometheus combination.
  6. Thanks for the info, I'll look into Maya and see what is approachable. Cheers!
  7. Really nice. What 3-D program are you using? I am trying out sketch up and re-learning Wings3D to get back in the mode. More of a series of frustrations however! Good work!
  8. One Tron was enough for me. I suppose there is scope there for more. I would watch it, don't get me wrong I'm not hating on it. I would rather see energy and money put towards Classics that we no longer see. I suppose I should look into this Black hole movie, just to see what was worthy of remake.
  9. Have no fear. Disney bought Star Wars, they don't need to do anymore "can we do star wars?" test movies.
  10. You speak true words. Next to stealth, probably the most realistic fake war movie.
  11. Looks like a fairly rich set of designs. Maybe it will lend to sequels/prequels like the Riddick universe.
  12. Ha! Yes, that more accurately describes the point I am after, thank you. And to provide another anecdote: there is a one car wooden bridge which provides access to the city from where I live. It had not even iced yet, just a damp surface and I lost my rear end to slip. It was a scary moment which left me feeling like I had to crawl across it for now on if there was even a lick of moisture. Smacking my truck bed on a brand new RAM off galvanized barrier would have been embarassing and expensive. Now that we have two feet of snow fall I am super careful.
  13. The face kills it for me, too decepticon. The GT is nice, and although those wallpapers are CG I love the colour.
  14. +1 on Scale Hobbyist. My go-to for most of my kits from the aircraft genre.
  15. At least you brought it this far; I am starting to get a second collection of kits, but they are in a half built state.
  16. I like it, grey (gray) low viz schemes are much more 'tech' feeling to me, as opposed to the cartoonish hi-viz paint work. I appreciate both, but my preference is towards subtlety. SchizophrenicMC that turned out nice, 1/100 scale?
  17. It can be heart breaking and wallet shattering when you mess up that nice, expensive kit. But persist.
  18. At the risk of seriously affecting my regular supply of Japanese kits; here is where I get my Macross stuff from, amongst other goodies. Very reputable seller and always gets me a decent shipment rate. http://www.ebay.ca/usr/tokyo-hobby?_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2754 I just bought the 2nd last Hasegawa VF-1 (A,J,S) in 1/72 so act fast!
  19. I guess I'm on the other side of that camp. I'd rather be safe, living in an area where winter conditions limit road safety. Throw in driver awareness, overall competency, and carelessness; you have a higher chance of getting bumped around on our winter roads. Yesterday, I witnessed a woman driving white knuckled on two wheels around a corner in a Honda Fit. This was all very visible to me from my truck as her trajectory took her past me through her turning arc, where I was at a red light. If that road was icy I am glad my vehicle (either) would have held up to the impact. My wife recently lost control going down a hill towards the entrance of where she works. She hit the rear of one car, and the front of the other T-bone fashion while they were stopped at a red light as well. This was in the 2010 WK, which didn't launch airbags and the anti-lock brakes didn't do a damn thing to help her stop. The other two cars were compacts, and suffered greatly. Everyone was ok though. To each their own and all, everyone has their own wish list of wants. My previous statement of unfamiliarity with small light nimble cars stands, so maybe my opinion would be different if I dropped myself into a miata and tossed it around a little. Happy new years fellas.
  20. I don't care how long ago this was posted... I love bigfoot related stuff. The show "Finding Bigfoot" is the epitome of what this thread stands for and I won't stay quiet any longer. I mean, until my wife tells me to turn the volume on Bobo down.
  21. This could reallly work well if it gets handled like the flashback battles from LoTR. When I saw the line up of soldiers it put me in mind of the second 300 movie, which was not something I want to see again. Besides Ben Foster and Clancy I am not familiar with anyone. For that reason theres hope this won't be a prince of persia at blackrock spire. Now if only games workshop would authorize a whfb movie.
  22. Awesome work, me? Nothing.
  23. Funny, I was just looking up the scat pack options after a facebook post grabbed my attention. I recently weighed my RAM fueled with yours truly on board, and it sat about 5700lbs. It is the newer VVT engine and claims 395 hp. This is more than enough for me and the truck really accelerates nicely to pass and to enter the highway from on ramps. The draw back is that the sticker was nearly hellcat territory, but ultimately I have a LOT of vehicle for my money and the value is in the interior space plus ability to haul within reason. The last challenger I was in was in 2008, and it was gutsy enough to keep me in my seat during a launch. That is about as technical as a test drive can get. A totally different sensation in my 4x4, where you dont feel the kick the same way. I'm guessing the differential gearing difference is what is to blame for the gulf between your mopar and your mazda.
  24. I can't comment on the ride style, having never been exposed to any variety of pure sports cars beyond the corvette. The styling to me is reminiscent of a rat. All I can see is a crouched rodent baring teeth. Nice colour though...
  25. I for one would love a piece of the World Cheeseburger. Happy Holo-days. Nobody knows about my valk obsession, so no new Mac stuff for me.
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