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Everything posted by modelglue

  1. Hey, I'm looking for answers regarding the similarity between any Vf-31 heads to the original Yf-30 head. Does any one variant of the 31 have a head very similar to or the Same as the prototype?
  2. At the risk of becoming a pariah in the community here, I am really disappointed with that result. I know you guys are doing your best and I mean no offense, but I have asked Xigfrid for a refund twice now based on the results here. Jasonc, if you want to hear more about how I think you can improve you are welcome to PM me, I will only give you honest advice and objective thoughts based on my own experience.
  3. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what engines are used to propel these RC aircraft? I think I see jet exhaust from the SV-51 but not sure.
  4. Could you post up some pics of some finished quality pieces for the guys who have paid in full? I'm interested to see what you'll be sending out. Honestly, I don't know your work yet (I've never bought anything from you)and I was a little scared away by the last pics you posted. I hope you don't get offended by my request; I just need a little proof?
  5. That is one nice display.
  6. Good job! Looks like my macross spending is going to be on drones for the next while...
  7. Awesome, glad to hear everything it progressing but shame on the issues you had. Rest up and stay cool!
  8. ^What he said. I will be painting mine also, but I appreciate the option to have an opinion. Attempting to cast it in like colours is still a nice thought and lends a sense of cool to the project.
  9. Cool, Jefuemon. Be nice to double the launch hangar dimensions to do a 1/72 version.
  10. Sorry to hear about PR2 not happening, but I will say Congrats on that model! The red with metallic really works well. I shall copy this when/if I ever get this model.
  11. I bought the 2.5 gallon tank for conversion to the pressure casting tank. It was a big pain to disassemble my version and took a lot of grunting and swearing to remove some of the fittings. I can see where you don't want to buy another. Mine does a pretty decent job but I have seen MUCH bigger setups with castor wheels that I want to try for bigger molds. Haven't done anything crazy with mine yet, just one piece molds and simple split molds. I am looking forward to seeing some photos of your progress, I just sent Xigfrid the cheddar for my copy.
  12. That is really cool, about 1/72 then? Nice Bathtub!
  13. It's been awhile since I used MWF, but I came back to this thread where I left off (thanks to the miracle of the modern browser) and read it all up to this point. My news: I've done some light bolt/clamp/weld on upgrades to my 2014 Ram 1500 Sport. This truck is in around 6,000lbs with me in it, and regularly hauls all my tools in the bed as I work on sites around my region Monday through Friday. I've had a Magnaflow 22" flow through muffler installed, which barks nicely when started and roars at WOT, but settles right down to stock idle noise. The MDS everyone complains about isn't really anything I notice. I also bought a Vararam intake which is essentially a ram air system. Huge improvement in performance, and noticeable (evic) mileage* increase while driving sedately on highways. Bringing the motor up into 4,000rpms to allow the variable intake runners to function happens at about half throttle, which is a big improvement from full/WOT running 89 octane. I have 20,000kms on my truck, and it is better than ever. I also just ordered the Diablo sport dcx 1000 to tune my engine for the optimal 89 octane program. I might fiddle around with a custom tune once the 'new' wears off the programmer. *Not actually mileage, as I live in Canada and it measures L/100Km used. I'm getting 7-8 on average.
  14. Oh wow, That is pretty quick for rubber. I've only ever used the 24 hour stuff from smooth on. Too afraid to try anything else! I am looking forward to seeing how these turn out. I didn't realize how big they were until I read the whole thread more seriously a second time. These will be a great value once casted, I can't wait to have one next to the Hasegawa YF's from M0. Cheers guys!
  15. Outta this World! Wow, you are really rocking these projects. I'm glad I stopped into MWF to see what was new.
  16. Count me in for a 72nd kit. Be great to finally have one!
  17. Great! Sign me up!
  18. Oh! I didn't realize you had filled the 20 spots for the 1/72. Ok, I will wait for Jason to greenlight the molds for further use before committing $. I don't want to spend $85 on a sloppy second burnout cast. Been there, done that! Thanks for the reply Xigfrid!!!
  19. I'd be interested in a 1/72 version. Where do I throw money?
  20. Perhaps, these films will be appreciated in due time. We are talking about a small group of film culture personalities here, so I won't give into what the internet says without seeing it first. I see what you mean Duke, and I don't think Sundance would be exclusive of sci-fi in a broad sense. I just feel like after reading through their 30 years of sundance article, that I only recognize a handful of films, and most at a glance seem rather eccentric and eclectic. How do you think they would react to one or either of the Macross F movies? Just so we aren't talking inside the vacuum of Jupiter Ascending. I could see Sundance welcoming a movie like Sunshine though, or Moon. It is hard to accept criticism when the subject matter is so far outside the sub-genre. I think the overall vibe I am getting from JA is a Fifth Element meets Maleficent.
  21. Ohhhhh Damn. ^
  22. I can live with all of this. The nice thing about getting these prequels out of the way is the real life dilemma of Hugh Jackman aging. He isn't supposed to age in the realm of X-Men, but he will inevitably in his roles as Wolverine. Getting the prequels done at machine gun pace makes the follow-ons with Jackman slightly more believable in the sense he will be weathered for the future releases. There is only one Wolverine after all. Way to go Jackman.
  23. Yeah, really nice. True grit. I like the weathered by 1 million lethal particles look. Fire a black/starfield back drop in behind that and you have old school movie magic!
  24. So was a private showing a premeditated PR stunt? Or was it a fatal error to address the SD crowd with flash-git syfy?
  25. Without reading the article, I would imagine that the Sundance crowd would be rather difficult to woo with this sort of film. Now that I have read the link, what I wrote makes perfect sense. It is unfortunate that a film community of purists refuse any sort of recognition for a work outside their genre parameters, but hey, someone has to be elite. After watching some of The Black Hole, I agree. Remake required! It could even be a film in the flavor/color of Event Horizon.
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