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Everything posted by modelglue

  1. For a 1/60 scale fig I think that turned out pretty darn good! My hase' pilots are maybe 1/2" tall and I have to assume this fella is between 5/8 or 3/4" tall? The detail Is outstanding when you consider that when I started modelling (1985) pilots and figures were blobs until you reached 1/35 scale.
  2. Mecha thingy at 1:15? JIMP'd. Looks awesome. The World needs more films like this to push the genre into the forefront of mainstream, IMHO.
  3. Thanks, both of you. I'll duly post better pics of this when my wife shows me how to operate her camera properly, and I will be posting my progress with my VF-27 Beta which I started this afternoon. Boy is it a new experience, my first Bandai kit of this style.
  4. HI Jason, I was actually thinking and wondering about your progress the other day. I'm glad to see you are still going forward. Keep up the good work and know that if this hits the market in 1/72 I'll be buying.
  5. I ended up getting time to work on my spacewolf macross-over project: I used a bummy grey primer which left a terrible grain on the model. It was a bit of a head banging experience but at least I know now that the primer I used belongs in the garbage. I used a variety of panel lining techniques to experiment and cope with stubbly surface texture, which didn't settle down after sanding lightly or future coats. I used wash, tech pen, and finally a small graphic pen. I'm trying out some different photographic methods so don't judge me too harshly on the quality please!
  6. That's too bad, I hear you can do some sort of webmajik to change your location to the American content but I have yet to try it. I'll try these out on your suggestion. Thx!
  7. Since these have made an appearance I've decided to pose my Bandai's as Battroids and convert (where needed) the Hase' kits into an appropriate fighter to display along side. I've got the prophecy and Luca's mount to consider. Once Hase' releases (hopefully) a 1/72 VF-11 Battroid and the VF-27 fighter I should be all set!
  8. Amen. The '48 looks great but unfortunately I've more than committed myself to '72nd. I'm really happy though, for all you guys getting so excited about this release. It does look a lot nicer in the larger scale.
  9. With finally biting the bullet and getting netflix, I was surprised by the amount of 'Anime' content available. I just finished watching Rin (loved it), I tried to continue to watch Full Metal Alchemist but it usually ends up being background noise to something else I am doing (modelling). I also started Blood, which I found to be pretty appealing. Attack On Titan has been my favourite of this year besides the obligatory rewatch of M.Zero and M.II. I got half way through SEED a few years back and after reading all the love it is getting here I might give it another go. Aquarion, I made an attempt at, but I found the toon render Evangelion rip-off angels to be a bit too offensive to my aesthetic tastes. Still waiting to watch 3.33 btw...
  10. Care to share that scheme idea Petar? The airframe pretty much screams for an over-the-top palette IMHO, but would look just as good in low-vis. I am happy with the fact that we have so much variety in VFs. I agree with your sentiments regarding the -25 vs. the -2SS, and the more the merrier.
  11. Now THAT was an exercise in self-control... I ended up with VF-2SS but planned on returning to bolster my arsenal. If it comes in within the window of memory, I'll let you all know how it looks.
  12. Looks great! I'll check in later to see your Navy inspired scheme.
  13. Thanks for the info Sebastian! Looks like a VF-1/F-15 combination from what I can tell.
  14. Wow! Thanks for that! What is the VF to the left of the batmobile? I love how you have a Gen II LAV thrown in there!
  15. Keep your eyes peeled on eBay for a resin kit in fighter mode. I saw one earlier this year but wasn't in a position to nab it!
  16. Very cool! Will look great in green.
  17. Oh. Good to know now I guess. I heated up a large resin piece in the microwave to bend it to shape a while back... but I don't remember much else. In all seriousness though, I hope you are all okay and there is no long term damage beyond what you unfortunately reported here. Just keep at 'er and we're all looking forward to you saving this and showing us a masterpiece!
  18. Please do, I would find that inspirational at the very least. Between you and other said amazing modellers on this site it can be a driving force when guys like me see your completed kits.
  19. That is incredibly effective and original. Kudos to the artist!
  20. Pay attention folks, this model Jefuemon did is what got me hooked on Macross modelling and this site. Oh, and while I'm here... Great job on the VF-11! I wish I could get my hands on one.
  21. Maybe a single, fixed tail wheel on the lower rudder would be called for here. I see that your reference does not show that as a true fact, but you have more artistic licence here. As for retractable main carriage, I don't see any hint of that or the requisite panel lines drawn into the artwork you provided... unless those cut outs on the lower pods are where they go. After scrolling through the pics quickly many times, it looks to me like the winglets are either too long, or too skinny? I'm still really excited to see were this is going.
  22. That does look like a better blue IMO, derex. Seems like a more genuine space faring blue than the previous rendition!
  23. I'm guessing this is a 1/72 kit? Either way I'm pretty excited to see it being executed. I wish I could get my hands on one but that may be another thread... I'll be watching to see how it goes, I can't add much more than has already been mentioned.
  24. Awww just beautiful!
  25. Just a stab in the dark here, It appears that the dual wouldn't fit on the inner hard point and might interfere wit the shoulder or possibly the intake in fighter mode? Aesthetically, it makes tonnes more sense to load it inwards. I'm with you there Chrono. modelglue
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