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Everything posted by peolesdru

  1. The new "crystal" clear kitty litters are 100% cilica gel. Save some money and make your own packets/cans.
  2. This japanese robot certainly has a lot of anime-inspired features. Nice antennae! http://www.kawada.co.jp/global/ams/hrp_2.html
  3. Which is why I started a new thread for it.
  4. I still have the silver and gold transforming rocks!
  5. Go-Bots always get a bad rap in the Transformers community, but IMHO Go-Bots were light-years ahead of the mini-transformers of the time. A lot of the Go-Bots had very elegant transformation schemes. For that matter, the most complete gestalt I've ever seen was the Go-Bot sportscar combiner set known as Puzzler. The hands, feet and head of the gestalt were all built into the individual cars themselves - unlike Devastator with its 8 or so extra parts.
  6. According to the Compendium, they are auxillary missile launchers, that allow the missiles stored in the arm to be launched when in Shuttle mode. Graham Does it have a locked-open position on the toy? I'm too afraid to pull on it.
  7. Anyone else notice that the arms have little pods that pop up along the edges? I'm afraid to pull on them for fear of them snapping off. Here's a description of the location: In shuttle mode, near the back. Along the edge of the arm is what looks like a separate glued in molding. But it's not glued in and if you pull it up (the hing appears to be towards the back, so you pull up on the front) you get what kind of looks like the classic Macross missile-pod. It doesn't appear to stay up, but again I'm nervous about pulling up too far and breaking the hinge. You can even see a screw inside when you pull it up. What is it? Graham?
  8. The pins don't remove - well, not on *purpose*. Be careful with the pins is all I'm saying.
  9. In gerwalk mode you can get some uneven leg length if you don't have the leg components arranged identically. Check all the joint angles between the two legs.
  10. While as a system an active stealth could be technically implemented in every mecha of Macross, in the description of Monster MkI found in Nanashi's website it is said the Monster was too hot so it couldn't be concealed and even flares didn't work. Maybe the same was true for Koenig Monster. It definitively needs air support. Maybe it does. What space really improves is speed, since a steady thrust turns into a steady acceleration. Turns something in space requires you also to cancel your existing vector, that is the direction where you were going. Agility is affected by the number of vector thrusters and their power, but the Monster is really cumbersome. Logic would say that especially in space bigger things would be slower that smaller things, even if in anime the opposite works. FV He's right - even in zero-G the mass of something is a critical factor. If you were in orbit around the earth and tried to push, say, the Hubble Telescope (presuming you had something to push off of) you would find that it took a lot of work even though the Hubble was technically weightless. The usual science-fiction approach to this problem is the idea of "inertial drives" - or a propulsion system that can somehow cancel out the mass (or inertia) of a craft.
  11. I appreciate the offer, but I should point out that hosting is not much of a problem considering my site's utter lack of readership. I'm sure my friend that runs the webserver I use would let me know if my traffic got too high.
  12. That'd be quite an honor, although I'm sure better pictures could be taken. As for my part, I'd categorize it as being under a creative commons license. Meaning anyone is welcome to reproduce or even modify the work as long as I'm credited. It's not like I could stop anyone anyway.
  13. I'm pretty darned good with transforming toys - I have a lot of them. Hopefully I have some skill at conveying my method to the rest of the world.
  14. Rail guns have recoil just like anything else that launches a projectile. We tend to think of only explosive projectile weapons as having recoil, presumably because of the explosion. But think of it this way - if you had a tube open at both ends and an explosion occurred inside the tube, the tube wouldn't recoil at all. It is the launching of a projectile that causes recoil. You could think of the energy of a projectile as the mass times the velocity. You then divide the energy by the mass of the launching system. So if you launch a 20lb projectile at 200mph from a launch system that weighs 2000lb the launch system will experience a recoil of 20x200/2000, or 2mph. A dampening system is one that takes the recoil energy and converts it to heat, usually through friction, thereby eliminating the need for the launch vehicle to actually BE driven backwards. The upshot is that a rail gun would have even more recoil per pound than an explosive-driven system because of the very high velocities involved. Take our same 2000lb launch vehicle and shoot a 2lb projectile at 1500mph (mach2). The recoil on the vehicle would be 2x1500/2000, or 1.5mph even though the projectile weighs 10x less.
  15. Heh. Yeah, well the process was a real nightmare. The first time I took pictures, I "transferred" them to my computer and told WinXP to delete the pictures when the transfer completed. Except the pictures disappeared into the void - they weren't on my HDD and of course were no longer on my camera. So I went back and reshot. THEN, as I was working in Frontpage on the webpage, my ISP decided to do some routine maintenance, so my internet connection kept dropping. I ended up adding a picture and an instruction and then saving after each one so I wouldn't lose my work. Basically, someone didn't want me to be able to complete this project.
  16. The little pegs that engage what I've called the "payload area" both in Shuttle and in Gerwalk mode is probably the main concern. The loss of these pegs probably wouldn't destroy the toy, however. In my opinion, if you just make sure to engage the pegs gently, there should be no problem despite the stress marks.
  17. It's not particularly fragile, if that's what you mean. It can be somewhat floppy, especially when trying to use the knee in destroid mode.
  18. I put together a transformation guide at my website: Konig Monster Transformation Guide EDIT: 1/1 LowViz Lurker raised a good point. If you're going to use this as reference, save me some bandwidth costs and save the page to your hard drive instead of bookmarking. Thanks.
  19. Heh. I figured that'd get someone's attention... Editing my photo guide now.
  20. I got mine today as well. Here's some pictures I took: Big pictures at my website. Also, I'll do a photo guide with description. Similar to my BinalTech Grimlock guide but better, since I've recently found my digital camera (as opposed to my convenient but ultimately substandard picture-phone)
  21. You can rotate the barrels to make them more aligned.
  22. Motorcycle mode:
  23. Leader One. They're having fun with their GoBots ownership. gobots, Now that is a series I haven't heard of for a long time? shame they weren't as posable also. (imagine masterpiece CYCLE:)) There was a larger version of CyKill in the SuperGoBots lineup. I've had him sitting next to my computer monitor for the last year for no particular reason. Here's a pic. The nice thing is that unlike the original CyKill, the Super version is: A: Bigger B: The engine and wheels are integrated into the design - perfect transform! C: Unfortunately, still a brick.
  24. And here I thought Joel had sent to you before me. Now I'm much happier knowing yours will also arrive on Monday. Bwah-ha-ha
  25. toonz, Always wondered... are you that chick posing as your avatar cause if so, I may start hitting on you. Gawd, you're hawt !!! gaahhh... i'm no woman, i'm a man It's a MANNN, baby! (Austin Powers reference)
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