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Everything posted by peolesdru

  1. Planning on it. Then I can re-focus on html guides. Both approaches have their advantages. I definitely recommend that anyone following the video guide not try to "keep up" - just use the pause button!
  2. Let me know if you like them.
  3. Sure, it would hold that pose - the legs are pretty tight - whole thing's pretty tight, really. My only problem replicating that pose would be that I'd have to use the black stand that came with my SV-51 For some reason, the clear stand doesn't stay together as well - the main upright doesn't "lock" onto the base like the black stand. I tried to pose the battroid mode on the clear stand and it wouldn't hold the weight - the bottom of the upright just plain doesn't lock on. Maybe I'm missing something. It's the same stand as the black stand and the black stand definitely clicks together at that joint.
  4. I made a video guide. It's in a different thread.
  5. I'm pretty sure there are ulilities you can download to save YouTube videos to your computer.
  6. I'm planning on doing the 19 and the 51, but not tonight - it's late here. The videos for the 21 are up - I started a new thread for those.
  7. Made some transformation videos. Here's Fighter to Battroid: And Battroid to Fighter: Let me know what you think.
  8. I have a new set of video guides on the way - keep an eye out for a new thread related to that.
  9. Here's a ZIP file of the pure HTM version for you Firefox droogs: HTM Transformation Guide Also, note my name doesn't have a second "p" in it.
  10. Thanks. It's the best method I've found so far. I'll never understand why Yamato doesn't provide any instructions for going back to fighter mode. Sure, with some toys you can do the old Hasbro "Reverse order of directions..." methodology, but not so with a yammie. And of course you're going to put it in Battroid mode - otherwise you would have bought a model plane.
  11. Ok, here you go: YF-21 Transformation Guide: Battroid to Fighter Also, I'm pretty sure my ducky picture is just a picture that's been cleaned up in Photoshop or something. I have the same rubber duck on my desk, but I didn't take the picure.
  12. Ok - I have a guide thrown together and nowhere to host it. It's about 9 MB. I tried to upload it, but it wouldn't take. Anyone who wants it can email me at peolesdru@gmail.com, then. Hopefully someone who can host it can contact me.
  13. I believe you're talking about the konig guide I wrote a few years ago. Nice to have it remembered. I'll try to make on for the 21.
  14. Mine arrived today! Man is EMS quick. All the way from Japan in 4 days. The mailman actually left a "you missed your poo" notice in our mailbox when my wife went to a meeting this afternoon and, awesome wife that she is, she made a point of going to the post office right before closing (to give the carrier time to come back) and convinced the guy at the counter to track it down in the back. I really like the figure. Some notes: I was trying to get the plates together and suddenly they buckled and I broke off the tiny little tab. Sheesh. I'm totally going to get some tiny little super magnets and superglue them under the plates to get the damned things to stay together. I'm such a dunce. Is it just mine or does it seem that they don't want to go together at all? I had to check through the board when I went back to fighter mode because I could NOT get the backpack re-extended and was afraid I was missing some locking mechanism. But everyone who mentioned it was like "wow that's tight thought I'd break it" so I gritted my teeth and gave it a hard pull. Pretty scary. Other than that it is indeed kind of a pain in the ass to get that plate under the shoulders to lock down properly. I leave the front of the plane (and the legs) disengaged until I do the backpack and then the arms and then I lock it down. Still tricky, though. Oh and when I went to battroid for the first time, one of the legs came right off in my hand. I'd read that was normal alraedy, but for a moment there I just sat and stared at it. My poor wife didn't know it was normal and took my sudden cessation of movement to be a bad sign. She said later that she had started to plan her escape from the room.
  15. I second that question - is that a locking mechanism for the telescoping leg or what?
  16. Nice pictures, Swoosh! Looking forward to Battroid.
  17. Lucky. Mine would be on its way but apparently my bank has some sort of restriction on non-USA vendors. So I'm having to switch over to PayPal for my payment option. Hopefully, they'll get that straightened out with me tomorrow, but I suppose it may not ship until next week, so it won't be here for TWO WEEKS! Woe is me - Surely no human being alive today faces a bigger conundrum than I! I mean, except for 99.99% of them. <Perspective Restored>
  18. Here's what I got out of that conversation: alex was saying that the cockpit area of the plane doesn't seem to lock down. Graham misunderstood and pointed to the feature where the torso and the "backpack" lock together, then alex clarified that he knew about THAT locking mechanism already, but was referring to the cockpit component. So there's no "change" - they were just talking about two different things for a moment there. So as it stands, it would appear that the cockpit doesn't "lock down".
  19. I don't see any reason to feel too bad about that. After all Brawl = Best Tankbot Ever. I know what you mean about it being a heavy bot season - I still can't decide if I'm going to get Animated or skip it. It'd be an easy decision if I had a chin fetish
  20. My wife ordered mine for my birthday. The only snag is my birthday was April 10th. I guess that means I'm still 34 until late May!
  21. I need a heatshield - mine just broke - I superglued the tab back on but it probably won't work and I'll be afraid to ever play with it again even if it does work. I just need to know who and how to pay.
  22. Know what worked for me? Superglue.
  23. I cover that in my pictorial transformation guide: http://www.gratuitous-assertions.com/konig_x.htm The short version is that when you are going back to shuttle mode, before you start locking the hips into place you will find the chest can be rotated down a bit giving more freedom to work the cockpit up and out. I have pictures of the process in the guide.
  24. Wow! I never heard of the idea of putting kitty litter with stuff I'm storing. Seriously though, thats a very intriguing idea! Just don't use clay litter
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