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  1. Just saying that as an example, talking about it doesn't mean one is obssessed with it or approves it. Again, more new accusations. So now I have problems with rap music , gays, AIDS, etc. so what's next? I consider abortion a capital punishment and AIDS is a gay disease? Non sense. If I were a redneck , what would you guys be? As for "I think asians are the best", they are your words , not mine. I have never claimed that. We have our problems and I just didn't discuss it. Don't even try to use news links to make your point , "Pat", I am sure I can come up with even more links and try to read those news in their "native" languages. As I said , I never claim we live in an Utopia, it is your guys that said that and I have never discussed our problems. Also, there are things we asians can learn from the west but I DIDN'T discuss it here. it is like your guys would even listen without more and newer name callings and accusations. I am still standing firm in what I said but there was never a chance for me to discuss the "bad" things in Asia. I am sure there will be more accusations and name callings. They don't bother me personally, but if people want to be mean to each other, let it be. What goes around, coems around. So waste time making the world a living hell. This forum is for feedbacks and I made a suggestion, hoping to make it better. If you think my "monk/zen" thinking is crap, let it be. So what are you going to make this place more a better place!? I think I will stop right here, feel free to add more "non constructive comments" , wasting time making this a living hell if you want. it hasn't changed the past few years, so why bother now? EXO, if my English is bad, it was because of my typing. I am sure your English is better than those in England !?? Best of luck and goodbye!
  2. looks like a few people here just want to see this thread goes on and on. Be my guest. I have heard worse name callings , just too bad they aren't saying them before me in person! My mistake to be on this forum again. Just some friendly advice, they are not listening , their problems! bye!
  3. Dumb: If you say so. Same old thing, trying to use word to anger people, guess that's what you are really good at. Perhaps you are some brillaint scientist or CEO in real life?
  4. This midget is 6'1, swimmer built with full set of hair Utopia: did not say that We are better: did not say that racist: if you say so...and don't even try to tell me about racism! Apparently you guys are very good at editorials, adding new meanings to my message as it sees fit. It was just an advice, you can continue on what you like to do here. For some of you, I invite you to talk the way you do in other parts of the world and see what happen. Isn't it always easier to say anything online?
  5. Ok, bye. I just find it funny that you state that you're not here to impress or claim superiority.... but then you post this. Peace Sounds like you are one of those who try to entice me into "the discussion". Anyway, that is not superority (I don't understand why people can't take the meaning of a sentence as it is and have to add NEW meaning to it, my sentences are straight forward in meaning and there are nother hidden alternative meanings), but it helps in broadening one 's horizon how the rest of the world works. Many westerners have lived in asian countries and their views have changed over the years because of the exposure to other cultures. We asians don't always say what we feel, it depends on the situation and in most cases, out of manner and out of respect for others (friends , parents and colleagues). I don't argue with my parents and I am not confrontation with colleagues over disagreement. For those asians you met that are confrontational , are just unwise. I just leave the topic as it is. see you.
  6. Max: There are always disagreement but we , asians , learn to keep it inside instead of being combative. A lot of world problems are caused by confrontation and overly aggressive people. Have you lived in other parts of the world? I have lived in many places including Australia, Europe to Canada and the States. This helps. Anyway, I will leave it as that. I sense that this is going to transform into another "so called discussion" . bye
  7. Insults are not discussion. Disagreement is best kept "inside". Also, are those asians you talk to Western born or brought up in the western world? They are very different from asians in Asia.
  8. Please lock this if desire, I am not trying to start a new "useless" verbal fight here , nor am I taking sides because I think all sides are guilty if they take part and put fuel in it. I haven't been the Macross forum for a long time, I left it because there wasn't anything constructive going on here such as information on the shows or toys but people constantly engaging in fights. I don't know why people have to speak their minds or being reactive. So what one wins a verbal fight (was there any prize?). If you don't agree with them, move on and keep it to yourself. Western world always has to fight and say something like those people on CNN. No offence! I hope when I return again years later (if site is still here), I would find it a much better place. I am very disappointed at this visit. I moved on to the asian (Chinese and Japanese) forums because nobody there argues or mean to each other and they know when to back off instead of being combative and aggressive. I enjoy those peaceful forums every time I visit, there is always useful information. Also, for those who like to look down or impress people with their qualifications, I have this to say. In Asia, many have advanced degrees in high tech(a phD in engineering myself and still a lot of hair ), and it is not that impressive and we certainly don't look down on people based on qualification and I don't go around thinking I am on top of everyone else. Real smart people don't call themselves smart but learn to improve their flaws and expand themselves based on why they fail , not why they succeed, or living on past glory, and feel on top of the world. Bill Gates doesn't even have a degree but I think he is doing much better than me. In other parts of the world, not being modest has great disadvantages and sometimes lethal consequences, especially those who post their pics online. I am not in a gang but I am saying there are people who get upset easily (only if you think getting your head sawed off in Iraq is something). I am saying this as an advice not trying to threaten anyone. I think someone like Graham would understand what I am saying since he lives in Hong Kong.
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