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Everything posted by SDFcommander

  1. Here is one of the back. You can see where I was able to add the extra stickers.
  2. I was able to post some bigger pictures of my MPC Alpha at www.tmpanime photo gallery. Sorry it is a little blurry. My digicam is not the best.
  3. Pat S Cool pictures! You have to have one of the most complete Mospeada/New Generation collections I've seen. At first I thought I was looking at the toy shelves of a really cool toy store Those Legioss models and ride armor models are simply AMAZING Where did you get them? How fragile are they? I am also pleased to see what I always thought. The 1/55 MPC Alpha is about the same size as the 1/48 IMAI kit. The difference in size is in the cockpit. The pics also help me to appreciate the sculpt of the MPC Alpha so much more. Toynami really did a good job with the fighter mode. Also, I really like the pics on the bottom of the MPC in Guardian mode with the arms not transformed. I always thought that looked cool even with the VF-1s. I guess that is how the Shadow fighters take off and land vertically. Let's hope Toynami revamps their qc so we can see some shadow fighters.
  4. trueblueeyes That is so poor I'm sorry. How could someone miss somthing like that? With ALL these reports of problems, I'm begining to think that there is a conspiracy at the toy factory...I think there is a undercover agent there from a competing toy company posing as a Toynami employee eyesonme78, That is a good idea about the joints. I will try that on my shoulder joint. Maybe I will not have to take it apart.
  5. rtsurfer, Thanks for the info on the hands. That does not look too secure I can't believe mine are attatched the same way because they are so tight. I trued to gently pull them off but did not want to break them. Good news about Toynami replacing broken toys. I think that is a step in the right direction...but now is the real problem... I just finished panel lining, stickering and detailing the finger joints of my MPC and now do I send it in to fix my floppy arm when fixing it might mean replacing it with a brand new un-panel lined, unstickered and un detailed finger joint MPC I need help to figure out what to do...I guess floppy arm is not so bad...but then again no floppy is better...hmmmm Anyways here are some quick pics of Battloid mode. I will do some pics of it holding the gun when the hands dry. I really do have to invest in a better camera MPC Battloid pics
  6. Nah, I'm only listing actual broken parts, not floppy limbs, otherwise the list would be a mile long already Graham So true. Opus, How did you take your arm apart? The more I look at mine, the more it seams like the rubber washer just came off. The other arm actally holds poses. It is a night and day difference. Are the screws under the missles? Was it a pain to take apart? I hope the arm is not just glued together.
  7. The QC really sucks Graham, if you want to add me to the list, mine suffers from floppy arm syndrome in the right arm, but I can live with that. Opus, Thanks for your post. Looks like I will not be able to take the hands off with taking the arms apart. Sorry for your misfortune. Something like that HAS to be covered by Toynami as well as the other problems people mentioned. I know the venders rarely have extras so have you guys tried contacting Toynami for a fix or replacement. I'm sure they would help, after all you did not spend $80 for that. Hopefully this will encourage Toynami to really see how these things are put together in the plant so these things don't turn up for volume 2. After all, if they want to sell these they have to make sure the customers are happy. When I was talking to the guys at the SD Comic Con they where really proud of the MPC Alpha so I'm sure they don't want these QC problems to hurt what I think has the potential to be a really cool line of toys. Someone mentioned having rubber washers in the arms to help stiffen the joints since the arms are not ratched. What a good idea. How much could that really be to intall for the next volume. It's cheaper that trying to design a ratchet. Here is the e-mail if you guys don't have it. info@toynami.com I'm sure a nice civil e-mail describing what happened would be mutually beneficial. Infact, I'm going to e-mail about the rubber washer idea for the shoulder joints. What numbers where the problems? Mine is 3574 and only suffers from the one arm being floppy. Let's hope that at least the higher numbers are better with QC.
  8. Thanks. You know I was able to fix that. After what you said I just picked up the toy and saw if I could bend the legs and nose down to bring the back up and it worked. I wouldn't put my MPC Prime on its back but it sure looks better. I even got more ground clearance. I'll put some updated pics tomorrow when the sun is out. Nice with stickers! Why no other mode pics?
  9. Wow, It has been a while since I have posted, but I thought I would post some pics of my newly panel lined and stickered MPC Apha. I got it from Tam at tmpanime.com last week I too at first had some problems with the landing gear, but after I gently pulling the rear ones out a little more I found where they stop and I was able to get some ground clearance. Here are some pics in fighter mode. Toynami has a top notch sticker sheet. the stickers are good quality and pre-cut perfectly. The extra stickers are a real bonus. I found a place for all 20 "No Step" stickers MPC Alpha figher I have more at my online picture gallery http://photos.yahoo.com/sdfcommander
  10. It's a pic from Toymani booth at a recent toy convention. I sure hope the final version is a little darker. I think it is darker and looks lighter due to the flash.
  11. Here is another pic of the YF-1R.
  12. I just got this info from figures.com It is a repaint of the old Manga Spawn, but it is a NICE repaint with some added details. For more info click here: Wal-Mart Exclusives Revealed
  13. Kishimoto, VERY IMPRESSIVE I had no idea that the SDF-3 was so much bigger than the SDF-1. You have skills man! Thanks for sharing. I sure hope they use that ship design in the upcoming series. Also, please post some pics of your Arcadia too. How long did it take you to make it?
  14. I live here in downtown San Diego. Fortunately there are no fires close by, but as you look outside everything looks light red or amber as if you were living in the deserts of Mars. It's really strange. My wife just told me that a may we saw on the news was crying because his children died in his car Yesterday, I found out that a neighbor who had a home in the East county lost everything! Their home has burned down and when his aunt and uncle tried to leave, their truck stalled from all the smoke! It was so hot, their tires were on fire. I can't believe all this stuff. I am about to leave and try to go to work and pick up some sugical masks. I know our police and firefighters are working OVERTIME. MUCH respect to those guys. I woke up to red windows, but many of those guys have not slept at all. Right now the sherriff is saying that you you see a fire next to you, don't wait for official word and just leave. Over 130,000 acres have been lost and about 500 homes. It's a sad day here in "sunny" San Diego. Please pray for rain! In the air index 40 is considered bad. In some areas of SD the air index is 90! ***They finally have a guy in custody who they think started one of the fires if not all. It was a hunter who started a signal fire to try to find a friend
  15. Man, Kanata, That is ROUGH!!! I too am glad that you had the strength to not strike her and like you said that was her choice. Man I feel for you. I am really glad to know that you have not been sucked into that bottomless pit of drugs with her. My prayers are with you too man. As someone already mentioned, if possible, don't leave the MW. You youself said it was a source out support and right now support is what you need. It's times like these that you really think of what is important and who your real friends are. I know because right now I'm typing from the city in flames, San Diego. Hang in there Kanata, and know that brighter days are ahead. Just like you said, what does not kill you makes you stronger so HANG IN THERE MAN!!!
  16. Those are looking SWEET!!! Too bad I don't have anymore room on my book case That has too mean that Toynami has the molds. Let's hope that enemy mecha will be around soon. I REALLY love the details and the that action pose it too cool!
  17. For any Sonic fans, Sonic X is now on the Fox Box and it is pretty good! The animation looks pretty sharp and it looks like they were influenced by Sonic DX and Sonic Adventures II It's on right now! Check it out. http://www.foxkids.com/sonicx/
  18. I'm with you. I'm hoping to get mine from Twin Moons too. We are fortunate to have stores like Valkarie Exchange and Twin Moons who are not just retailers but fans as well!!! Personally I know I have had no problems with Twin Moons what so ever! JsARCLIGHT, I know I am. With how well my Alpha poseable turned out, I can't wait to get my hands on the MPC Alpha!
  19. I too think the Guardian/Gerwalk mode looks very nice with the Fast Packs. I went with the greyish green VF-1S armour for my VF-1J Rick...then again I only have 1 set of the 3 Fast Packs so my VF-1J Rick has to share with my VF-1S Roy Darn you people who have Fast Packs for all your VF-1s...on day, one day (SuperOstrich, is this size OK?)
  20. FRED THE FRENCH, Cool poses for your MPC Max and Miriya! Very nice! They just don't look good apart They appear both ways in the Macross Saga. When the Fast Packs first appear on Max and Miriya the leg armor they are the same colors as the planes (just that one episode) but for the rest of the series they are the colors of the Toynami Fast Packs. One episode that comes to mind is when Rick, Max and Miriya go to the Robotech Factory to show Dana.
  21. Those pics are cool! I re-watched the Macross series and saw that Max's VF-1A was "003" so I made my VF-1A Kakizaki TV type "02". I went the easy route and cut the "2" off of my "202" decal went with 02 instead of 002. BTW after re-watching the Macross series many, many times, they don't show Kakizaki number ANYWHERE!
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