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Everything posted by mantisfists

  1. I don't know about the top left, but top right and the bottom three are definitely homages to iconic Japanese motorcycle paint schemes. GSX R1100 Kawi ZX-7 Honda Repsol CBR1000 Yamaha R1 in USA racing yellow That's a cool assed callback, if you ask me.
  2. I'm guessing the stand it comes with will be mandatory for posing.
  3. We used to shop there all the time. That sign will always be etched in my memory.
  4. Yes. Also guarantees the preorder price whenever it is listed. If the price goes up, you get the price you preordered at. Show.z/Gundammit has some of the best after purchase customer service/support on the internet as well. Any problems with breakages or missing pieces are fixed at no cost to you. Shipping costs are included in the price, though it takes a bit longer than DHL/UPS. They also have one of the best rewards programs out there. Excellent place to order figures. I obviously highly recommend them.
  5. This guy had the same thing. Extra baggie with correct parts on his Robotech version.
  6. So glad I could share my sadness with you. Misery sure does love your company!
  7. Seeing these images still hurts my heart. Think they even had a color prototype that they showed at some show. Yup….found it. …along with the Fuke figure Such a shame. For years, I closet lurked on this thread, hoping for some shred of a chance that this particular line rose from the dead. The Sentinel was a good consolation prize as a fan, but there's still a hole in my heart from Beagle dying just before Fuke's release. Would have been amazing to see what they did with Yellow's ride armor, which was my personal favorite.
  8. I could be remembering wrong but from my recollection, Beagle's ride armors didn't sell because the world was caught in an historic recession. Personally, I think if somebody put out a high quality classic ride armor today, it'd sell just fine.
  9. Think this is about as close as we've gotten…..
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Though, it's the least you could do since YOU got me into this mess with your great pictures.🤣 Looking forward to fiddling around with em.
  11. I do have some Kiki. Are they all just ball joints? Really wish the Shock Troopers were released. Such a bummer.
  12. Damn you!!!! I now have three en route. I'd have gotten his Breetai as well, but I'd already completed my order for the scouts when I saw it.
  13. Damn….that looks amazing. I had no intention on buying this but now I'm tempted. That cloth, though. Unfortunately, you can see it's already ripping….. What a shame. I'd buy two if it didn't have that cloth. I'm scared to death to pull out my Beagle ride armors all because of some stupid material. Not really trying to experience that a second time.
  14. Natural causes could be any number of things from disease to stroke or heart failure. It only rules out he got hit by a car or shot or some such thing. He was such a badass that I'm not sure anything BUT nature could have taken him out.
  15. For me, he was Commander Zavala from Destiny. For others he was Lt. Daniels on The Wire and Charon in the John Wick films. Before all that, he was undercover cop Desmond Mobay on the amazing but often forgotten HBO series Oz. He made a hilarious appearance on The Eric Andre Show and I still watch his Funny or Die video "Toys R Me" video at least once a week. Just another death of person that I've never met that still had a big part of my life. For anybody who was or is a Destiny fan and have never seen his comedy, let me present….. Thank you for the adventures, inspiration and laughs. Eyes up, Guardian. The Light calls.
  16. Don't know how many MMA fans we have on here but Rumble was one of the scariest men on earth at one point in time with the potential to be one of the greatest. So sad. Watching these athletes from afar, you think that they're invincible. Godspeed, big dog. Thank you for sacrificing your body for our bloodlust.
  17. Well, crap. I'm sorry. Article I saw made it seem like it just happened.
  18. At least for me, if I order through KC, I don't have to pay taxes like I do through BBTS. Shipping through the slow boat method also still gets it to you about the same time, if not sooner, than BBTS is receiving their stock and shipping it out. That's been my experience, anyway.
  19. The man was in so many of my favorite movies in the 80s. Remo Williams, Tremors, Naked Gun. Him stepping into a gopher hole in Tremors still makes me snort. RIP, my man. Thanks for the good times.
  20. To be fair....MS was going for the ultra toon look and pretty much nailed it, if you ask me. If you like the more "realistic" headlights, their previous offering looks fantastic as well. I'm still on the fence on getting this. I have both Light of Freedom and Transform Element's offering and don't need three Primes. But, hot damn, this guy looks good. I have his little brother that he's based on as well and it makes me want the bigger one even more knowing what a great figure that is. Dammit, Magic Square!
  21. Oh, there's a reason. Might not be the reason they're telling you, but there's definitely a reason.
  22. I only asked about the light armored figure that they had silhouetted and if they were going to make a larger version to scale better with the mech. I didn't even think to ask about any other Zentran figures. They said they were focusing on developing the light armored "Gluu-Ger" included with the battle pod, then move on to a larger figure if needed.
  23. I asked KC if they were planning on releasing a larger pilot separately that scales better with their VTs and they said they're currently trying to develop the included pilot to be bigger but if it doesn't work out, they'll look into releasing a bigger figure. Sounds like the numbers are just place holders as they try and figure things out. I love how open they are with their processes and really appreciate how willing they are to answer whatever question you ask.
  24. I preordered but it looks like the legs only rotate and don't bend at the knees. Articulation wise, that'd be a huge disappointment for me, if that's the case.
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