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Everything posted by mantisfists

  1. Right on!!! When will these bad boys be ready for my poor, nekked SDF-1?
  2. Yes, yes, yes, YES!!! Please!!! My SDF-1's as nekked as a hillbilly at a petting zoo. I needs dem stickers.
  3. This thing looks NICE, dammit!!! Anybody have an idea whan Kevin's supposed to be getting his in?
  4. Yes, it does mean what you're thinking it means. My birthday's on the 16th. So, their names are "Happy Birthday" and "Merry Christmas". I'm not sure which toy I'm going to give the most attention to. Monster.....R1.....*mbrmph*.....Monster.....1S.....*blrmpg*.....R1.....*mmmrph*......
  5. Wow. This thing's pretty poseable, too. I'm diggin on this thing more and more....and I'm starting to get excited. I'm gettin mine shipped along with the VF-1S reissue from Kevin at the same time. That's gonna be one BIG box. I can't wait. A 1S, Monster, motorcycle, and my girlfriend's gettin herself two new pillows for me to lay my head in.....all these new toys this month. Yippee!!!!!!!
  6. You know.....that battroid is starting to grow on me.
  7. I'm diggin it. looks a lot better with the stickers (or are those painted on?). i may be gettin a little ahead of myself....but, is anybody gonna do some recast gun turrets for the arms and back cannons? those things are just waaaaay too short. and how long before the custom stickers'll be available d'ya think? oh, yeah....i'm feelin that yf-19. that's a model? figures
  8. In de pinoy dikshunary, undere de depinishun ub magunda talaga, dere is dish pikture....de depinishun ub TRUE beeuty.
  9. *edit* oops....wrong thread.
  10. Crazy filipinos.........
  11. sure, right, your friend. he wasn't flipping through a issue of glamour magazine was he? Glamour!!?? Heck no!! Victoria's Secret catalogues are the only thing I......er.....HE......reads in the bathroom. Though, I did see a missile for a 1/48 on the floor in there once. Yup....my "friend"'s one sick cat.
  12. Don't you hate it when somebody walks in on you while you're playing with......something......in the bathroom? Three words for you bro (my "friend" had it happen to him a lot)......LOCK THE DOOR!!!
  13. As long as you don't post anymore, you'll have nothing to worry about. You'll be a 69'er forever. Right.....no more posts for me. Gonna stay right where I am. *looks at posts number* DOH!!!
  14. Ouch.....I was gonna get a bike, too. Between this and the 1S reissue....that's 300 bones. Damn you Macross!!!! *edit* just noticed that's post #69 for me....can i just stay at that number?
  15. Don't think this one could pull that off....since it doesn't seem to HAVE any hands.
  16. Yeah.....so, you can be broke like the rest of us (misery loves company, as they say....).
  17. Yeah, bro....and I can see from the pic that you don't have your front landing gear all the way forward. Which is probably why your Alpha's chest is dragging. Doesn't give you much clearance....but, it does clear.
  18. Looks like the Shadow fighter is gonna be a fast seller (doesn't take a genius to see that), even if the problems are as bad as Toynami's history predicts they will be. For all those cats that buy toys to sell them later.....this is probably the one they'll be getting. Which'll probably make them even HARDER to come by once they sell out because these "collectors" are hoarding them to make a buck. More power to em, I guess. *Edit* Pics WOULD be nice, though. I'm kinda curious to see what it's lookin like. The Toynami site give you a tiny glimpse...but only shows the head.
  19. Personally, I'm kinda disappointed that it's only a reissue and not the grey variant. I dug the color scheme of the T.V. version (like the color on the Bandai reissues). I ordered it....but, I think I'll just wait and throw some GBP armor on it. Not as excited as I would have been if it were the grey version (probably since I already have a Roy 1S). Who knows....maybe I'll just leave it MISB (yeah....who am I kidding?)
  20. Make your girlfriend buy her own damn Jamba Juice.... Ha!!! YOU tell her, man.....the girl's Italian. Fugedaboudit!!! Not tryin to have her go Tony Soprano on MY ass. Now if you wanna sacrifice YOURS for the cause......I think I could live with that.
  21. Ha!!! Well....my son thinks I'm the coolest. Even though he keeps asking me when I'm going to get toys he can play with. He keeps asking me if i got a new toy....then he asks me "Can kids play with this one?" I just tell him "No, boy....." and give him another MPC to play with. I think I've got more toys than my son. What's up with that!!??
  22. Kevin.......you da man. I'd give you ALL my money for toys......if I didn't have to eat....and pay rent....and pay bills.....and take my girlfriend to jamba juice....and.....
  23. Also, I guess it depends on what you consider valuable. Some people say that time is money and a lot of these cats spend countless hours on their models getting them just right. Then again....I probably spend just as much time playing with my Macross toys. Oops....did I say that out loud!!??
  24. Yeah....I keep expecting to come home to an intervention....all my family and friends saying I'm outta control. Pretty soon I'm going to be trying to hock off single AA batteries to buy Macross stuff.
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