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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. I think the first thing you should do is take the valkyrie apart. You don't want to try and remedy the problem with the valkyrie fully intact. From the looks of it, it seems as if what you used had a bad chemical reaction that actually melted the parts in question. You might want to consider wet sanding the part with 1200 grit. Then, once the part seems somewhat smooth, polish it with a dremel tool and polishing attachment. Other than that, you either find replacement parts or paint it. Just remember when restoring a toy, it really is about patience. You must not rush the process of wanding as it will damage the parts further (loosing details and such). If you are coming to the Con, bring it with you and I'm more than sure I can help. Remember, patience is the key. NB4M
  2. That's pretty cute and funny. Still I would much rather eat Milia. (Don't even think about it, you perverts). Where did you find that?
  3. I wonder if this is how god works when he created woman??? Great job! Can't wait to see the finished sculpt.
  4. Hey guys, it looks like I will be making it to the Con after all. Only thing is I will be there after noon, or so. I really wasn't sure if I was going to make it but my wife waid to go ahead and just take the rest of the day off, she'll cover for me the reaminer of the day. The reason why I will be arriving at after noon is that I will be visiting my recently departed father. Paying my respects on "Father's Day". Solscud007, can you confirm the number of attendees to the Con? I am a professional cake decorator (part time) and would like to bring a cake that would be enough for all!!!! This will definitely be a custom cake I will be entering in the customs contest. Hope I can something, at least a congratulations or a door prize. If not, at least i will be able to meet fellow members of MW. See ya' there.
  5. If your looking to remove the white residue that is produced from using "Crazy" glue, then I think you might have to wet sand the area with 1200 or higher grit sand paper. After you are done sanding then you can use the polisher to smooth the surface even further and produce and nice smooth appearance. Beware, this only applies well the WHITE (and I mean WHITE, not off-white, not close to white, but WHITE) valkyries. If the valk is slightly yellowed then you will end up with an unsightly bright spot. Or unless, your looking to paint it the option is yours, restore or custom. Hope this helps. NB4M
  6. ...and here is the direct link. for the polishing tools.
  7. Nice Job!!! I like the three variations shown like that. All you need now is a Gerwalk/Valkyrie and you'll have the old imai kits that came with the four varaitions of the VF transformations. Except, yours will be much better. Now how about some close-ups??
  8. Have you ever tried using a polishing wheel attached to a Dremel?
  9. My condolences to you, NB4M. Well, I am not coming either since the flights I want are not there for the price I want but another problem propped up medical wise for me. Not to bring this thread down further... I would like to go and bring my Blue Angels 1/48 to enter. Hope to see the pictures when I am sitting in the hospital or at home. Thanks, everyone. Godzilla, I hope it's not too serious. Get better soon. NB4M
  10. I know this isn't lineart but it can help with the cockpit paint details.
  11. RW-1 The first post in this thread has a parts list scanned from the Yamato intruction manual.
  12. Hey don't knock this toy. It is actually pretty cool. It comes with FAST armour molded on to it. I have this exact same one. It was given to me as a gift, and yes for a transaction on e-bay.
  13. Jarowar, What on earth were you thinking???!!!??? You really should get RID of that monstrosity..... .......and send it my way. I swear I'll dispose of properly. Just kidding, looks good to me. Still, you do need larger pics.
  14. Jenius, YGPM. NB4M ***Whadda' you know...500 posts. Has it really been 500, already?
  15. Do you have any re-issues? Would you mind trying the taka arm armour on a re-issue?
  16. Jenius, Does the armor of the Taka VF-1S Super fit on the Bandai Re-issues? I wondering mainly about the arm armour. If you can, please post pics with Taka armour on a Re-issue. Thanks, Alex ***Or is the grey Fokker on the right a Re-issue?
  17. the power of a detolf! nice fockers, but where is the 1/55 chunky monkey? I think it's right underneath the MPC. See right underneath the MPC's feet, through the gals shelf.
  18. Well this article doesn't seem to apply to the U.S. Trekkie (collector or whathaveyou) as these studies are based on crime scenes in Canada. In the U.S. we mostly have artists. For Example: MJ, Nelly, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen (very borderline)...
  19. Thanks so much, I was going nuts trying to find pics of it. Do you happen to have pics of the 1/55 custom?
  20. Nice job. Cheap and very effective.
  21. How about this? Rosario Love Note: Prior to Daedelus attacking, the three protective barrier discs were used as a shield on the front of the Daedelus. The discs prevented any damaage to occur to the ship (arm, whatever) of the SDF-1 as it puched through the enemy vessel. Once the Daedelus had maximum reach, the discs were (either: set elsewhere) or removed to allow the D to open and have the destroids unleash their firepower within the enemy vessel.
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