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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. And people say nobody wants a knock off because they have no value. Pfft.
  2. Are you selling these?
  3. The breast fighter custom is pretty amazing.
  4. meh.
  5. Sorry to see these troubles continuing to occur. Try reaching out to the seller. You might be able to get a replacement.
  6. Can’t wait to see that pic. Post it when you can.
  7. That Tomahawk Destroid is awesome. The display is very creative.
  8. Yup. Time to buy Korea. And shake all the KO goodness out of it. What other countries have rare specimens to achieve?
  9. I wants me a LADY!!! Oh yeah. Bow chica bow wow.
  10. I often looked for information about Clover and could never find who actually manufactured it. I guessed Joons but could never confirm it. There is also another version of that same Clover box but the “Made for Clover Toys US”, logo, and brand are not printed on there and the title of the product is now Space Fighter.
  11. @tranjet awesome share. Thank you.
  12. Good Lord!!! There are so many to collect.
  13. Very cool find. Space Gandam box is a model kit and Space Fighter is for a fully built toy. Here is the 1/55 version of the multicolored Space Fighter.
  14. At 22K¥, Bandai is ensuring the death of this line before it even has a chance to flourish. Talk about stooooopeeeed!
  15. Now I am excited. Bandai, you deserve my money. Do a CF 0A.
  16. That’s pure parody gold. hahaha!
  17. There’s Macross somewhere in there. Not my pile. 😂
  18. For those who want the decal sets but not the kits. https://www.ebay.com/itm/144939298596?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eQq8BKGURZ2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=DYvEmawGRN-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I have bought set from this seller in the past and they work well.
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