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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. The color selected for this piece is beautiful. Wonderful job. Any chance of getting more angles?
  2. If all goes well with Yamato, they are more than welcome to do so. Originally, I had planned on making a few different VF-1D types, such as; Trainer, Virgin Road, and CF. But for the meantime, I will only say this will remain as a prototype should Yamato request it, upon agreed terms.
  3. That has been my idea from the start of the VT-1. The head design for the Ostrich is a bit extreme in the sense of moving parts and parts count. So far the number of parts required to make the head (and neck) work as designed is 14 parts, to date. Since the VT-1 is a bit more complex than the the VE-1, I started with the latter. All I need to do is finish Ostrich and borrow a few bits and begin the Elint.
  4. Answering stoooooopid questions like these. SUCKA!!!
  5. What's the estimated weight of this kit?
  6. Damn, now that's love for a man who loves a YF-21.
  7. It's not that "you're not feeling it as much," you're just cheap. Bastid
  8. Sweeeet, and they come with metal fastpacks!!
  9. The head split down the middle and then the lens will pop out. Keep your eye ono the eye. Next, remove the headlasers held in place with screws. The neck is self explanitory. Use a very sharp exacto to split it open. Go slow and steady. Just be very careful and have bandages handy. Good Luck.
  10. Just mocked everything up really quick. These are probably the last pics you'll be seeing for a while. I'll finish this and begin the next project. *The thrusters in the booster are just used as fillers. The backpack still needs the newly designed hinge. You can see how far back the backpack sits compare to the corrected position of the booster.
  11. Almost done.
  12. Use auto body filler. It works great and sets hard and solid as a rock.
  13. doh, dee, doh, dee, doh.
  14. la, de, de, da, de, da.
  15. Is SK standing (all pimp like) in the prototyping sector of Bandai? Awesome!! That's a serious valkyrie hangar.
  16. It's quite simple to dilute paints. At a ratio of 2:1, you would take, for example; 2oz of paint to 1oz of thinner (or whatever you wish to use as a paint thinner). You can sometimes eyeball the ratio, but if your doing a custom color use a dropper or a measuring cup (or jar). Or vice versa to use as a lighter coat. There really is no specific dilution formula, it's more of a preference that will set your standard for applying paints.
  17. Donation? I love donations. Just send them my way.... ...and thanks!
  18. It's a 1/72 provided by one of our resident wonders. Excellent job, HWR.
  19. Still waiting. But while they're taking their sweet time, I could be done with all the valkyries in my sig.
  20. These are basic parts. The really cool stuff is the design for the head and neck.
  21. ...and the beat goes on...
  22. It does but a new backpack hinge will be designed to utilize and set the the booster and backpack in the correct position as the lineart.
  23. You can get an idea of the profile if you look at my avatar. The 1D is done. The Ostrich will feature having the head tucked in during non-armoured fighter mode and a protruding head during Super fighter mode. Took me a while to figure it all out. All I need now is to complete the armour and minor details.
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