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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. Before you begin. Make sure the blue leg locks located above the heels are positioned as if the legs were to lock the legs together in fighter mode. If these parts are tucked away the recessing function will not allow the ankle to collapse. Pull the out the feet as far as the can go. Pivot the toe front to back and then push the heels in. It might take a couple of attempts as the parts are very tight. It works. Trust the process.
  2. Ravenous Bird Mode!
  3. I fear this gun won’t make it beyond ten years before it starts to fall apart in similarity to plastics used with gold accessory GI Joes. Sure hope to be wrong about this. Would rather have had it in grey plastic with gold paint. Sure the paint will wear but it might be more resilient over time.
  4. Whomever finished this figure did not collapse the ankles. Just spread the legs apart and work each ankle/foot into place. The parts are really tight out of the box. But in the end it fits nice and flush.
  5. I don’t know why, but this toothy grinned fighter-esque mode should be a thing. 😆
  6. Maybe they need to be pushed inward? Just a thought.
  7. Very cool find. It’s amazing how Yamato released this just before their license kicked in. I would have thought, seeing this kit out before an official release emblazoned with a Yamato name brand on the box could have jeopardized approval. It’s like saying to to the licensor, it doesn’t matter if you approve us or not, we did it anyway. And we’re selling it. Pretty bold.
  8. I feel for you @MechTech to have a life long buddy and see them just fall apart before your eyes is extremely heart wrenching. Yet, It is so wonderful to see how much you appreciated and enjoyed Shadow’s company, as well as Butters, throughout his lifetime. Hang in there, it takes time to heal as you will never miss him and just look back fondly on all the great times you guys had together. RIP Shadow.❤️
  9. Time to start working on the arms. They don’t quite match the overall changes made thus far.
  10. Not fully polished look but it does hold together on it’s own and the landing gear hold it up securely.
  11. Landing gear are secured and with plenty of room underneath for a gunpod. Pew pew!
  12. What an amazing set. It’s so impressive to see how many people there still are who greatly appreciate it and are willing to give so much time to complete it. Kudos.
  13. Comes apart and can be put together with ease.
  14. Changing the profile of the fighter to appear more aerodynamic. After. Before.
  15. The intake covers are nice and flush with new intakes roughed in. Chest can finally lock down in fighter mode. Will reshape the side profile just a bit to mesh everything from front to back together properly.
  16. @MechTech I figured as much. Not really in a huge rush to get this done. Just trying to incorporate ideas to this old mold to not only improve it but to create most every gimmick that has never been done e before. Plus it’s a great way to pass the time and get creative.
  17. I would use dish soap and mix with powder to pronounce details. It also serves well to create grease stains depending on the color of the powder. Best part is you apply it to your finished and sealed model. If you aren’t happy with the result, you can always remove it easily with a damp or dry cloth.
  18. Intake covers for the chest. I figured why not since new details will be created in these spaces.
  19. I’m currently leaning towards a SDFM VF-1S Hikaru and on the fence about making the Super Parts.
  20. Modifications to the chest, intakes, and hinge housing for the legs. I think the look is coming along nicely.
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